Back for another installment of the Power Poll! There was some significant movement for some grapplers, and very little for others. Let’s get to it!

First of all, I figure I should explain how this works. This list is comprised of submitted votes by smarks representing their respective sites listed at the bottom of this article. While each poll is posted (generally) on the weekend, the last episode that is taken into consideration for voting is the episode of RAW on Monday the week in question. Therefore, the previous Friday Night Smackdown and TNA iMPACT programs, as well as all and indie promotions that occur within that time span.

Also, you might be reading this week and wondering how guys like Randy Orton, John Cena, Rey Mysterio, the Big Show or the palest Irish King Sheamus aren’t on it….

Charles Barkley @G: “It’s because those guys were turrible this week, right G?”

G @Charles Barkley: “Well… yes and no. It’s actually because they were less interesting to the many IWC contributors that constitute the demographic of the votes. AND, get out of the Power Poll, you only are allowed to appear on my iMPACT reviews where being there makes about as much sense as TNA’s booking…”

And if you disagree, feel free to rant about it below. This list was not comprised by myself, but happily encourage any discussion of why you think the ranking is wrong… if you choose not to, then we’ll never know. Nor, will we care.


Last week’s rankings are available here.



1. CM Punk: He continues to be one of the clear reasons I watch wrestling. Period. Awesome promos and with Nexus in and out of the ring. This week, we saw him cut numerous promo’s about “faith” foreshadowing the end of RAW where he “sacrificed” himself to someone else on our list… and the newest member of the new formation of Nexus. I voted for him at number one, thus proof democracy works… ahahhahahaha!

No… I have not forgotten.

2. Dolph Ziggler: Ziggler made a huge leap over the last week. Not only is he well represented over on Smackdown, he made an appearance on RAW in a match up with Randy Orton that was fairly good. As a character, he is becoming a dominant fixture in the WWE landscape.


3. Wade Barrett: Recently outcasted by Nexus, Wade showed up on Smackdown last week, joined by fellow former Nexus members Justin Gabriel and Heath Slater. With help from a new recruit in Ekzekial Jackson (a group that is called “The Core” according to this Friday’s show), the quartet dismantled the Big Show.


4. The Miz: Dude’s awesome, and in many ways came across as a face against the polarizing John Cena this week. I voted him far lower due to his limited action on RAW, but he still made the list. My thinking is that they let him utilize his microphone skills to give him a bit of a rest, allowing for other storyline development on the red show.

Look, there just aren’t that many funny pictures on the internet for this guy…

5. John Morrison: Morrison had a flash of brilliance with Daniel Bryan on RAW this week that was quite a tease. What a shame that in a very time limited matchup, one that was half lost due to a commercial break, we saw a program that could captivate. He was also featured in an excellent video highlight package displaying this master of parkour’s skill set.

You’d be pissed too considering….

6. Edge: Wow Edge! You dropped from 1st place, to 6th in a week! Why? I’m not sure. Edge topped off last week’s Smackdown with a highly entertaining rendition of “The Cutting Edge,” featuring and furthering his program with Dolph Ziggler. Dolph ranked higher, likely as result of his appearance on RAW. Nonetheless, I disagree with his dropping so low so quickly. Meh.

It’s a long way, to the top….

7. Daniel Bryan: Hell yeah, Daniel Bryan! As mentioned, the brief match with Morrison was a highlight of the week. Most of us smarky internet dirtsheet assholes know how good he is, and call it skewed democracy if you want…. Bryan will probably continue to make this list out of protest. Even with this garbage Bella Twins storyline in which they’ve made a bet as to who can “kiss” him first. And by kiss, I mean fuck.


8. Alberto Del Rio: Another gentleman who might as well be listed on both RAW and Smackdown’s rosters… not since Chris Jericho, have we seen such a dominant heel in this type of role. “Brand extension” you say? It means nothing to Del Rio whose cocky arrogance subversively suggests he goes where he pleases. I fully endorse Del Rio, but I’ve been on the bandwagon since his debut vignette.


9. Kofi Kingston: Kofi continues to quietly execute and find a spot in the Power Poll… and for good reason. He pretty much always delivers in the ring. No, he can’t really cut a promo to save his life (but I’d bet he gets better over time). As a worker, the guy is A-One. And as the I.C. Champion, I’d like to think he will hold the title for a nice long run.

Wait? What?

10. Mason Ryan: And, that aforementioned newest member of Nexus is Mason Ryan. Yes, he looks like Batista. But he brings that needed muscle to the faction. As a result, the group looks to be stronger, and more intimidating with his presence. After dropping Punk in his match with Cena, he swerved the audience (well some of them), and adopted the armband of the group. We’ll have to wait and see what happens to him.

Fallen Out of Top 10 From Last Week:
Sheamus, Mr. Anderson, Randy Orton

The Power Poll is a weekly top 10 ranking of wrestlers as voted by members of these wonderful sites:, Future Endeavors, Hit the Ropes, NoVaWPodcast, Oh My WrestleBlog, PIZZABODYSLAM, Pro Wrestling Ponderings, Ringside Rants, Smark Out Moment, Smarks Anonymous, The Superplex, Wonderpod-Online, The Wrestling Blog,,, Wrestling Nuggets and Wrestlespective. Follow the Power Poll voters on Twitter.
Interested In Becoming a Voter? Email

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