Sigh, another week of results coming late. And an episode of Smackdown and iMPACT have already aired since the vote cutoff. That makes things confusing, because things happen on those shows that should be relevant to our ranking. But they’re not. Nonetheless, the stats remain semi-relevant.

No animated gifs this week, just the results. And this is in protest to the fact the results came so late. Ridiculous that the significance of Edge’s title relinquishment speech was part of the week in question, and these stats clearly do not reflect that fact. This is my beef with the project here, as it seems people voting are not on the same page as to which episodes they are supposed to be voting for. As a result, all comments (if any) will be smart ass and mean.

1. The Miz (2)
Whoop-dee-doo. Actually, I still love this guy.

2. John Cena (4)
Why? Why number two? What did he really do? BOO!

3. John Morrison (NR)
Got smoke blown up his ass, literally. But his beard prevailed, and he retook his initially slated place in the three way with his cold, cold shoulder.

4. Sin Cara (6)
Did not almost fall on his face after the trampoline entrance. The day he does, is the day the music died.

5. R-Truth (5)
Hey hey! Booed at the start, booed on the way out. THAT’S ILLEGAL! Loved him smoking on television… Justin Ruff pointed out the conspiracy theory behind the man who should just be called Kudos to the BWF’s JR for that one.

6. Randy Orton (NR)
I’m voting him most likely to be drafted to Smackdown, yet still show up on RAW weekly anyways.

7. CM Punk (NR)
Oh shit Randall Keith Orton, that team you punted off the show (sans Husky Harris) is back. And they’re going to… do nothing really. They’ve already been buried. CM Punk doesn’t need henchmen though, he’s that good.

8. Christian (8)
Got the push, let him run with it Vince. No sarcastic comments for Christian, as I am a Peep.

9. Alberto Del Rio (3)
The man who truly got the short end of the stick with the unexpected Edge retirement post-Mania. He should win the title to give Christian a chase, but that won’t happen. Why? Because Vince doesn’t see him as a champion. If we’re lucky Alberto wins, and Christian still gets the chase portion of a feud. Captain Charisma HAS what it takes to be champ, but that’s why he left for TNA the first time.

10. Dolph Ziggler (NR)
Hey! New haircut! And what we’ll do is put you in a match to debut it with a guy who looks ALMOST THE EXACT SAME as you to help that look stand out? Wait… what?

Fallen Out Of The Top 10 (and not only will get no animated gifs):
Edge, The Rock, Sheamus, Sting

WHY: If the people voting on this actually knew that they are to consider Smackdown as the START of the voting week, Edge should have been number one… or at LEAST on this list. Clearly this poll needs some clarification amongst it’s members. Or… maybe some house cleaning. Seriously, Don Mega does good work, I won’t knock the guy. But leaving him hanging so late in the week makes no sense to doing this poll. It SHOULD be current. I think a guy who has won more titles in the WWE than anyone, whose last segment handing down the belt with an amazing speech would be recognized. Yes. I am pissed. Sorry to be such a jerk about this… G out.

The Power Poll is a weekly top 10 ranking of wrestlers as voted by members of these wonderful sites:, Future Endeavors, Hit the Ropes, NoVaWPodcast, Oh My WrestleBlog, PIZZABODYSLAM, Pro Wrestling Ponderings, Ringside Rants, RingSideXcess, Smark Out Moment, Smarks Anonymous, Wonderpod-Online, The Wrestling Blog,,, Wrestling Nuggets and Wrestlespective. Follow the Power Poll voters on Twitter.
Interested In Becoming a Voter? Email


Two friends of mine are participating in, which is a fundraising project for NHL fans who follow the sports’ Stanley Cup tradition of growing out their beards for the entirety of their survival in the tournament. It represents aspects of superstition, and team sportsmanship as well. And for ThinkSoJoE and Rich Flynn of Bored Wrestling Fan, it’s about helping to give back to the community of their favorite hockey team, by also growing their own playoff beards and collect money via pledge. Both men represent the Buffalo Sabres hockey club. Here’s what they are raising money for:

The Buffalo Sabres Foundation has chosen to make its primary focus to (1) assist youth hockey initiatives, (2) support children’s health and wellness initiatives, specifically those that serve the underprivileged and handicapped, and (3) provide support to non-profit organizations that provide vital services to those in need in our community.

They are having a friendly little competition between themselves, ThinkSoJoE and Rich Flynn. They are both competing for the same charity, but against each other for fun. Regardless, ALL funds donated to either will go to the Buffalo Sabres Foundation! So everyone is a winner. Please consider donating to either (or both)!

Donate to ThinkSoJoE? Click Here. Donate to Rich Flynn? Click Here.

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