This is it!  BoredWrestlingFan’s WrestleMania week is in full swing, which kicked off with the WrestleMania 29 prediction podcast.  My contribution to WrestleMania week this year will be reviews of the first six WrestleMania events, which started Monday with 1985′s WrestleMania, and will finish up Saturday with a review of WrestleMania VI.  And don’t forget to tune in to BoredWrestlingFan Radio this Sunday at 2PM Eastern as I will be reporting LIVE from Met Life Stadium in East Rutherford, NJ, the site of WrestleMania XXIX!

Today, we’ll be taking a look at WrestleMania IV.  This one went nearly four hours and featured a tournament to determine the new WWF Champion after it was declared vacant by WWF President Jack Tunney.  Andre The Giant won the title in controversial fashion on an episode of The Main Event, and immediately sold it to “The Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase, who was immediately stripped of the title.  I don’t remember much at all about this particular show, other than it was so big they had to put it on two VHS tapes.  Now you can store the entire thing and watch it on devices smaller than VHS tapes.  Such as what I’m doing.  Tablet at one side, computer on the other.  Let’s roll!

The World Wrestling Federation.  What the world is watching.

“Mean Gene” Okerlund is in the ring, and welcomes everybody to WrestleMania IV, the greatest wrestling spectacular of all time.  He welcomes one of the greatest entertainers of all time, Gladys Knight!  She sings her rendition of “America The Beautiful,” which has become WrestleMania tradition by this point.  I think the first time after WrestleMania 2 that they didn’t do it was WrestleMania X-8, which is odd, since it was right after 9/11.  Gladys also sings “My Country Tis Of Thee” as part of her “America The Beautiful” performance.

There’s a trophy being brought to the ring as Gorilla Monsoon and Jesse Ventura run down the card.  Bob Uecker shows up, much to the chagrin of Ventura.

Howard Finkel introduces a battle royal to kick off the show.  The participants are The Hart Foundation, The Young Stallions, Sika, Dangerous Danny Davis, The Killer Bees, Bad News Brown, Sam Houston, The Rougeau Brothers, Ken Patera, Outlaw Ron Bass, Junkyard Dog, The Bolsheviks, Hillbilly Jim, King Harley Race, and George “The Animal” Steele.

20-man Battle Royal

This should be fun.  Steele is wandering around the outside as referees are trying to get him to get in the ring.  Who is Sam Houston, anyway?  He’s the first guy eliminated, that’s who.  Sika is gone as well.  Did a bit of research waiting for the next elimination (Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart), and found out that Sam Houston is the half brother of Jake “The Snake” Roberts.  Both Killer Bees are gone, and Ray Rougeau as well.  Ron Bass goes.  Even the commentators can’t keep up with this one.  Hillbilly Jim goes, as Bob Eucker says that was his pick.  Danny Davis goes, followed by Jim Powers.  George Steele seems to be gone, I no longer see him at ringside.  Nikolai Volkoff is gone, Ken Patera, and Boris Zukhov follow, the other Rougeau goes, Harley Race is gone, Paul Roma is next.  Bad News Brown and Bret Hart double team JYD.  He tries his best to fight them off, but the numbers game catches up with him.  They finally dump him over the top rope.  They celebrate together like they have both won the match, but Bad News Brown hits the Ghetto Blaster on Hart and starts to work him over.  Brown tosses Hart over the top and to the floor, picking up the victory.

Winner:  Bad News Brown

The trophy presented to Bad New Brown is taller than he is.  Bret Hart sneaks in from behind and dropkicks Brown out of the ring, then smashes the trophy.

Hall of Famer count:  10 (Okerlund, Monsoon, Ventura, Uecker, Finkel, Bret Hart, JYD, Nikolai Volkoff, Race, Steele)

Uecker takes off already, he says Vanna White is looking for him, so he’s going to find her.

Fink is explaining the rules of the WWF Championship Tournament, but the commentators are talking over him.  Here to read a special proclamation is Robin Leach.  I was going to transcribe it, but I’m being lazy.  Basically, there’s a tournament with 14 guys wrestling for the WWF Championship.  Leach proclaims the tournament to begin.

