Power Poll for the Week Ending: 3/8/11
By G · · Leave a CommentThis week brings a slough of new competitors and grapplers to our online voting project, the Power Poll. Although an episode of iMPACT has already aired, and possibly one from Smackdown, keep in mind the date listed above. Last week didn’t include the win from Sting over on the TNA side of things, and “spoiler,” he somehow didn’t make it this week. However, a sneaky vote by myself (and likely others) vaulted an ROH/indie guy into a spot this week. And when I say “Boom” I don’t mean Kofi Kingston! Also, you won’t believe who is not on the list this week… read on smarks…. read on.
Note: The use of animated gifs will possibly take a minute or so to load in order to see the animations within.
1. “Stone Cold” Steve Austin (NR)
The theme of this week’s Power Poll seems to be pops for returning wrestlers. But, if that criteria rings true, NO ONE comes close to the return of the rattlesnake himself. SCSA interrupted the referee contract signing with Cole and JBL (of all people, awesome though)…. and signed off on the contract instead. One of these days I’m going to jump the guard rail and get myself on the card this way…
2. The Miz (1)
I jumped the gun and forgot to include the Miz in my votes this week, and after watching the end of RAW realized he would end up in a top spot regardless. The Miz tweeted that he was boycotting RAW, only to swerve the crowd as he showed up and destroyed John Cena both physically and orally this week. The Miz cut a great promo and ended the show by calling out the Rock. Plus, he’s still the champ… people seem to forget this with all the Cena/Rock stuff going on.
3. Colt Cabana (NR)
Colt won the NWA World Heavyweight Championship on March 6, at the NWA Championship Wrestling from Hollywood television taping. While known to WWE fans as Scotty Goldman, Colt “Boom Boom” Cabana is one of the most entertaining wrestlers not currently signed to either TNA or WWE. He deserves some recognition and love from the IWC in this Power Poll thing, and I am happy to report that I helped get him on our list this week. Check out his “Art of Wrestling” podcast for insightful and intriguing commentary on the world of wrestling.
4. Randy Orton (9)
Even after being beaten down by the Nexus and CM Punk backstage, Orton managed to eke out a win against David “Back to Developmental” Otunga. He also showed Otunga his shoe-size as close as possible to end his tenure with the faction. If you book someone other than Cena like Superman, the IWC takes notice.
5. Christian (NR)
Ahh… one of our returnees. Yes, Captain Charisma has been back for a while, but this was his first real bout. Odd that we see him in the list after taking a whooping from Brodus Clay… but he did pick up the win. Where Christian sits amidst the Del Rio/Edge program remains to be seen, however it is interesting that Edge did NOT come out to make the save post match as Del Rio worked over Christian. Potential for a triple threat match at Mania?
6. “Dashing” Cody Rhodes (8)
Rhodes these days has been fantastic with his build towards a WM match with Mysterio. His refreshed character brings natural heat with his cockiness and execution. The fact that he demasked Mysterio a little while ago has not been forgotten and this program continues to impress.
7. Dolph Ziggler (NR)
When you get fired from one television show, you show up on the other. That’s the way it works. Ziggler, and Vickie, both appeared on Monday’s RAW. While I think it would have been better to save this for post WrestleMania, there is no doubt Ziggler needed a change. It’s kind of a shame that Vickie is here as well, but this looks to set up some kind of intergender tag match for WM. What, no Money in the Bank? Boo!
8. John Cena (4)
After cutting another bland “hip hop” promo on the Rock (and devaluing his stock further in the eyes of older fans), Cena was beaten down by the Miz. Why he even made it this week blows my mind. No Del Rio, Punk, HHH, or Rock for that matter. I disagree with him even being on the list, but the fans have spoken. Although I will give him credit for his T-Shirt prop about bringing it via Satellite. That was funny.
9. The Undertaker (NR)
Taker has kept things on the brink of boil with his appearances over the last week. He doesn’t need to wrestle to build his program. We all know the most important thing about WM these days is “the streak.”
10. Edge (5)
Edge is barely holding onto his spot in the Poll, which is odd as he is the World Champion on Smackdown. It’s telling of the significance of the belts these days. However, Edge remains a consummate performer and that in itself is admirable.
These Losers Get No Animated Gifs as They Have Fallen Out of Top 10 From Last Week (actually I’m in total shock with pretty much all of them):
The Rock, Triple H, CM Punk, Alberto Del Rio, Jack Swagger
(last weeks standings)
The Power Poll is a weekly top 10 ranking of wrestlers as voted by members of these wonderful sites: BoredWrestlingFan.com, Future Endeavors, Hit the Ropes, NoVaWPodcast, Oh My WrestleBlog, PIZZABODYSLAM, Pro Wrestling Ponderings, Ringside Rants, Smark Out Moment, Smarks Anonymous, Wonderpod-Online, The Wrestling Blog, WrestlingAdikt.com, WrestleRage.com, Wrestling Nuggets and Wrestlespective. Follow the Power Poll voters on Twitter.
Interested In Becoming a Voter? Email DXDONMEGA@Gmail.com
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