Well folks, this may be the only real-time you get out of me this week.  That doesn’t mean that there’s not going to be SmackDown coverage on Friday night, it just means that it’s not going to be live, as my hometown Buffalo Sabres open their season.  Anywho, tonight, it’s going to be CM Punk and Kofi Kingston returning to ECW to team with Evan Bourne and Ricky Ortiz to take on Ted DiBiase, Cody Rhodes, The Miz, and John Morrison.

ECW on SciFi is on the air!

Finlay & Tommy Dreamer def. Mike Knox & Jack Swagger when Finlay pinned Knox.

Mark Henry def. Jamie Noble via pinfall.

Ted DiBiase, Cody Rhodes, The Miz & John Morrison def.  CM Punk, Kofi Kingston, Evan Bourne & Ricky Ortiz when Morrison pinned Punk.

Detailed results after the jump!

ECW is on the air, keep refreshing every few minutes for updates!

Hornswoggle’s music hits, and he’s on the way to the ring with his dad!  According to Tony Chimmel, Finlay is here for tag team action!  His tag team partner tonight is ECW Original, Tommy Dreamer.  We get a recap of the events of the last couple of weeks that allowed Jack Swagger to leave Dreamer lying in a heap in the middle of the ring.

Finlay & Tommy Dreamer def. Jack Swagger and Mike Knox

Finlay starts off with Mike Knox, with Finlay taking the early advantage.  Dreamer gets the tag, and continues the offense.  Even when Swagger tries to interfere, Dreamer manages to keep control.  At least, he did until he allowed himself to get frustrated and attack Swagger on the outside.  When he goes to get back into the ring, Knox has recovered enough to boot Dreamer off the apron and send him crashing to the floor and the rest of us into…


When we recover from Knox’s boot and come back from break, he’s got dreamer in a chinlock.  Dreamer tries to fight back, but Knox takes him back down.  He tags in Swagger, and they take Dreamer down with a double backdrop for a two count before locking in a chinlock of his own.  Dreamer again tries to fight back, but Swagger takes him down again.  Dreamer moves out of the way of a Swagger splash, but he can’t get to Finlay – at least not until Swagger tags in Knox and Knox misses a move of his own.  Finlay comes in and goes to work on Knox, hitting a Finlay Roll, getting two before Swagger breaks up the count.  Dreamer goes after Swagger, Hornswoggle hits a tadpole splash behind the referee’s back on Knox, and as the ref is getting Horny to leave the ring, Finlay blasts Knox with the shillelagh and gets the pin.

After the match, Dreamer dances with Hornswoggle and Finlay.  Apparently we’re celebrating 31 days of Halloween.  To prove it, Tiffany is dressed up in a devil costume.  She’s visited by a vampire-clad Teddy Long when Jamie Noble comes in and says “Trick or Treat.”  Long asks where his costume is.  Noble says he’s dressed as the greatest wrestler of all time.  Tiffany says he’s dressed as Shawn Michaels.  Noble corrects her, hitting on her in the process.  Mark Henry and Tony Atlas barge in and demand Matt Hardy.  Long says that he can’t give him Matt Hardy.  Noble gets in Henry’s face and tells him not to interrupt him when he’s with his “new woman.”  Tiffany encourages Noble, citing his statement that he’s the greatest wrestler of all time.  Henry says that if he doesn’t get Hardy tonight, he’ll take Noble as an appetizer.  Noble says to make it happen.  Long says it’s on, NEXT!

<COMMERCIAL BREAK>….  And a vingette for The Boogeyman!

Cyber Sunday is apparently the thanks we get for making SmackDown the highest rated show in MyNetworkTV history.  Thanks, WWE.  Really.