Hacksaw Jim Duggan is out first, and his opponent is “The Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase

“Hacksaw” Jim Duggan vs. “The Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase (w/ Andre The Giant & Virgil)

Well, talk about your difference in styles.  Duggan has the power advantage, and uses it, but DiBiase eventually uses his speed advantage to take control.  Duggan starts to battle back into it, but Andre trips him up, and DiBiase picks up the tainted victory.

Winner by pinfall:  Ted DiBiase

Mean Gene Okerlund is with Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake.  Gene looks down at Beefcake’s pants and says “Wow, what a package!”  I can’t make that up.  Beefcake says he’s going to beat Honky Tonk Man and Jimmy Hart and take the Intercontinental Championship.  Or something.

Dino Bravo is in the ring, seconded by Frenchy Martin.  “Superstar” Billy Graham seconds Don “The Rock” Muraco to the ring for this one.  The winner faces Ted DiBiase in the second round of the tournament.

Dino Bravo (w/ Frenchy Martin) vs. Don Muraco (w/ Superstar Billy Graham)

These are a couple of old school power guys, but they’ve also got some quickness to go along with that power.  This is actually a surprisingly fast paced match.  It’s back and forth here.  So this dude in the light blue trunks is the current WWE Champion and will face John Cena this Sunday?  Oops, wrong The Rock.  Muraco kicks out of a pin attempt, and both guys wind up clotheslining each other.  Bravo is to his feet first, but Muraco blocks his punch attempts.  Muraco hits a flying forearm, then tries for another one but catches the referee instead.  Bravo hits his side suplex, but the referee won’t count.  He calls for the bell.

Winner by disqualification:  “The Rock” Don Muraco

Bravo pulled the referee in the way of the flying forearm, that’s the cause of the DQ.

Hall of Famer count:  12 (adding Muraco and Graham)

Bob Uecker is backstage.  He says he found Vanna White, but first, he has to interview Jimmy Hart and The Honky Tonk Man.  Uecker says Beefcake cuts his hair, and expects Jimmy Hart to lose his hair shortly.  HTM says he doesn’t care if he has to backstroke up the Mississippi, he’s going to beat Beefcake.

In the ring is Greg “The Hammer” Valentine.  He’s awaiting the presence of his opponent, Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat, who is carrying his son to the ring.  Is that Richie?  NXT NXT NXT!  Looked it up on Wikipedia, it IS Richie Steamboat!

Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat vs. Greg “The Hammer” Valentine (w/ Jimmy Hart)

Man, nobody hit an armdrag like Ricky Steamboat.  It’s all Steamboat early on.  Hammer can’t even manage to get a second to breathe – he tries sidestepping Steamboat, but Steamboat skins the cat and dropkicks Valentine in the back.  Hammer finally manages to slow the pace and take control.  Steamboat lands on his feet during a Valentine backdrop attempt, and turns things back into his favor.  It’s back and forth from there.  The term “external occipital protuberance” is thrown around a few times in this match by Gorilla Monsoon.  Vintage Gorilla, if you will.  Valentine goes for the Figure Four, but Dragon kicks him off.  They exchange chops.  Steamboat wins that exchange, but can’t maintain the advantage.  Hammer goes for the Figure Four again, but again Steamboat avoids it.  This is actually a really good match.  Steamboat goes up top, and nails a karate chop from the top rope, but scores only a two count.  Steamboat rams Valentine’s head into the turnbuckle, and tosses the referee aside when he tries to admonish him.  Steamboat goes for a top rope cross body, but Valentine rolls through, hooks the tights, and picks up the win!

Winner by pinfall:  Greg “The Hammer” Valentine

We get a shot of Donald Trump sitting ringside.

Hall of Famer count:  16 (adding Steamboat, Valentine, Jimmy Hart, and 2013 inductee Donald Trump)

Okerlund is with The British Bulldogs, Matilda, and Koko B. Ware.  Matilda has apparently been through training to be a weasel dog.  Because they want her to hunt Bobby Heenan.  Let’s play a game real quick.  Dynamite Kid.  Davey Boy Smith.  Koko B. Ware.  Which one is a WWE Hall of Famer?  The answer to come later on.

“The Natural” Butch Reed is with Slick in the ring.  He’s facing Macho Man Randy Savage, who is accompanied by the lovely Elizabeth.

