Welcome, welcome, welcome. When the big events come, they call in the big guns. The Howard Finkel of BWF, if you will. I’m back, for my first appearance since Jan 4th. See? What’d I say about Big Time events? With superstars like Bret ‘Hitman’ Hart, Shawn Michaels, Triple H and the Undertaker appearing, you’d think it was 1997. But, it’s 2010, and we are LIVE from Phoenix, Arizona.

Tune in, after the turn, for LIVE, unedited, uncensored, and Pro-HBK coverage of WrestleMania XXVI. Oh, and a quick note for Jack Korpela. Why do you have a job?

In the Pre-Show I get here, we have Jack Korpela and Scott Stanford. I have no idea who Stanford is, and Korpela is the usual Pre-Show host for Pay-Per-View events in these parts. The Pre-Match was a Battle Royal, containing Superstars that do not have a match on the card. The participants were: Yoshi Tatsu, Mark Henry, Cryme Tyme, Goldust, Santino Marella, Primo, Funaki, Jimmy Yang, Slam Master J, Chris Masters , Kozlov, Finlay, William Regal, Luke Gallows, Carlito, Tyler Reks, Zach Ryder, Vance Archer, Mike Knox, Croft and Baretta, The Hart Dynasty and the Great Khali.

Yoshi Tatsu came out victorious.

In the words of Michael Buffer… Are You Ready? In the words of Triple H… I said, Are You Ready?

Welcome to WrestleMania XXVI, LIVE from the University of Phoenix Stadium, in Phoenix, Arizona. As some fighter jets fly by, Fantasia sings ‘America The Beautiful’. Fantasia? She looks nothing like Mickey Mouse.

The promo video for WrestleMania XXVI plays. Great video. Ah yes, good old Slim Jim, sponsoring another WWE Pay-Per-View. A touch of old school in that.

Michael Cole,Jerry ‘the King’ Lawler and Matt Striker provide commentary for the event. Sad to see J.R. not announce. Plus our good old Spanish buddies, Hugo and Savinovich and Carlos Cabrera.


ShoMiz (Big Show/The Miz) (c) vs. John Morrison/R-Truth

Two former World Champions and two future World Champions to start us off.

Romania get WrestleMania LIVE for the first time… Aren’t they poor in Romania?

I predict ShoMiz to retain, as Morrison and Miz start off. The challengers gain control, until Big Show gets the tag into the match. Show heads to the ropes, looking for a splash, but Morrison knocks him down with a spin kick from the apron. Miz and Morrison back in, as JohnBoy gains the advantage, but misses with Starship Pain, and Show pulls his partner out of the ring, then sends R-Truth to the ring post. Miz looks for the Skull Crushing Finale, but is countered by Morrison into a rollup for a near fall. Big Show makes a blind tag, and KO’s Morrison with that right hand, to gain the victory.

YOUR WINNERS: Big Show and the Miz (1-0 prediction)

The announcers plug the events of the week leading up to WrestleMania, including Fan Axxess, an Art Show, a Reading challenge and a Pro-Am golf tournament.

MATCH#2: Ted DiBiase vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Randy Orton

Cody’s music is very… generic. The crowd, and one particular friend of mine, goes nuts for Randy Orton. Orton to win here.

It looks to be 2-on-Orton at the early going, and RKO seems to be holding his own, sending Rhodes to the outside. But DiBiase soon gains control, and the Legacy beatdown begins. Is it just me, or does Cody Rhodes look skinnier than usual? The Randall beatdown continues, until a whip to the corner, triggers a fight back. This lasts all of five seconds, when a DiBiase clothesline knocks the Viper down. Here’s where the handicap aspect goes down, as a pinfall attempt by DiBiase, is broken up by Rhodes. Cody then goes for the pin himself, and DiBiase breaks it up. The two Legacy members start brawling, as Randy gets to his feet, and gains total momentum. Powerslam on DiBiase, Back Breaker to Rhodes. The crowd wants an RKO, but DiBiase grabs Orton’s legs, and sends him to the outside. Rhodes looks for an attack, but Orton moves, and Cody lands on Teddy.

