Here a brief look at this weeks ECW.

1.  Evan Bourne def Tyson Kidd-  Awesome back and forth match-up with some cool spots.  Finlay comes out and ruins it by hitting Kidd in the leg.  Bourne then hits the Shooting Star Press and gets the win.

2.  Jack Swagger comes out an complains that he was cheated out of the ECW title and call Tommy Dreamer fat.  Dreamer comes out and they fight.

3. RAW Rebound- ThinkSoJoE was there!

4.  To the back Zack Ryder introduces himself to Tiffany, and he has a match on Superstars this week.

5.  Koslov video, he’s tough.

6.  Koslov def some jobber names Jessie (not the guy form Jessie & Festus)-  Close your eyes an picture this match.  that’s how it went down.  Koslov then picks up the mic and says something in Russian and walks away.

7.  To the back- Gregory Helma interviews Mark Henry-  Henry says if he wants something, he’ll take it, and Christian was just another victim.

8.  Christian def Mark Henry via DQ-  Mark Henry hits his power moves, then once Christian gains control, Jack Swagger comes out and attacks Christian from behind.  Out comes Dreamer to make the save.  This brings out Tiffany who now makes this a tag team match.

9.  Jack Swagger & Mark Henry def  Tommy Dreamer & Christian-  Pretty good back and forth tag match, then Dreamer hits an exposed turnbuckle, Swagger hits him with his finishing move and gets the pin.  Swagger stands tall as we fade to black.

Good show overall!  WWE needs to do something with Kozlov though, him killing jobbers every week is boring.  Ok, that’s all for now thanks for reading, see you next time.


  1. 7. Oh, sure, Mark Henry1 Wait until Tazz is gone and THEN start stealing his line! It's because you know he'd eat your soul if he had stayed. You know it, I know it, the American people know it.

  2. Your welcome. Don't worry about iMPACT, I'm on the boards even though I don't really watch it.

  3. It's just me, isn't it? I'm the only one who actually watches it. Go on, say it, I can handle it.

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