Tag Archive: Bret Hart

  1. BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 77

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    Interesting GIF this week, G.

    The crew celebrate the site turning five the only way they know how – Cock talk!  Joe, Jorge, JT, and G talk about the week in wrestling and are joined via the social stream on Ustream by Rytman and the returning mysterious Mavenfan.  Raw is reviewed, Main Event is mentioned, Impact is investigated, and SmackDown is spoken about.  JT-G returns, and his vote for Rebecca Black’s “Friday” to be the break song is vetoed.  We find out Bret Hart’s thoughts on Owen not being in the WWE Hall of Fame, hear how James Storm is doing after his match at Slammiversary, and discover what caused Chris Sabin to bleed after Ultimate X.  Jeff and Karen Jarrett tweet their thoughts on Kurt Angle being the next inductee into the TNA Hall of Fame.  We discover what That Damn Double C would do with the Dolph Ziggler character if he were running things.  Scott Steiner wins the Dutch World Championship.  Mavenfan reveals himself to not be a him at all.  All this, and much, much more on BoredWrestlingFan Radio!

    BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 77 (MP3, 2:09:57)

    This week’s break song was “Download This Song” by MC Lars f/ Jaret Reddick.  Buy it here!

  2. BoredWrestlingFan Radio episode 75

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    BoredWrestlingFan Radio live moves to Ustream with Episode 75.  Jorge is absent, leaving Joe, G, and JT to their own devices.  Wrestling television, including WWE Extreme Rules, is talked about.  That Damn Double C chimes in on some of the news via infiltration of our internal documents.  The Daily Show reveals why G’s SmackDown reviews are always so… entertaining.  In the news, we find out what Sunny was up to during her time in jail.  We find out if there really are any political aspirations for Kane.  We tell you where you can watch Bret Hart Appreciation night after RAW.  We tell you what happened when Jerry “The King” Lawler returned to the ring after his heart attack.  Who is Suicide?  Where are the released NXT talents?  How is The Rock?  All this and much more on BoredWrestlingFan Radio!

    BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 75 (MP3, 1:57:34)

    This week’s break song is “Hard Rock Hallelujah” by Lordi.  Buy it here!

    Don’t want to wait for a podcast?  Catch BWF Radio LIVE every Sunday at 2PM Eastern on Ustream.

  3. Smackdown 09/07/12

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    We briefly see ADR and David Otunga (AAL) helping a neck-brace wearing Ricardo out of GM Booker T’s office. That’s right folks another law suit angle in professional Matlock… err…. L.A. Law… no that’s not it…. hmm…. Law and Order? Nah…. how about Kojak? Yeah, that’s the one. Savalas and shit.

    What’s up mother fucker? I’m bald. And dead. How do you like them apples……bitches?


  4. NXT 06/20/12: Full Sail University Season Debut!


    NXT has been relaunched, albeit not on television in the US. But I’m Canadian, so why should I care? I’m like Bret Hart, after all, a Calgarian… a heel in the States and a face EVERYWHERE else. But this isn’t about me, it’s about this new version of NXT, after all. I’m not even supposed to be here today, so let’s hop to it… shall we?

    Love it! It’s a reboot!


  5. BWF Radio 16

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    That’s right, we’re back, and more well produced than ever!  ThinkSoJoE, JT, and G discuss this week in professional wrestling, including the effectiveness of The Rock and John Cena’s promos leading up to their showdown at WrestleMania XXVIII, the Undertaker changing dates, A-Train’s rumored return, and much, much more.  Right click and save the link below to listen, and hit the jump for links to some of the links referenced in this week’s show

    BWF Radio Episode 16


  6. PatMan Picks Stampede Classics. Chris Benoit vs B.G Holliday

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    Welcome back to another classic encounter in Calgary’s rich past. This time around we will take a look at a young “cocky” wrestler by the name of B.G. Holliday as he takes on a young Chris Benoit. Holliday never became an international super star like Benoit did, he would never become multi time world champion in the major federations. However, he was a  talented grappler and had one important thing that many of the famous wrestler’s lacked in this promotion. He had absolutely great mic skills, he had the gift of gab. While legends such as Bret Hart, Chris Benoit & The Dynamite Kid may have been some of the greatest technical wrestlers of all time, most Stampede stars were not great on the microphone, especially early in their careers. And this is where  Holliday really shined. His mic skills, even at this early stage of his young wrestling career, were some of the best in the territory and he reminded me very much of Chris Jericho in both his wrestling and his mic skills. A cocky Jonathan Holliday quickly became “the man that fans loved to hate” in the territory. Interestingly, Holliday was involved in some of the “darker moments” of Stampedes history. This was a time when the promotions business side became less well run by its promoters and as a result wrestlers were leaving for bigger organizations with bigger wallets. There is a story that the Dynamite Kid, after returning from the WWF injured, broken and addicted to drugs,became  jealous of Holliday’s quick success in Calgary, wanted to run him out of town and bad mouth him in the industry. If this famous story was an exaggeration of real events I can not tell you, however there are great stories of a back ally fight in Calgary on electric avenue between the former British Bulldog and Holiday over drugs, jealousy, and pay days that needed to be settled. Other events are rumored to have taken place between the two, but as they are both unconfirmed and very illegal, I shall not get into them. Just realise that both men left Canada soon after, and it was not because they didn’t like the cold weather! Enjoy the match and I will return with another “ring- a ding-dong -dandy” next week!
    [youtube Ycz02-890V0]
  7. Patman Picks Stampede Classics. Stu Hart 80th B-day party. Scott Hall VS Owen Hart.