Mark Henry def. Jamie Noble

So let’s get this straight.  Noble lost to Santino Marella last night, and he’s going to try to beat Mark Henry?  Let’s see how he fares.  Noble starts off using his quickness to avoid the attack of the World’s Strongest Man.  That lasts for a second or so before Henry catches him and starts dominating like only he can.  He even flashes a smile while he’s doing it.  Noble moves out of the way of a Henry splash and starts going after the big man’s injured leg.  His offense doesn’t last long though before he’s clotheslined to the canvas.  Henry perches Noble on the top rope, and Noble fights back – but as he jumps from the top, Henry catches him and drops him with the World’s Strongest Slam.

After the match, Henry drops Noble with a second World’s Strongest Slam.  He goes for a third when Matt Hardy’s music hits.  He drops Noble with the move a third time before Matt could arrive though.  Hardy goes to work on Henry, and catches Atlas with a Twist of Fate before falling victim to the World’s Strongest Slam himself.  Henry, for good measure, hits not one, but two World’s Strongest Splashes on the ECW Champion before leaving the ring.


RAW Rebound:  Jericho is in charge, and made Batista wrestle JBL with himself as the special referee, William Regal as the guest timekeeper, and Randy Orton as guest commentator.  Batista still won, thanks to Mike Adamle, who sent in a new referee when Batista inadvertantly speared Jericho.  Oh yeah, and we get to choose the referee for Jericho’s defense against Batista.  Our choices are Randy Orton, Shawn Michaels, and “Stone Cold” Steve Austin.

Striker does a Stone Cold impersonation (a pretty good one at that.  They need him to do more impersonations, he’s good at them) before we see a replay of what happened to Matt Hardy moments ago.

CM Punk’s music hits and the former ECW Champion returns to SciFi, if only for one night.  His partners for the night are Evan Bourne, Ricky Ortiz, and, also making his return to SciFi for the night, Kofi Kingston.  They’re in action next!

WWE Rewind – Kofi Kingston loses to Ted DiBiase thanks to a distraction from Cody Rhodes.


Miz, Morrison, Ted DiBiase & Cody Rhodes def. CM Punk, Evan Bourne, Ricky Ortiz & Kofi Kingston

Bourne and Rhodes kick the match off, with Bourne getting early offense before tagging in Punk.  Rhodes turns the tide and manages to tag Morrison.  Punk battles back and gets the tag in to Ricky Ortiz, who keeps the momentum going for his team and tags in Bourne.  Things get crazy for a second, but it winds up with Team Punk standing tall in the ring and knocking Team Priceless to the floor and us into…


Rhodes is in control of the match, after Manu attacked Bourne during the break.  He gets the tag in to DiBiase, who maintains the offense before tagging in The Miz.  Miz and Morrison use their unique double team offense on Bourne, and Team Priceless does a great job of cutting the ring in half and making quick tags.  Gorilla Monsoon would be so proud.  Bourne finally causes some separation from The Miz, but Miz got to Morrison much quicker than Bourne could get to his corner.  Bourne finally does manage to get a tag in to the former World Heavyweight Champion CM Punk, who takes over.  All hell breaks loose, as per usual in multi-man tag matches.  Ortiz and Kingston both hit high flying moves over the top rope on The Miz and Rhodes, and Punk goes for a GTS on Morrison before being distracted by Manu, allowing interference from Ted DiBiase which leads to a Moonlight Drive from Morrison, picking up the victory for his team!

My Thoughts:

It was an episode of ECW.  Nothing really big came out of it other than Henry destroying Matt Hardy and Jamie Noble.  Meh.

Post by thinksojoe

The founder of BoredWrestlingFan.com and it’s parent company, Fropac Entertainment, ThinkSoJoE has been a wrestling fan since he first saw WWF television in 1986 at the age of four. His first wrestling memory was Hulk Hogan on Saturday Night’s Main Event talking about getting King Kong Bundy in a cage at WrestleMania 2. Sixteen years later, he met Hulk Hogan on the eve of WrestleMania X-8. On December 9, 2013, he legitimately won a Slammy Award (Best Crowd of the Year). ThinkSoJoE currently hosts the weekly BWF Radio podcast.

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