“Macho Man” Randy Savage (w/ Elizabeth) vs. “The Natural” Butch Reed (w/ Slick)

Savage apparently turned face at some point in the year between WrestleMania III and WrestleMania IV.  Should be a good one here.  Reed certainly has the power advantage.  The winner of this one will face Greg “The Hammer” Valentine in the second round.  It’s all Reed aside from a few flurries of offense by Savage.  Reed wastes some time climbing the ropes, Savage slams him from the top rope and nails the flying elbow for the victory!

Winner by pinfall:  “Macho Man” Randy Savage

Hall of Famer count: 16 (yes, really.)

Bob Uecker is excited that his picture is next to Vanna White’s in the WrestleMania program.  Bobby Heenan and the Islanders walk in.  Uecker says Heenan is in trouble with the British Bulldogs.  Uecker can’t seem to figure out that he needs to hold the microphone up to Bobby Heenan for him to talk.

Slick is still ringside, as he’s representing another guy in the tournament, the One Man Gang.  He’s facing Bam Bam Bigelow, who is seconded by Oliver Humperdink.

Bam Bam Bigelow (w/ Oliver Humperdink) vs. One Man Gang (w/ Slick)

If Mark Henry vs. Ryback happened 25 years ago, this is what it would look like.  I never really noticed how much OMG looks like my friend Kyle from the Noah’s Ark Show.  I wouldn’t want to mess with either one of these big bad dudes, with their tattooed heads.  Bam Bam is quick, man.  He still was in his later years.  It’s all Bam Bam, until Slick low bridges him by pulling down the top rope.  Bam Bam goes after Gang, but the bell rings.  I’m confused.

Winner by count-out:  One Man Gang

Ok, sure.

Hall of Famer count:  16 (Bigelow isn’t in?  Really?!?)

Okerlund is with Hulk Hogan.  Hogan says he’s been scarred for one year.  Tonight, he’s going to prove that he can beat Andre The Giant anywhere, anytime.  Hogan starts babbling about Donald Trump and…  I have no idea.

Oh, we’re getting a replay of the Bigelow deal.  Or, at least of Slick pulling down the top rope.  Whatever.  Rick Rude is on his way to the ring, along with Bobby “The Brain” Heenan.  Rude says he’d like to let all you little boys know that they’re taking the gamble of their life, letting their ladies see his ravishing body.  His opponent is Jake “The Snake” Roberts.  This should be awesome.

“Ravishing” Rick Rude (w/ Bobby “The Brain” Heenan) vs. Jake “The Snake” Roberts

The winner here will face One Man Gang in the second round.  This is definitely living up to my expectations.  They’re both solid wrestlers.  With mullets and mustaches.  Rude gains an advantage and starts to show off, as Heenan yells at him to stop wasting time.  Rude locks in the Aksana special in an effort to wear down Roberts.  He goes to the top rope and drops a knee to the face of The Snake.  Right back to the chinlock.  I could’ve done without the closeup of Rick Rude’s ass, thank you.  Roberts finally fights out of the chinlock and the pace begins to quicken.  Short-arm clothesline, but Rude avoids the DDT again.  The bell rings as Rude goes for a cover, and the match is a time-limit draw.

Time Limit Draw (One Man Gang gets 2nd Round Bye)

Hall of Famer count: 17 (adding Heenan)

Okerlund has found Vanna White.  She says she doesn’t know who Bob Uecker is.  She says she thinks Hulk is going to win his match with Andre.  She doesn’t like DiBiase.  She picks Savage over Valentine.

Hercules is in the ring along with Bobby Heenan, and The Ultimate Warrior makes his high energy entrance.

Ultimate Warrior vs. Hercules (w/ Bobby “The Brain” Heenan)

Power.  That’s what this one is.  It takes three clotheslines from Hercules to take down the Warrior.  Warrior seems to be the (slightly) more powerful of the two.  The match spills to the outside, and it’s a slugfest.  Back in the ring, the power struggle continues.  Hercules locks in the full nelson, but he can’t get his fingers locked.  Warrior kicks off of the top turnbuckle, and manages to cover Herc, and The Warrior picks up the victory!

Winner by pinfall:  Ultimate Warrior

Hercules assaults Warrior after the match, choking him out with his chain, but Warrior manages to get the chain away and swings it wildly over his head.

Hall of Famer count: 17

Sugar Ray Leonard is in the audience.  We get a history package of Hulk Hogan and Andre The Giant.

