Category Archive: Other

  1. Jerry Lawler update

    On behalf of the crew here at BoredWrestlingFan, I’m pleased to share with you this good news that came out this morning. This is the latest from Brian Christopher Lawler:  “The CT scan of my dad’s brain came back good!  With his brain not receiving oxygen for as long as it did there was a […]

  2. New site from the BWF Crew:

    Hello, fellow Bored Wrestling Fans!  It is I, the founder of, ThinkSoJoE, here to tell you that we have expanded our online presence.  As of this morning, we’ve officially launched!  Members of the BWF Staff past and present will be posting on the site, including yours truly, G, and Legend Killer.  If you’re […]

  3. Happy Birthday, BoredWrestlingFan!

    Holy crap, has it really been four years?  Wow, it hasn’t felt like it.  I started this site with the intent of something to kill some time with, and it’s become that.  I couldn’t have imagined the site would grow to what it’s become. I couldn’t have done any of this without the great crew […]

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