Category Archive: Impact

  1. Late “Genesis” Review

    Sorry for two very late reviews in a row, peoples. Rough week in the world of hour-long one-way commutes and junior high-land. In any case, “Genesis” wasn’t really the steaming pile of excrement that so many people claim it was, particularly in light of all the walking wounded and missing due to injury that the […]

  2. 2009 TNA Wish List

    (or “Ten Things I Don’t Want to Hate About You”) Rather than review the “Best of” show that aired on Spike TV, your Empress of “Impact” has decided to begin 2009 with a wish list for TNA. Many people have commented that this new year has to be better for TNA because it couldn’t possibly […]

  3. “Impact” Impressions 12/25/08

    Happy Christokwanzaakkah, everyone! Hopefully your plates were full, your stockings stuffed, and your wishes granted. To balance out all that holiday cheer, I invite you to embark with me upon the exercise in masochism that is reviewing “Impact.” No one wishes it were otherwise more than I, but the self-delusion only goes so far. Hoist […]

  4. “Final Resolution” Review and Thoughts

    Better late than never! Your Empress of “Impact” is here, largely because no one else will do it, to review TNA’s December pay-per-view offering, “Final Resolution.” Yes, I even paid for it. What do you want from me, I have my reasons. Or more precisely, my reason. 🙂 On paper, this show doesn’t look good. The […]

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