Category Archive: Impact

  1. Late “Impact” Impressions 4/30/09

    Here are links to two good reviews of this week’s “Impact.”   Real life has gotten in the way of proper reviews lately, so this week, here are some thoughts to accompany the above reviews. Consider it a slight rip-off of our good buddy JT’s “Random Randomness,” except that all points apply to […]

  2. TNA “Lockdown” Review

    Apologies for the lateness. Yesterday was rough. Let’s pretend it’s still Sunday night, and cross the line! Pre-show: Eric Young vs. Danny Bonaduce Danny Bonaduce actually looked fairly legit and cool, although someone should point out that having a motorcycle with skull-themed artwork does not automatically make the motorcycle’s owner a man to be feared. […]

  3. “Impact” Impressions 4/9/09

    Better late than never, right? Right? Oh, just go with it, people! This past week’s “Impact” just so happened to fall on my birthday, which was pretty cool. What was not in the least bit cool was my lack of internet connection, preventing me from joining in the combination “Impact”/birthday thread, and getting a review […]

  4. “Impact” Impressions 3/19/09

    Sting… Whose Side is He On? After the opening pyro, Mike Tenay promises that we’ll be seeing all the fallout from the “Destination X” pay-per-view last Sunday night. Will Kurt Angle and Sting be able to coexist? And how will the Main Event Mafia react? Because that’s the only possible fallout from an entire ppv. […]

  5. “Destination X” 2009

    Before writing this review of “Destination X,” something has to be said. doesn’t get real-time reviews from me because I can’t write a review and try to enjoy the show at the same time. When I watch “Impact” and the TNA pay-per-views, I do sincerely try to get into them and enjoy something about […]

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