Last week on ECW, Colin Delaney helped Armando Estrada win his ECW contract in a match against Tommy Dreamer, and was put into an Extreme Rules match with the Innovator of Violence this week for his troubles.  Also, The Miz and John Morrison insulted both Champion and his SummerSlam challenger, leading to a match being signed pitting Miz and Morrison against the unlikely team of ECW Champion Mark Henry and Matt Hardy.  Matt Striker and Todd Grisham called the action for the second straight week.

Results after the jump!

Tommy Dreamer def. Colin Delaney in an Extreme Rules match

Needless to say, Colin got his ass kicked.  He tried to make a comeback, but it was worthless.  Dreamer picked up the victory with a Dreamer DDT on the world’s smallest stop sign.

Backstage, Lena Yada interviews John Morrison and The Miz.  The former champions remind us that they don’t need championship belts to prove that they’re the best team in the world today – and team is the key word.  Mark Henry and Matt Hardy?  They don’t like each other, they’re not going to be able to work as a team.  Miz reminds us that in life, there are winners, and there are losers.  Be jealous!


Smackdown Rebound:  Psycho crazy heel Edge is AWESOME!

Last week, Evan Bourne pinned Bam Neely in tag team action.  Bam, despite having a concussion from being attacked by Edge last Friday night, has his chance for revenge.

Evan Bourne def. Bam Neely

It was a pretty decent match, considering that Bam Neely was involved.  Bourne hit a bunch of cool moves including a standing moonsault before hitting the Shooting Star Press for the victory.

Teddy long is hanging out with his assistant backstage when Armando Estrada shows up to get his ECW contract signed and to rub it in T-Lo’s face.  Long congratulates him and begrudgingly signs the contract.  He offers a toast, and informs Armando that he’s got his first official ECW match – he’ll be taking on Finlay.  And that match is NEXT!


Finlay def. Armando Estrada

Save for a couple of rear chinlocks by Estrada, this one was all Finlay.  As Mike Knox looked on from the stage, Finlay hit a Celtic Cross followed by Emerald Fusion for good measure to pick up the victory.

Afterward, Finlay challenges Knox to get in the ring, but Knox made his leave.


Backstage, Ricky Ortiz is offering Teddy Long an investment opportunity – he wants Teddy to front him the money to produce some Ricky Ortiz towels.  Long tells him that he’s still got to prove himself, and that he’ll have a match next week.  Tiffany has fun spinning around the towel.

WWE Slam of the Week:  Cena and Batista brawl as RAW goes off the air

Grisham and Striker run down the SummerSlam card

Matt Hardy and Mark Henry agree that they only want to be partners because they want to get at Miz and Morrison.  Henry tells Hardy that it’s not going to be one of those things where he says to stay out of his way – in fact, he wants Matt to get in his way.  He’ll run through him, just like he will at SummerSlam.


Matt Hardy & Mark Henry def. Miz and Morrison

Hardy and Henry argue over who gets to wrestle first.  Hardy steps out and allows the Champion the honors, and he takes it to the former WWE Tag Team Champions.  After Matt gets tagged in, he misses an elbow drop, giving Miz and Morrison control, albiet momentarily.  The match goes back and forth for a while before the hosts of the Dirt Sheet take over on the elder Hardy.  As Morrison goes for a superplex, Hardy turns it into a side effect off the top rope.  Henry wants a tag, but Hardy goes for a cover and gets the victory!

After the match, Henry attacks The Miz and Morrison, and the referee raises his hand in victory as he raises his ECW Championship above his head as Matt looks on from the corner.  Hardy and Atlas go over to Hardy and raise his hands, then out of nowhere, Henry hits the World’s Strongest Slam on his SummerSlam challenger.  Henry leaves Hardy lying in the ring as we go off the air.

My thoughts:

The show has certainly improved since those first couple of post-draft episodes.  They do a good job of showcasing their talet while also putting over the other two WWE shows.  This week they didn’t overdo the video packages, and it gave them more time to show off the matches and promote the few feuds they have going on.  Pretty decent episode of ECW – though I probably won’t be calling this the best show of the week in tonight’s Podcast.

Post by thinksojoe

The founder of and it’s parent company, Fropac Entertainment, ThinkSoJoE has been a wrestling fan since he first saw WWF television in 1986 at the age of four. His first wrestling memory was Hulk Hogan on Saturday Night’s Main Event talking about getting King Kong Bundy in a cage at WrestleMania 2. Sixteen years later, he met Hulk Hogan on the eve of WrestleMania X-8. On December 9, 2013, he legitimately won a Slammy Award (Best Crowd of the Year). ThinkSoJoE currently hosts the weekly BWF Radio podcast.

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