DiBiase tries to enter the ring. Rhodes tries to enter the ring. Both are stopped by Randy, who hits his mid-rope DDT on both opponents at the same time. Ortn looks to RKO Rhodes, but backs away and hesitates. This leads to Randy Orton Scott Norwood-ing Cody’s head. DiBiase from behind, and locks in Dream Street, but Orton counters into the RKO, and gets the three.

YOUR WINNER: Randy Orton (2-0 Prediction)

WWE Superstars tell us to Don’t Try This At Home… They’re talking about Real-Timing WrestleMania

Josh Matthews builds it up like he’s interviewing Shawn Michaels, but instead it’s Vickie Guerrero and her team or two-dollar skanks. The twenty dollars is for Maryse. I expect change from the rest. Jillian Hall does her best Tina Turner, and everyone leaves, only for Santino Marella to arrive and plug Slim Jim, where anything can happen if you bite into one. He takes a bite, and Jillian turns into Mae Young. A second bite, and it’s ‘Mean’ Gene in a dress… a third bite, gets Santino Melina, and he seems happy. Happy with a Jack O’ Melina? Beggars can’t be choosers.


Kofi Kingston vs. MVP vs. Evan Bourne vs. Jack Swagger (in his best Kurt Angle get-up) vs. Shelton Benjamin (the only man to compete in every MITB match so far) vs. Matt Hardy vs. Dolph Ziggler (wait, Mark Wahlberg’s in this match?) vs. Intercontinental Champion Drew McIntyre (coming out to Ziggler’s music for some reason) vs. Kane (I wish the lights would go out for Kane’s entrance again) vs. Christian (Has competed in three different types of Ladder matches at WrestleMania. Triangle Ladder, TLC, MITBx3)

My prediction… Christian. Why not?

This match has the potential to be one big clusterfuck, with all these people in the ring.

McIntyre goes a-climbing, only to be sent off by Hardy. Everyone tries to climb the ladder, and it ends with Kane giving Bourne a chokeslam, and Kingston knocking Hardy and Swagger off the ladder. Christian starts to climb, but it’s Ziggler who sends him off. Dolph Lundgren starts to climb, but MVP stops that.MVP, Shelton and Kofi try to take out Kane with the ladder, but it’s an MVP Big Boot that does the job. Shelton his PayDirt on MVP, and sends Kofi out, leaving him as the only one in the ring. Swagger pokes him off a ladder, with another ladder. Bourne comes flying at Swagger, as Christian and Hardy sandwich Swagger between one ladder, with two other ladders, as three men start to climb. Christian looks to deliver the Unprettier to Bourne, but Evan counters, and hits Air Bourne on Christian.

Bourne and Hardy now on the ladder. Matt hip tosses Evan off the top, and Swagger joins Hardy. The All-American American back drops the Hardy over one ladder, and onto another one, as Swagger crashes into a ladder as well. MVP and Shelton in the ring now. MVP looks for a Powerbomb, but Benjamin hurricanrana’s MVP over the top rope. Kane now the only man standing, but Ziggler climbs over Kane, to try and get the briefcase, but that doesnt work. Kane takes down Kofi, who tries to enter with a ladder. Then plays Pac-Man with the ladder, with Ziggler as the Pac-Dot. Kingston enters the ring, and hits Trouble In Paradise on Kane, as he picks up the now un-hinged ladder, and uses them as stilts, to climb up. McIntyre comes in, and ruins Kofi’s fun, as he sets up a ladder. Drew gets close, but Matt stops him. Hardy pushes the ladder over, and McIntyre wishbones himself on the top rope.

Matt Hardy goes up, but Kane has another ladder, and Christian uses it to climb up to Hardy’s ladder. Matt and Christian on one side of the two ladders, and Kane on the other. They send the Big Red Machine down, and brawl themselves, with Hardy connecting a Twist Of Fate on Christian off the ladder, and onto the floor. Christian however, is back up, and Swagger tries to stop him. He does this by sending the briefcase into Christian’s face, and after several seconds of trying to unhook it, he finally does meaning Swagger wins.

