Tag Archive: biscuits and gravy

  1. Getting back to normal – SmackDown 7/11/08

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    Despite matches featuring the WWE Champion, the US Champion, the WWE Tag Team Champions, and the two women who will be competing for the new Divas Championship at The Great American Bash, this show was completely centered around the relationship between the number one contender for the WWE Championship, Edge, and his former fiancee, SmackDown General Manager Vicki Guerrero.  Not that I’m complaining – I’m a huge Edgehead.  I just think the champions should’ve had some mic time or something, since, y’know, they are champions.  Oh well, whatever.  Not really much to this week’s show – not saying it wasn’t entertaining, there just wasn’t much to it.

    The review, after the jump.

  2. Edge’s week from hell: SmackDown 7/4/08

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    Not your typical Fourth of July WWE show.  Sure, they had red, white, and blue ropes.  Sure, there was a Fourth of July Fatal Four Way for the US title.  Sure they opened with a video package celebrating our nation’s independence.  It’s just that, there wasn’t a real party atmosphere last night on SmackDown, particularly for a certain World Championship-less Canadian.  Edge showed up late for work, and was in a really bad mood, which only grew worse by the end of the night.  The Rated R Superstar had the worst Monday of his life this past week, and felt like everybody was against him when he came to work on Friday.  Why is that?  I guess you’ll have to read my whole SmackDown review to find out!

    The whole review, after the jump.

  3. SmackDown! 6/21/08 – Maybe it’s not just Batista

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    Well, once again, I fell asleep during Friday Night SmackDown.  This week, Batista hadn’t even been on my TV yet when I fell asleep.  I actually dozed off during a match between the obscenely talented and underpushed Jamie Noble and that Russian guy, Vladimir Koslov.  Ironically, last night in my iMPACT review, I was impressed by another Russian wrestler, Alex Koslov (no relation, I’m sure).  Anyways, the show pretty much centered around La Familia and Vicki Guerrero’s abuse of power.  MVP kicked off the show saying that he’d be happy to go to another brand where they’ll utilize his talents properly, when he’s interrupted by Guerrero, who puts him in a match with Kane.  Chavo Guerrero was booted from ringside during a match between Matt Hardy and Bam Neeley, and referee Charles Robinson was forced to compete in a match against The Great Khali.  Edge offered to take care of Matt Hardy for Chavito next week, if Chavito took care of Batista tonight.

    A quick review and overall thoughts of the show, after the jump!

  4. Batista bores me on 6/13/08


    I’ll be honest.  I haven’t watched SmackDown in a little while, and as of right this second, I haven’t watched tonight’s episode either.  I’ve got it on my DVR, and am watching the show, so I’m going to do this a little differently than I’ve done with RAW, ECW, and iMPACT.  I’m going to sit here with the show on and pick make observations as we go along, starting with this one:  Why the hell is Vicki Guerrero still in a wheelchair?  Also, I can’t really tell if Vicki has huge heel heat, or if she’s got – with no offense to Shawn Waltman – “X-Pac heat.”  The fans absolutely hate her to the point where she hasn’t gotten through a segment in front of a live crowd in a long time without having to tell them to be quiet.  In any event, she added an amendment to Batista’s World Championship shot contract that says if he loses against The Great Khali tonight, not only will he not get a title shot at Night of Champions, but he’ll go the Undertaker route and be banished from WWE.  I wouldn’t be surprised if he wins tonight and that stipulation carries over to the title match.  Edge “retired” The Undertaker earlier in the month, and it would be huge for him to “retire” Batista later on this month.

    I’ll talk about the rest of the show, after the jump!