Andre is out first for their match, and he’s seconded by Ted DiBiase and Virgil.  Hogan takes his sweet ass time coming out.  We’re in the first chorus of “Real American” by time he comes through the curtain.  Then he stops halfway down the aisle.  Then he runs the rest of the way.

Andre The Giant (w/ Ted DiBiase & Virgil) vs. Hulk Hogan

Andre jumps Hogan as he gets into the ring, not even allowing him to take his shirt off.  Hogan starts to mount a comeback, and even gets a shot in on DiBiase.  Andre gets tied up in the ropes, and Hogan tears his shirt off, wasting time as the referee, DiBiase, and Virgil help Andre out of his predicament.  Hogan finally takes Andre down, then drops three elbows, but Andre then grabs Hogan and starts choking the life out of him.  Ventura points out that Andre has until 5 to stop choking Hogan.  Andre starts to wear down Hogan with a nerve hold.  Hogan fights his way out and starts throwing punches at the Giant.  Hogan says he’ll slam Andre, but Virgil distracts the referee as DiBiase hits Hogan with a chair.  Hogan gets the chair away from DiBiase, and then Andre and Hogan fight over it, then hit each other with it.  Hogan takes Andre down with a chairshot after the bell.  He chases DiBiase and Virgil up the aisle.  DiBiase sacrifices Virgil, who eats a suplex to the floor.  Hogan runs back to the ring, and bodyslams Andre again.  The official decision is a double DQ.

Double Disqualification

Hall of Famer count:  19 (adding Hogan & Andre)

Hogan does his hour long celebration that my Uncle used to hate.  Donald Trump seems to enjoy it.

Mean Gene is with Randy Savage and Elizabeth, who have changed their clothes since they were on earlier.  Savage says nobody ever beat Hogan.  He says nothing will stop him now, he’s going to take it all.

Don Muraco is out first for his match against Ted DiBiase.  Superstar Billy Graham has changed his outfit for the second round as well.

Ted DiBiase vs. Don “The Rock” Muraco (w/ Billy Graham)

Muraco wastes no time in going after DiBiase.  He hits a scoop slam, and he’s all over a disoriented DiBiase, who is without Virgil thanks to Hogan’s assault earlier.  DiBiase tries to catch a breather on the outside, where Graham threatened him with his cane.  Back in the ring, Muraco is back on offense, until DiBiase manages to pull Muraco head first into the turnbuckle.  It’s worth noting that because Hogan and Andre were both disqualified, the winner of this match goes straight to the finals.  DiBiase resorts to underhanded tactics – chokes, eye rakes, etc – but Muraco moves as DiBiase goes for a top rope move and takes control again.  DiBiase hits a hot shot and picks up the victory.  He’s now one win away from being the new WWF Champion.

Winner by pinfall:  Ted DiBiase

Bob Uecker is still looking for Vanna White.  He thinks maybe somebody kidnapped her.  Demolition walks in with Mr. Fuji, who say that Strike Force are going to go down.  Uecker makes a Halloween joke.

Back in the ring, Fink explains that One Man Gang will face the winner of this next match by virtue of his second round bye.

Greg “The Hammer” Valentine (w/ Jimmy Hart) vs. “Macho Man” Randy Savage

Orange trunks, yellow boots and knee pads.  The classic Randy Savage look that two of my four Savage action figures are based on (the other two are from his later long tights looks).  This should be a good one, two former Intercontinental Champions at work.  Valentine gets the early advantage, working over Savage with power moves and strikes.  Valentine goes for the figure four, but Savage grabs the ropes to avoid it.  Savage finally manages to turn the tide and pick up the pace.  He bodyslams Valentine, but Valentine gets up.  Savage hits the flying double axe handle, then chases Jimmy Hart off the apron  which gives Valentine a second to make his move, but Savage reverses a suplex.  Savage goes up top again, but this time, Valentine catches Savage coming down with another axe handle.  Savage misses another move, and Valentine goes for the figure four again, which Savage reverses into a small package, picking up the victory.  He’ll face One Man Gang in the third round!

Winner by pinfall:  “Macho Man” Randy Savage

Vanna White and Gene Okerlund are standing by, she still says she doesn’t know who Bob Uecker is.  Okerlund explains the current brackets.  He then compares himself and Vanna to Savage and Elizabeth.

