Welcome to the Divas edition of NXT. We’ve got six competitors for a change. One is a mystery as 6’9″ Aloisha is apparently out. Probably to green. We’ve also got our first non-wrestler pro, as Vickie is mentoring the mystery diva.

We have a new theme to go with the new video. New colors as well, as it shifts to purple heavy.

Cole says Matthews must be excited about the chance to learn how to be a diva.

Kelly Kelly introduces Naomi. She’s apparently very multi-talented.

The Bellas intro former ring announcer Jaimie Keyes.

Primo calls AJ a firecracker. She’s small but she’ll light you up and look so good.

Alicia Fox says Maxine is the meanest of the mean, she’s supposedly high class.

Goldust introduces Askana, declaring her the next “breakout star.” Rather than using the word diva.

Vickie comes out with her “Excuse me” rather than a theme. Cole says he loves Vickie. She talks about firing Aloisha. She says her new Diva is Kaitlyn.

The announcers talk about the divas personalities to much, like a dating video.

Kaitlyn is up first. She’s not the girl next door. She’s the one from TWO houses down. That time your mailbox blew up? Her. She gave you your first kiss, then a wedgie.

Askana is called up, but Vickie interrupts insisting she do it better. She mentions VIckie this time.

Askana says hello to Baltimore. She talks about herself in the third person. Her favorite colors? Black and Gold, like her pro.

She loves Double Double E according to Striker.

Maxine wants to know what Askana said? Maxine says she’s a triple threat.

AJ tells Maxine someone needs to hug her. AJ has been dreaming of this for 13 years. She wants to win the Women’s title, get her own action figure.

Jaime says she’s ready to step out from behind the mike and comete in the greatest entertainment in the world. She never gives less than 110%.

Naomi says hey. She thinks the WWE has been missing something. Her. She’s a fighter. But actions speak louder than words.

Next up is the first challenge.

I had a little computer glitch here and lost most of what I typed.

We had a diva’s dance off. Cole, Chimmel and Matthews all get to dance with two divas. Cole looks like a fool wearing legwarmers. Matthews slowed danced with Aksana and then did the robot with Kaitlin.

Out first match was a tag team affair. Kelly Kelly teams with Naomi against Alicia Fox and Maxine. Naomi shows off a lot of athleticism and looked very impressive. She gets a pin on Maxine, but with ALicia and Kelly trying to break it up and prevent it from being broken up there’s some confusion. Naomi ends up hitting a pot match suplex before the ref explains he did get the three.

Now we have a capture the flag race. Jamie is eliminated for not getting a flag after the first stages. AJ is next out. Then Aksana. Kaitlin. It comes down to Maxine and Naomi again and Naomi wins it.

After some filler we get a kook at Jaimie. She’s always been into fitness thanks to her mother. She also lifts weights. She was in nursing school before joining in WWE. She’s a fan of Trish Stratus.

Aksana and Goldust team up against Primo and AJ.

AJ’s bouncing up and down. We start with the proms. Armdrag. Rollup by Dust. Drop down uppercut.

AJ and Aksand comes in. Shoulderblock and a bodyslam. Legdrop. Hiptoss blocked and turned into a backbreaker. Bulldog off a body scissors. On the second attempt. It was botched the first time.

Vickie drags Kaitlin down to ringside. Primo gets on Vickie’s case for raining on AJ’s parade. She says Primo is used to lving with failure. Vickie orders Kaitlin to “sic her” but AJ rams Kaitlin into Vickie.

1 Comment

  1. This was not a good show..it could have been so much better..the show looked like an updated version of G.L.O.W. if anyone remembers that one..I feel bad for AJ..she is a good wrestler in a bad situation..so far..

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