Tag Archive: Atlanta Braves

  1. Random Randomness

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    Well it’s that time of year again where the countdown begins to mine and Joe’s birthday also known as Halloween.  So while the Halloween movie is being overplayed like the latest here today gone today music sensation, things still happen.  So without further ado, lets get this show on the road but this time I’m including some Halloween JT trivia facts: (more…)

  2. Random Randomness


    What’s up folks, it’s good to be back, well at least for a couple weeks anyway (my vacation is July 29-August 7).  So lets see what’s been happening in the world recently.  92 degrees in JTland here today so if anything sounds like it doesn’t make any sense, that’s why. (more…)

  3. Random Randomness

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    Alright welcome to what will be the last one of these foe a little bit so I can take some time off to move and get everything situated and then I should be back. And when I do, it’ll be the 2 year anniversary of this very article.  Do I have something planned for it?  Well you may just have to check back here every so often to find out. But now without further ado, lets get this show on the road: (more…)