Tag Archive: Dean Ambrose

  1. WWE RAW 2/17/14 – Go Home, Chamber, You’re Drunk

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    It’s the last stop on the road to the last ever Pay Per View us folks in the US will ever have to spend $54.95 on.  The WWE Network premieres next Monday, but let’s see what the WWE have in store for us before we get there, shall we?  Let’s roll!

    I watch 30 minutes.  I leave.  Then I have to sit through this show a week later.  Maybe next week I won’t have to watch it by nefarious means once I get to work.  Time will tell.


  2. WWE RAW 2/10/14 – Screw this main event!

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    If you haven’t heard by now, the main event for tonight’s Monday Night RAW was announced last week.  I refuse to watch it.  Which means I’m not reviewing it either.  In fact, there will be no mention of this match in this review.  The participants may be referred to if they do something outside of the match, but that’s it.  If you give a shit about said main event, it’s probably on WWE.com and you can go watch it there.  It’s not even the fact that I don’t care too much for the two guys actually wrestling in the match (though that’s part of it), it’s moreso the fact that this is the match that we were supposed to PAY for in both December and January.  It’s been done.  I’m done with it.  Fuck it.  Let’s go.

    I watch this show, and I often find myself questioning why, now moreso than ever.  What really is best for business?  Not listening to the fans?  I hope half the viewers changed the channel during the main event.  Read on.


  3. WWE RAW 1/20/14 – The Animal Is Back!

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    Usually, I watch 30 minutes of the show and have to leave for work.  This evening, however, I was home for the first 2:15 of RAW.  I wasn’t paying much attention though – I was too busy beating Jorge at a game called Cards Against Humanity.  So, I’ll do this review the same way I normally do, just out of necessity for content.  I just won’t be as surprised as I watch, because half the shit I already saw earlier.  Which is usually true of WWE shows lately.  Anyways, I digress.  Let’s go!

    I watch RAW.  I beat Jorge at depraved card games.  Then I come to work and review the show.
