Ladies and Gentlemen, please, could you bring your attention to me? It’s time for day FOUR of WrestleMania week, and the FOURTH of EIGHT WrestleMania reviews going up this week. Today, I bring you the first WrestleMania I watched with my wife, which was the start of a great tradition for us, WrestleMania 23! Let’s […]
The WWE held a press conference to hype up this Sunday’s WrestleMania 28. It just ended minutes ago, and can be watched in full on YouTube. Of course, if you’re not feeling like clicking links, just hit it up below. Fast forward to the 17:28 minute mark, smark. Up to that point, all you’ll get […]
Day three of WrestleMania week, and we’re rolling on here at! Throughout this week I will relive the past 7 WrestleMania events, starting with WrestleManias XX (which was posted Sunday) and continuing through WrestleMania XXVII (which will be posted this coming Sunday). So we’re heading to the Allstate Arena in Chicago, Illinois, heading to […]
WrestleMania week is in full swing here at, and this is part two of an eight part series. Throughout this week I will relive the past 8 WrestleMania events, starting with WrestleMania XX (which was posted yesterday) and continuing through WrestleMania XXVII (which will be posted on Sunday). So we’re heading to the Staples […]
Hi I’m Matt B. Wrestle and with us today is Bobby L. (Last name withheld to protect identity from Vince’s lawyers). Bobby has a special gift for psychic predictions and has been featured on that show A&E Psychic Kids. Why is he here? Well we want to use him to predict the Rock vs Cena […]
Why am I reviewing this infomercial? I don’t know. Why is Goliath (voice actor Keith David) from Disney’s animated show Gargoyles narrating it? You’ve got me. How did I travel into the future to watch this? I didn’t. It got leaked. I’m seriously considering buying this one… Spoilers ahead, sort of.
This is it! WrestleMania week is kicking off in a big way today with the BWF Radio WrestleMania 28 special earlier today, and this – the first of EIGHT days of WrestleMania reviews, starting right now with WrestleMania XX, and ending a week from today with WrestleMania XXVII, just prior to our WrestleMania pregame podcast. […]
The following is a repost of A Celebration of Professional Wrestling: Thank you!. We are about to kick things off again this year in celebration of WrestleMania 28, which occurs on April 1st, 2012… unless of course Vince McMahon is secretly planning on the biggest April Fool’s Day joke ever played on wrestling fans. This […]
We start the show with a replay of the pay per view where we watch Bobby Roode retain the World Title after infuriating Sting by spitting on him. This causes a hoopla the results in Sting swinging and missing Roode and yet hitting Jeff Hardy with the title belt. And being forced to count the three. […]