Honky Tonk Man is on his way to the ring with Peggy Sue and Colonel Jimmy Hart to defend his Intercontinental Championship against Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake.

WWF Intercontinental Championship:  Honky Tonk Man (c) (w/ Col. Jimmy Hart & Peggy Sue) vs. Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake

I wonder if those are the same hedge clippers that Adrian Adonis brought to the ring last year.  Apparently, Peggy Sue is Sherry Martel in a wig and sunglasses.  Beefcake hits an atomic drop, then messes up HTM’s hair.  It’s all Beefcake early on.  HTM tries to get a breather, but Brutus pulls him back in by his hair.  Beefcake misses an elbow drop and HTM starts to stop away at him.  HTM sets up for Shake Rattle & Roll, but opts to continue to punish The Barber.  He finally goes for it but Beefcake grabs the rope and starts gaining momentum.  Beefcake gets the sleeper locked on.  The arm drops, but Jimmy Hart distracts the referee, then clobbers him in the back of the head with his megaphone.  Beefcake thinks he’s won the match, but he hasn’t.  He then signals that he’s going to cut HTM’s hair, but Hart grabs the back with his barber material in it.  He tries to run under the ring, but Beefcake catches him.  Beefcake starts to cut Hart’s hair on the outside of the ring.  HTM is still out inside the ring with Peggy Sue trying to wake him up, as two referees try to revive the official.  Peggy Sue pours water on HTM to wake him up, and three referees try to hold Beefcake back.  Beefcake is declared the winner by disqualification, but HTM is still the Champion.

Winner by disqualification:  Honky Tonk Man

Hall of Famer count:  18 (adding Sherri Martel)

Bob Uecker wants Vanna White, but gets Andre instead.  Andre says he was paid to keep Hogan out of the tournament, and he’s succeeded.  Hulkamania is over.  Andre chokes Uecker, which is an iconic WrestleMania moment in itself.

Bobby Heenan and The Islanders are on their way to the ring, Bobby is wearing a bite proof suit.  They’re taking on The British Bulldogs and Koko B. Ware.

Bobby “The Brain” Heenan & The Islanders vs. The British Bulldogs & Koko B. Ware

There are two Hall of Famers in this match.  I’ve already told you that Heenan is one, so we’re adding one more to the count after it’s over.  Have you guessed which one it is yet?  The dog goes after Heenan.  Dynamite Kid starts with Tama, whom he slingshots to the floor.  Whatever is on the tights of Koko was blurred out.  I have no idea what it is.  Anyways, Haku gets tagged in, and apparently Davey Boy Smith did too, and he scores a few near falls.  The Islanders take control with quick tags and keeping Davey Boy in their corner.  Koko gets the tag in, and his tights are still blurred out.  Now the faces are in control.  I looked it up, it says “WWF” on his tights.  Heenan gets a tag in, and he goes to work on Dynamite Kid, but as soon as Kid hits him, he tags out.  Things get crazy, as they usually do in these kind of matches.  The Islanders slam Heenan onto Koko, and Heenan picks up the victory for his team.  The Bulldogs take Matilda and have him chase Heenan out of the arena.  Ready for your trivia question answer?

Winners by pinfall:  Bobby Heenan & The Islanders

Hall of Famer count:  19 (adding Koko B Ware)

Jesse Ventura is introduced to the live audience and does a few poses.

Fink introduces Ted DiBiase and reminds us that he will be in the finals, facing the winner of the match between One Man Gang and Randy Savage.

One Man Gang (w/ Slick) vs. “Macho Man” Randy Savage (w/ Elizabeth)

What if Butch Reed beat Savage in the first round and then Valentine in the second round, who would Slick back in that one?  Savage and Liz have changed clothes again.  Savage pulls Gang by the beard.  Afterward though, it’s all OMG.  Savage starts to mount a comeback, quickening the pace, but he makes the mistake of trying the slam the much bigger Gang.  Slick stalks Elizabeth around the ring, and Gang misses a move, but as the referee is distracted by Elizabeth on the apron, Gang starts beating Savage with Slick’s cane.  He finally gets caught, and the referee disqualifies him.  Savage will face DiBiase in the finals!  Afterward, Savage hits a double axe handle on OMG, who falls on to Slick.