YOUR WINNER: Jack Swagger (2-1 Prediction)

A promo for the next Pay-Per-View event, Extreme Rules is shown.

Jerry Lawler wants Betty Wagner, Gorgeous George’s wife. She’s way too old for him.

A replay of the Hall Of Fame ceremony is shown. When Ted DiBiase let’s money rain, all is good. But when Pacman Jones does it, he gets in trouble?

Howard ‘the Fink’ Finkel introduces the Hall Of Fame class of 2010. The Hart Family (accepting for Stu Hart), Wendi Richter, Mad Dog Vachon, Antonio Inoki, Betty Wagner (representing Gorgeous George) and ‘Million Dollar Man’ Ted DiBiase

Kevin Rudolf’s ‘I Made It’ is one of the songs for WMXXVI.

A promo video for Sheamus/Triple H plays.

MATCH#4: Sheamus vs. Triple H

The commentators say that no-one has had a first year like Sheamus. Umm… did they forget Kurt Angle’s first year?

Trips gets the typical Trips pop. The entrance gets a huge pop, everything else, not so much.

My prediction… I cannot pick against Triple H. I just cannot, it’s not in my blood to pick against him.

Sheamus with nowhere near enough baby oil on, versus Triple H, the man with way too much baby oil on. The Game tries to catch Sheamus off guard with a Pedigree, but Sheamus is able to escape. Hunter with a suplex, followed by a crotch chop and a knee, bringing him a near fall. Helmsley with a chop block, which leads into the Figure Four Leg Lock, but it’s too close to the ropes, and Sheamus is able to get there without too much hassle. Sheamus rolls to the outside, and baits Hunter, sending the Game into the steps. This allows Sheamus to gain control, with an elbow, followed by a backbreaker… actually, make that two. The Celtic Warrior with knees to the head of the game, and takes control.

Triple H tries to fight back, but Sheamus connects with an Ax Handle, and gets a near fall. Sheamus with several punches to the head, and it brings another near fall. The Irishman connects with a PowerSlam, and a third near fall, before applying an arm lock, then switching to a Sleeper hold. HHH counters the hold into a back drop, and the sides look even once again. Helmsley with a few kicks in the corner, then counters Sheamus into a DDT. Hunter with punches, but ducks the head. Sheamus looks to counter, but he runs into a High Knee. Trips with a Facebuster, bringing him a near fall. The Game looks for the Pedigree, and Sheamus counters, so Helmsley counters a Sheamus attack into a neck breaker for a near fall.

Trips with punches in the corner, but Sheamus counters into the Razor’s Edghe, but Hunter counters into a Pedigree, and Sheamus counters that into the Big Boot, and Helmsley kicks out!! Sheamus channels Razor Ramon again, but HHH counters into a SpineBuster for a near fall. Sheamus connects with two boots to the head of the Game, and Sheamus thinks he has control, but The Game is playing possum, and hits the Pedigree for the victory.

YOUR WINNER: Triple H (3-1 Prediction)

Helmsley gets an ovation from the crowd, and an Edge Slim Jim commercial plays.

A promo video for CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio

MATCH#5: CM Punk w/Straight Edge Society (Luke Gallows/Serena) vs. Rey Mysterio

If Rey Mysterio loses, he must join the Straight Edge Society.

Rey wins, he isn’t joining the SES.

Punk cuts another golden promo, saying the 70,000+ in attendance take hallucinogenic drugs, and think that Rey Mysterio is a super hero.

Rey Rey takes a moment to enter, and his attire makes him look like he has a beak.

Mysterio heads up top, but Punk sends him in the Tree Of Woe. Punk looks for a baseball slide, but Mysterio moves up, and Punk wishbones himself on the tunbuckle post. Rey looks to jump on Punk from the apron, but CM Punk sends him to the ring steps instead. Punk with an assault, bringing a near fall, before applying a rest hold. Mysterio counters, nailing a seated senton, but Punk counters the Cross Body, and gets a two count. Punk goes for a Sunset Flip, but Mysterio rolls out and goes for a kick, but Punk ducks and goes for a roll-up and gets a near fall.

