Well, as you guys may or may not know, Friday was both JT’s and my birthday.  That said, I missed SmackDown on TV this week.  Luckily, I never actually watch SmackDown on TV, so that’s not a problem.  I’ve get the show cued up and ready to go, so once again I’ll be giving quick thoughts on everything as we go along!

Hmm.  I’m a bit disappointed – usually I get to see the episode number and title, but this week it starts straight up with “Yessir, we promised you a great main event here tonight.”  Of course, I’m not supposed to get to see that, but I got used to it and enjoy starting my review with “Episode (Whatever): (Title).”  A quick search of TV.com says that this episode is titled “Golden Opportunity,” but the previous episodes have different titles than what TV.com lists them as.  Ah well.  On with the action!

Punk preaches personal perfection, then announces that he’s filed a formal complaint against Scott Armstrong.  Punk says straight edge is what’s up.  R-Truth asks “What’s Up” anyway.  He complains that Punk is impersonating a man.

CM Punk def. R-Truth

Punk grabs the ropes as he rolls up Truth and scores the victory.

Rey Mysterio is apparently one of the most beloved Superstars in WWE History.  Anybody agree with that statement?  I used to be a huge Mysterio fan, but that was ages ago.

Layla tells Mickie James to get lost – again.

Mickie gets an entrance.  Natalya does not.  Hmm.. I wonder what’s going to happen.  By the way, how ridiculous is it that Natalya gets an alternate attire in SmackDown vs. RAW and it’s Mickie’s?

Natalya def. Mickie James

Natalya not only gets a match – she actually wins!  Of course, Michelle McCool and Layla heading down the ramp and cutting up Mickie’s street clothes with scissors helped.

Hulk Hogan’s DVD comes out this Tuesday.  I told you we’d be seeing his name on WWE television despite the fact that he’s a part of TNA now.

Look at this tool

Look at this tool

Josh Matthews is here with John Morrison.  Morrison says that Dolph Ziggler is a nervous wreck, while Morrison thrives in pressure situations.

Drew McIntyre wants to know how much Finlay loves fighting him.

Drew McIntyre vs. Finlay

Matt Striker and Todd Grisham point out that McIntyre is supposedly hand picked by Mr. McMahon, which lends itself to the question, whatever happened to that Eric Escobar guy?  He showed up and beat up Matt Hardy a couple times, and I haven’t seen him since.  Anyways, this one degenerated into a brawl and apparently was ruled a no contest.

After the match, Finlay goes for the shillelagh, but McIntyre gets it away from him and knocks him cold with it.

Matt Striker presides over a contract signing between Rey Mysterio and Batista.  Batista signs first, followed by Rey Mysterio, and Batista asks Rey to sign a hold harmless agreement, meaning that nobody can sue Dave for anything he does to Mysterio at Survivor Series.  Mysterio refuses, and Batista calls him a coward.  Mysterio signs it, then turns the table over on Batista and bolts, leaving an angered Animal in the ring.

Dolph Ziggler vs. John Morrison

Another intense battle between these two.  This one ends when both men crash and burn from the top rope to the floor and are both counted out.

Beth Phoenix def. Lisa Taylor

Where are they finding all of these Diva jobbers?  And why do they all have to face Beth Phoenix?  Anyways, I digress, Beth destroys Lisa Taylor with ease.

Chris Jericho once again reiterates that The Undertaker is not a “dead” man, rather just a man.

Next week, it’s Morrison vs. Ziggler in a 2 out of 3 falls match for the Intercontinental Championship.

The Undertaker def. Chris Jericho

This was a hell of a match, and The Undertaker picked up the victory by reversing the Walls of Jericho into the Hell’s gate.

After the match, The Big Show attacked The Undertaker, and the Unified Tag Team Champions dominate – until Kane hits the ring.  Big Show takes off, and Jericho eats a big boot before bailing.  Backstage, Mr. McMahon is watching.  He calls Teddy Long and he asks him what he thinks of having JeriShow vs. The Brothers of Destruction next week.  Long approves, and Mr. McMahon reminds him he’s still on probation.  Kane sets off the pyro, and SmackDown fades to black.

Thoughts: Great show this week.  Looking forward to the Brothers of Destruction reuniting next week.

Post by thinksojoe

The founder of BoredWrestlingFan.com and it’s parent company, Fropac Entertainment, ThinkSoJoE has been a wrestling fan since he first saw WWF television in 1986 at the age of four. His first wrestling memory was Hulk Hogan on Saturday Night’s Main Event talking about getting King Kong Bundy in a cage at WrestleMania 2. Sixteen years later, he met Hulk Hogan on the eve of WrestleMania X-8. On December 9, 2013, he legitimately won a Slammy Award (Best Crowd of the Year). ThinkSoJoE currently hosts the weekly BWF Radio podcast.

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1 Comment

  1. I'm fully well sick of "Vince reminding Teddy that he's still on probation," though. If it were contributing something to what we saw, that would be different. I really don't think that it is.

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