Random Randomness
2 CommentsHow is everybody this week? Well as the world turns and the days get longer and we get closer to our inevitable end, I realized something. I have another article to write. Well without further ado, here it is: (more…)
How is everybody this week? Well as the world turns and the days get longer and we get closer to our inevitable end, I realized something. I have another article to write. Well without further ado, here it is: (more…)
Hey, my peeps! It’s time for another random Superstars review. I’ve been lazy lately and haven’t posted, so let’s get started.
Match 1: Shad Gaspard vs Goldust
Unfamiliar, generic music (kinda sounds like a hip-hop gospel music beat) hits and Stevie Ray…I mean Shad Gaspard comes out sporting some new Harlem Heat looking short trunks. Shad has the serious character going, but the look doesn’t quite fit. Shad pretty much dominates this match throughout, which is a good sign for him considering all of the releases yesterday. Another good sign for him and JTG is there strap match at Extreme Rules on Sunday. Goldust got in minimal offense in a quick spurt, but Shad picked up the win with the STO.
Video package showing NXT and their version of Rock em Sock em Robots. Skip Sheffield won this and his face was plastered all over WWE.com on Wednesday.
Match 2: Yoshi Tatsu vs Zack Ryder
With Kung Funaki released, Yoshi is now the resident Japanese guy in WWE. Ryder has dodged a bullet so far, but how long can he hang on to a job? I like the guy, but WWE writers don’t have anything for him minus the occasional Superstars match. I think a stable with him and the Dudebusters would be great. Yoshi wins with a Spinning Heel Kick from the top rope.
Main Event: Carlito w/Michael Tarver vs John Morrison
Carlito says despite being one of the few RAW superstars that actually made it to RAW this past week, he was disrespected and not put in a match. Out comes the Shaman of Sexy, the Friday Night Delight, the White Shadow John Morrison. Morrison is really getting a push on Smackdown…or so it seems. He had an outstanding match with Jack Swagger recently on Smackdown. Morrison gets the win with a Flying Chuck as Carlito was distracted by Michael Tarver.
See ya next week!
Welcome, welcome, welcome. When the big events come, they call in the big guns. The Howard Finkel of BWF, if you will. I’m back, for my first appearance since Jan 4th. See? What’d I say about Big Time events? With superstars like Bret ‘Hitman’ Hart, Shawn Michaels, Triple H and the Undertaker appearing, you’d think it was 1997. But, it’s 2010, and we are LIVE from Phoenix, Arizona.
Tune in, after the turn, for LIVE, unedited, uncensored, and Pro-HBK coverage of WrestleMania XXVI. Oh, and a quick note for Jack Korpela. Why do you have a job?
* LIVE from Spokane, WA
– Special Thanks to readers Adam Halverson and Brad Laird:
– Vicky and Chavo Guerrero begin the show in the ring in her wheel chair wearing the neck brace. The crowd is drowning them out as they are talking about Undertaker’s loss to the Big Show. Big show comes out and talks about beating taker, and a video is shown from No Mercy. Big show talks about facing Triple H, Vladimer comes ou saying he should get a shot. Big Show threatens him and Vladimer leaves.
– Brie Bella defeated Natalia (with Victoria) with help from Hornswoggle.
– R Truth interview with Funaki, we learn Funaki’s real name.. cut to Triple H texting – Hardy comes in says he wants winner of Triple H vs. Big Show.
– R Truth defeated Shelton Benjamin in a short non-title match.
– Jeff Hardy defeated MVP with a swanton bomb but Kozlov came out and delivers a head butt of doom on him then stands over Hardy.
– Special ring announcer Maria. Carlito and Primo Colon and Jesse and Festus defeated Curt Hawkins, Kurt Ryder, Kenny Dystrka and Ryan Braddock. Fetus with the flapjack for the win.
– The Great Khali vs. 3 jobbers. They aired a video about the Jackass encounter. Khali wins. Khali does kiss cam. He picks a bigger girl from the audience and asked her how much she weighed.
– Triple H brought back the kiss cam girl and brought her in the ring.
– Triple H vs. The Big Show ended in a no contest. Lights go out and taker shows battles show to the back. Kozlov comes down attacks and head butt of doom on Hunter. Jeff Hardy comes to make the save and they take out Kozlov. Hardy then delivers a twist of fate on Hunter.