Impact had one of their Steal-A-Views on Sunday, and I’m told it sucked… hard, actually. Nothing notable happened outside of Heath Farley lost his title to Kurt Angle in part to Hulk Hogan tossing a steel chair into the ring while the referee was getting a pretzel from the concessions.
Coming hot off the heels as possibly the worst PPV of all time, TNA has some problems to deal with. First, Jeff Hardy screwed up again, showing up likely high as a kite and Sting refused to work with him. Second, they gave us a non-finish for the number one contender’s match between Mr. Anderson and RVD. Third, Some Internet Guy had possibly the best match on the card with AJ Styles. What in the hell? (more…)
Tonight’s Smackdown will feature four King of the Ring qualifying matches for the upcoming tournament on Monday Night RAW. It’s nice to see this tournament coming back, but first I have to suffer through Smackdown to see how the story unfolds. It’s also the fallout SD episode after Survivor Series. The outcome of the PPV was all status quo with title defences outside of Natalya’s Diva win.
At least I can post this random animated gif for you:
Well, after successfully predicting No Mercy earlier this month, I thought I’d give TNA predictions a shot. I don’t expect them to be super accurate, because you never can tell what these TNA bookers are going to do…
TNA Championship: Samoa Joe (C) vs. Sting
Joe is gonna kill you… With the “no rematch” stipulation added this past Thursday on iMPACT, I don’t really expect to see Sting winning this – Joe’s just not ready to be pushed out of the main event.
Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Jarrett (Special Enforcer Mick Foley)
I don’t think we’ll see Angle win unless Foley turns on Jarrett. Since he’s new on the scene, I don’t know if I see that happening – but at the same time, I can’t see why Foley would be on the side of the young guys in this whole “respect” thing. Unless something drastic happens though, I’m taking Jarrett in this one.
Monster’s Ball Match for the World Tag Team Titles: Beer Money Inc. (C) vs. LAX vs. Team 3D vs. Matt Morgan & Abyss
Quite frankly, I can see any of the four winning. I expect to see Beer Money get their asses handed to them, but somehow manage to retain their titles.
The Steel Asylum Match
Not sure who’s going to be in this match, but if they found somebody to replace Kaz in the role, I wouldn’t be surprised if Suicide debuts tonight and wins the match. If not, I’m not sure who would be in this match, let alone who might win.
TNA Knockouts Championship: Taylor Wilde (C) vs. Roxxi vs. Awesome Kong
Given recent events, where Taylor Wilde’s been feuding with The Beautiful People, and Roxxi’s been getting over on Kong, I’m going to give the nod, and JohnnyCraze if you’re reading this, remember that this is only a prediction, to Roxxi.
Christian Cage vs. AJ Styles vs. Booker T
I have no idea where they’re headed with this one. Let’s say Cage.
X-Division Championship: Shiek Abdul Bashir vs. Consequences Creed
I can’t stand the Bashir character. That said, he’ll probably retain.
I won’t be around for the PPV tonight, but if you’re watching it, enjoy!