It’s been a long, long time since the last time I real-timed anything here on the site, but since I’m awake and finally watching ECW for the first time in a few weeks, I figured, why the hell not?  We’ve got some friends in attendance tonight in Knoxville, including WorldWrestlingInsanity’s RDLee, and the man who will be debuting here Thursday night with a WWE Superstars review, tharvey1, so we’re looking for an “AARON WOOD SUCKS” sign.

Show’s starting, so meet me on the other side of the jump!

Don’t question the heart of ECW!  The pyro goes off, and Josh Matthews welcomes us to the University of Tennessee.  Tonight, Finlay vs. Christian vs. Tommy Dreamer in the Elimination Chase.  But first…

John Morrison is ready for action, minus The Miz, who was disqualified in his match with RAW’s Kofi Kingtson and subsequently drafted to RAW last night.  His opponent this evening is the exciting, high-flying Evan Bourne!  Looks like I picked a good week to watch ECW!

John Morrison def. Evan Bourne

WWE is on this whole opposite camera side thing this week, which worries me, since I’ll be at RAW in a few weeks on the side across from where the camera usually is.  I know that’s got nothing to do with anything in this match, which is thusfar very exciting to watch, much like I’d expected it to be.  It’s a back and forth style match, with neither man really gaining a clear-cut advantage.  Bourne lands on his head, then catches a knee to the face, sending him out of the ring, and once again he lands on his head.  Morrison grabs the advantage by working on the neck of the high flyer, but the resilient Bourne battles back, only to get dropped by the Shaman of Sexy one more time before the…


John Morrison is in control of this match when we come back, wrenching away on the neck of Evan Bourne.  The crowd soon gets behind Bourne and he tries valiantly to fight back, but The Guru of Greatness will not relent on his offense.  Bourne finally causes some separation and starts building some momentum.  Morrison tries to fight off Bourne’s comeback, but the sheer athleticism of Bourne allows him to keep some steam behind his comeback attempt.  Morrison goes for a Moonlight Drive, but Bourne reverses it, knocking Morrison down with a knee and climbing the ropes – but Morrison hit a roundhouse kick, knocking Bourne off the top rope and hitting the Moonlight Drive for the victory!  What a match!

Matt Striker called this a match of the year candidate – he beat me to it.  Legend Killer got to real-time the awesome match between HBK and The Undertaker at WrestleMania, but I get a hell of a match between two of the young stars of the WWE.

ECW’s newest Superstar, Vladimir Kozlov, is looking to make an impact on his first night on the show, and he’s in action NEXT!


David Floridia is from Knoxville, TN, and he’s going to die.

Vladimir Kozlov def. David Floridia

I don’t need to call this one, do I?  You know what happens.  Kozlov wins in a matter of moments.

After the match, Kozlov grabs the microphone.  You know what he says?  Surprisingly, he does not say that he wants to be champion.  He says he’s dominated everywhere and ECW will be no different.

Hornswoggle and Finlay are warming up in the back, as later on tonight, Finlay is in the Triple Threat match to advance in the Elimination Chase for the ECW Championship.


Matt Striker and Josh Matthews are talking about Triple H and Randy Orton.  They shift gears pretty quickly though, talking about the WWE Supplemental Draft tomorrow, which I will be covering LIVE on BWF.

Paul Burchill and Katie Lea are concerned about the Supplemental Draft and discussing it with Tiffany, who tells them that she doesn’t want to break up a family, but they’re both eligible for the Supplemental Draft.  Jack Swagger comes in with an idea.  WWE Superstars debuts this Thursday, and on the very first show, he thinks we should have a Q& A session with him.  Tiffany tells him that she’s already decided that this Thursday on Superstars, we’ll have the finals in the Elimination Chase.  She encourages  him to keep the ideas coming.

Speaking of the Elimination Chase, Captain Charisma is on his way to the ring, and we’ll have the last qualifying match, right after this…


Christian’s been waiting in the ring since before the break for his opponents.  Tommy Dreamer and his generic Alice In Chains knockoff music break Christian’s solitary confinement in the squared circle, followed by Finlay and Hornswoggle, and we’re set for action!

Christian vs. Tommy Dreamer vs. Finlay

I haven’t been following ECW the last few weeks, but the goal here is apparently to not get pinned.  Whoever is pinned is the only one who does not go on to Superstars this Thursday to compete in the finals of this Elimination Challenge.  No man gains a clear advantage early on, and Christian diving off the top rope to the outside to nail both Dreamer and Finlay doesn’t help matters, though it does send us to a…


There’s still nobody who has gained a major advantage when we come back, though Finlay picks up a bit of momentum.  Dreamer steals the momentum away, and almost pinned both Finlay and Christian at the same time!  Christian and Finlay collide mid-ring and all three men are down.  Christian pulls himself up and climbs to the top rope, but Finlay catches him.  Dreamer gets Finlay tied to the Tree of Woe and superplexes Christian for a two count.  Tommy then hits the Tree of Woe dropkick on Finlay, but the Irishman recovers quickly, sending Dreamer from the ring.  He goes after Christian, who was playing possum, rolling up Finlay for a two.  Dreamer gets a two on Finlay off of the DDT, and then reverses a Killswitch, getting Christian tied up in the ropes in the process, as Dreamer gets a two on Finlay once again.  Finlay drops Dreamer with the Celtic Cross, and we’ve got our Elimination Chase final match for this Thursday on Superstars, Christian vs. Finlay.

My thoughts: Save for the Kozlov squash, the matches on this show were good quality matches.  Bourne and Morrison is definitely a MOTY candidate.  It probably won’t win, but it’s definitely in the running.  I need to get up and watch this show more often on Tuesday nights, it’s a quality wrestling program.  See you guys tomorrow at Noon for the Supplemental WWE Draft!

Post by thinksojoe

The founder of and it’s parent company, Fropac Entertainment, ThinkSoJoE has been a wrestling fan since he first saw WWF television in 1986 at the age of four. His first wrestling memory was Hulk Hogan on Saturday Night’s Main Event talking about getting King Kong Bundy in a cage at WrestleMania 2. Sixteen years later, he met Hulk Hogan on the eve of WrestleMania X-8. On December 9, 2013, he legitimately won a Slammy Award (Best Crowd of the Year). ThinkSoJoE currently hosts the weekly BWF Radio podcast.

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