Winner by disqualification:  “Macho Man” Randy Savage

Okerlund is with Vanna White, both of them are excited about the Savage/DiBiase final.  Vanna has to head to ringside as Gene explains how we got to the final.  Bob Uecker runs in, but he just missed Vanna White.  He says he got letters from Vance White.  Okerlund tells him that’s the wrong person.

Demolition make their way to the ring with their manager, Master Fuji.  They’ll be facing Strike Force for the WWF Tag Team Championships.

WWF Tag Team Champions:  Strike Force (c) vs. Demolition (w/ Mr. Fuji)

It’s Smash and Rick Martel kicking things off.  I’m a HUGE Demolition mark, and my twitter buddy @RowdyRodimus is as well.  This match gets out of control early on, with Strike Force getting the upper hand.  Tito Santana gets a tag, and Strike Force winds up controlling the match with quick tags, keeping Ax in their corner.  Demolition take over, getting Santana trapped in their corner.  Tito finally hits Ax with a flying forearm to create some separation.  Martel gets the hot tag, hitting both members of Demolition with dropkicks.  He locks the Boston Crab on Smash, but the referee is distracted the entire time, which leads to Ax being able to hit Martel across the back with Fuji’s cane. Smash covers Martel, and the referee counts the three!  New Tag Team Champions!

Winners by pinfall and NEW WWF Tag Team Champions:  Demolition

Hall of Famer count:  21 (adding Fuji & Santana)

It’s time for our main event!  The presenter of the Championship will be Robin Leach, who brings the beautiful new belt down to the ring.  Yes, the Winged Eagle!  Uecker is brought out as the ring announcer, who finally gets to introduce Vanna White.  DiBiase is out first, along with Andre The Giant.  Savage and Liz have both have yet another different outfit on (though he’s back in the orange trunks and yellow boots combo).

WWF Championship:  “Macho Man” Randy Savage (w/ Elizabeth) vs. “The Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase (w/ Andre The Giant)

Andre trips up Savage early.  The fans chant for Hogan.  Savage starts to build momentum, but Andre trips Savage up again.  Savage sends DiBiase to the floor, but Andre gets in Savage’s way, preventing him from hitting the axe handle on DiBiase.  Savage sends Liz to the back as DiBiase starts taking over the match.  Liz comes back, but she’s not alone – she’s got Hogan in tow!  Hogan takes a seat in Savage’s corner.  Savage falls into Andre in the corner, and Hogan goes after Andre before he can do any damage.  DiBiase climbs to the top, but Savage catches him, tossing him to the canvas, but DiBiase moves out of the way of the flying elbow.  DiBiase locks in the Million Dollar Dream.  Andre prevents Savage from grabbing the ropes, and as the referee is admonishing him, Hogan hits DiBiase with a chair.  Savage goes to the top and nails the flying elbow, pinning DiBiase and picking up the victory, and the WWF Championship!

Winner and NEW WWF Champion:  “Macho Man” Randy Savage

Elizabeth is in tears as her man celebrates his WWF Championship win.  Hogan stays in the ring the entire time Savage is celebrating.  Savage puts Liz up on his shoulder, and Hogan hands her the WWF Championship.

That’s it.  No video package or still pictures or anything like that.  Just, “so long, everybody!”

ThinkSoJoE’s Thoughts: It actually took me a couple nights to get through this, which actually puts me behind schedule of when I wanted to get these done.  This was a long PPV.  Can’t say it was a bad show, but it was long, especially trying to review it.  I’m going to take an hour break right about now and then review WrestleMania V.  Thanks for joining us for WrestleMania week, and be sure to come back for the WrestleMania V review tomorrow at noon!

Post by thinksojoe

The founder of and it’s parent company, Fropac Entertainment, ThinkSoJoE has been a wrestling fan since he first saw WWF television in 1986 at the age of four. His first wrestling memory was Hulk Hogan on Saturday Night’s Main Event talking about getting King Kong Bundy in a cage at WrestleMania 2. Sixteen years later, he met Hulk Hogan on the eve of WrestleMania X-8. On December 9, 2013, he legitimately won a Slammy Award (Best Crowd of the Year). ThinkSoJoE currently hosts the weekly BWF Radio podcast.

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