Tag Archive: Champion Mark

  1. Smackdown: 09/30/11


    What’s up? Looks like I am reviewing Smackdown for the foreseeable future, which is a nice change of scenery for me. Granted, I still tune into Impact Wrestling, at times one feels like they are writing the same thing week in and week out. So I we shuffle the deck at the BWF, the subsequent result is anywhere these “reviews” appear will be for the Friday Night WWE B Show.

    That being said, we’ll see how I do with this official shift… No real sleep yesterday due to a fun case of food poisoning will mean I get to this episode quite tired…


  2. Smackdown: 09/23/11

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    Since my DVR selectively chose not to record Impact last night, I opted to give Smackdown a chance. Did it record? I hope so, but you wouldn’t be reading this sentence if it did not.

    Probably the biggest story, or strongest, is that Mark Henry won the title from Orton last Sunday. It took him fifteen years to do it, and he has no inclination to accept praise from the fans. They never rooted for him before, so why should he care now? Let’s see how this episode unfolds, shall we?

    Got my ducks in a row this week… I hope.


  3. ECW on DVR review: 12/30/08


    We’re ready for the last professional wrestling television broadcast of 2008 – ECW on SciFi for December 30th!  The only thing I know that’s going on tonight is a match between ECW Champion Matt Hardy, and the former champion Mark Henry.  Will Matt Hardy make it to his tag team match this Friday on SmackDown?  We’ll find out, tonight!

    Full results, after the jump! (more…)

  4. The Matt Hardy era begins! ECW 9/9/08

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    What will the new ECW Champion, Matt Hardy have to say now that he’s finally achieved his firs World Championship?  Speaking of which, what kind of mood does former champion Mark Henry have to be in after losing the title without being pinned this past Sunday at Unforgiven?  The answer to these questions and more, on ECW!

    Results and analysis after the jump! (more…)

  5. ECW on Sci-Fi, 8/12/08

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    Last week on ECW, Colin Delaney helped Armando Estrada win his ECW contract in a match against Tommy Dreamer, and was put into an Extreme Rules match with the Innovator of Violence this week for his troubles.  Also, The Miz and John Morrison insulted both Champion and his SummerSlam challenger, leading to a match being signed pitting Miz and Morrison against the unlikely team of ECW Champion Mark Henry and Matt Hardy.  Matt Striker and Todd Grisham called the action for the second straight week.

    Results after the jump! (more…)