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    What is going on Wrestling fans? This time around Im going with a match that is both unique and special in the history of pro wrestling for 2 reasons.  For starters its a WWF title match taking place in Calgary, but its in an official Stampede Wrestling ring featuring one of Stampedes most popular wrestlers of all time. Thats pretty unique. Also, its the celebration of Stu Harts 80 Birthday, and as a consequence, wrestlers from around the world came to the event to both preform and also wish the legend a Happy 80th. This time around we will be enjoying Razor( Scott Hall) VS Owen Hart, for the intercontinental WWF championship. And this joint Stampede/WWF match is called of course by the legendary Ed Whalen, the voice of Stampede Wrestling for many decades. Worth noting at the beginning of the video Owen has a quick segment talking about his father, which is a very nice touch. Owen was playing the role of a heel at the time in the WWF. However, when in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, its pretty hard to have the crowd hate any former Stampede Wrestler as Vince McMahon would soon learn and capatialze on in the future with his Hart Foundation story-line. Also worth noting while watching the video is the top ring rope coming off and being quickly turned into a weapon. You will then notice a quick exit from the ring to draw the attention away from the rope being put back on. Finally worth noting is the “run in” by one of my least favorite wrestlers of all time. Here is a hint as to who he is ” I made a porn Movie with a Man/Woman and lived to tell about it”.  Also, if  these videos are getting your old school classic wrestling interests up, feel free to download our Stampede podcast .G and myself discuss all things Stampede wrestling including our run ins with the likes of Davey Boy Smith, Bad News Brown, Chris Benoit and Bret Hart when we were just kids!    http://wonderpodonline.com/?p=2533     See you all next time !

    [youtube -NviS1E0CF4]

  8. PatMan Picks Stampede Classics.First Televised Ladder Match? Bad News Brown vs Bret Hart.

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    Welcome back to another Stampede Wrestling classic encounter as we once again travel back in the pro wrestling time machine and return to Calgary, Alberta, Canada. This time around I have discovered what could very well be the first ever televised ladder match. The ladder match is of course a very popular event made very famous in the WWF. However unlike what some younger pro wrestling fans may think,Vincent Kennedy McMahon did not invent the ladder match. This type of match had been done long before it ever made its way to that big time federation. It was actually Stampede legend Bret Hart himself who suggested the ladder match type should be used in the WWF. So,when was the first ladder match, you ask? The first ever ladder match is up for some minor debate, but most “wrestling historians” strongly suggest that Dan Kroffat, way back in 1972 , invented the first ladder match in Stampede Wrestling. Kendo Nagasaki has also been mentioned, by some, as perhaps inventing the match around that same time but less confedently. In either case, no televised account of either match seems to exist but I do remain hopeful that there is some evidence of the first ladder match somewhere. I do, however, have one of the first ever internationally televised ladder matches. It involves Bert Hart and his opponent Bad News Allen ( Brown), two men who had been feuding for some time in the Stampede territory. Of course in the years to come they would continue this feud in the WWF. Enjoy this classic ladder match, possibly the first on TV, and I will return next time with more Stampede Wrestling classics! If you want more “PatMan picks” or you like video game podcasts, chech out www.wonderpodonline.com !

    [youtube bIda2Q8ghBM]

  9. PatMan Picks Stampede Wrestling Classics. The Bushwhackers VS Bret & Keith Hart.

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    Welcome yet again to another trip down Stampede Wrestlings historic and classic past. As Ed Whalen would perfectly put it, last week I had a “Malfunction at the junction”, but I am back this week for a ” Ring-A-Ding-Dong-Dandy!”. This time around lets have a look at tag team wrestling in the form of two very good teams. First up is “The Kiwis”, a tag team who became very famous later in the WWF under a new name “The Bushwhackers”. The Kiwis opponents on this particular night were two brothers who belong to one of the most famous families in the sports history, the Harts. This time around a young Bret teams up with his big brother Keith. Perhaps it was because he was older, or because he wanted to help his famous father run the family wrestling business, or maybe Vince just didn’t see the same potential in him, Keith Hart would not become a famous WWF champion as his little brothers Owen and Bret both did. That said, however, he was still a major force to be reckoned within the Stampede promotion and in my opinion could have made it just as big as his little brothers became worldwide. Although the Kiwis would become international wrestling stars in the future it was in Stampede that they really started to shine as a tag team. The extra time training in the famous dungeon along with the experience on the road across Canada gave the Kiwis their first ever tag team titles, right here in the Stampede promotion. Worth noting in this match, in classic Stampede Wrestling style, the referee turns a blind eye to most of the Kiwis heel tactics while preventing the hometown boys from making clean tags. Man, did those Stampede Wrestling Refs ever drive the fans crazy back in those days! Enjoy the tag team action and I will return again with more Stampede Wrestling classics next time!


    [youtube y7NzwI1WW4w]