Tag Archive: Chaperone

  1. Random Randomness


    Well here I am back on my usual time slot on Sunday, mostly because I didn’t feel like doing this yesterday, but it’s great to be back in my regular time slot.  Will this be a permanent thing, I don’t know just yet, but for right now does it really even matter as long as you get an article from me right.  Well since we lost an hour today, lets get this party started: (more…)

  2. Random Randomness


    As the wind blows and the snow falls down, I have to wonder, it was 60 degrees here yesterday, wtf?  Well I guess thats weather in JTland.  But as the race-car drivers get ready to drive in circles for hours on end and the NBA prepares for it’s all-star game, let us not forget that there is still a lot going on in this world we have here plus Screamfest is tonight: (more…)