CM Punk goes for several pin attempts, and Mysterio kicks out of each one. Rey Rey gets a Springboard attack in out of nowhere, and Punk barely kicks out. Mysterio looks for 619, but Punk grabs him and goes for the GTS. Mysterio tries to escape, only for Punk to go for it again. Rey blocks a second time, and heads up top to channel Eddie Guerrero. Mysterio misses with the Frog Splash, and it leads to a near fall by Punk. CM Punk with a high knee in the corner, and then looks to attack, but Rey counters into an Arm Drag, setting Punk up for the 619. Serena gets in the way and stops the move. Gallows gets up on the other side, distracting Rey Rey, and Punk looks for the GTS. Mysterio counters with a Hurracanrana, and Punk crashes into Gallows, sending him flying, and allowing Mysterio to hit the 619 on Punk, and get the fall.

YOUR WINNER: Rey Mysterio (4-1 predcition)

We go straight to the promo video for Hart/McMahon.


Vince McMahon vs. Bret ‘Hitman’ Hart

I wonder who’s gonna win… Bret. Easily.

Hart’s last two WM Matches, was the epic Submission match against Steve Austin at WrestleMania 13, and the Iron Man match against Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania XII. No pressure or anything, Hitman.

Enter the McMahon. Vince McMahon. Notice how I didn’t write Mr. McMahon? That’s because I don’t want to. Vinnie Mac is on the mic. Vince says that Bret deserves a WrestleMania-sized screwing. Vinnie bought himself some Lumberjacks. The Hart Dynasty? The entire Hart family are now Lumberjacks for this match. I think Vince has spent his money a little too rashly. Striker loves this, Cole does not.Bruce Hart is Special Referee for this one.

Bret wonders if they all agreed to help Vince screw Bret. Bret Hart sees a double cross. Bret Hart knows a double cross. The Harts rang Bret and told him what was going on. The match finally begins.

Hart with right hands, before raking Vince against the ropes. Hitman stomps a mudhole in Vince in the corner, and McMahon rolls outside, right to the Hart Dynasty, who continue the beatdown on the outside.

“Best luck in your future endeavors, Natalya” – Matt Striker

DH and Tyson Kidd connect with the Hart Attack on the outside, with Kidd flying off the top rope. Bret now has Vince back in the ring, and the Hitman works on the leg of the Chairman. Vince tries to escape under the ring, but that doesn’t work, as the LumberHarts send Vinnie Mac back into the ring. Vince tries to strike Hart with a crowbar, but it ends up backfiring, as Bret introduces Vince to it. This match is as slow as I expected, as the Hitman looks to apply the Sharpshooter, but instead, Bret grabs the crowbar off of Tyson Kidd, and continues the attack.

Vince begs for mercy, as Bret teases the Sharpshooter again, before delivering a Low Blow. Hart lays the boots into Vince, as DH Smith hands the Hitman a chair. He decides to sit down, and take a time out, and let Vince get to his feet. Bret uses the chair, and full-on creams Vince with the chair, on two separate occasions. Hart just swings that chair as hard as he can, decimating McMahon with every blow. Hart then becomes more precise with the chair, working on the legs, weakening them for the Sharpshooter. The LumberHarts bang on the apron, cheering, for the Sharpshooter, and the Hitman locks it in, and Vince taps very, very quickly.

YOUR WINNER: Bret ‘Hitman’ Hart (5-1 Prediction)

“After 13 long years, Bret Hart spits in the face of Montreal.” – Michael Cole. He seriously said that.

The Hart Family celebrates in the ring together, as referees come to check on Vince.

Cole, Lawler and Striker reveal the location for WrestleMania XXVII… April 3, 2011, will be held in… Atlanta, GA. Whether or not it’s Badstreet, Atlanta, GA, has not been revealed yet.


The promo video, for the World Heavyweight Championship match plays.


Chris Jericho (c) vs. Edge

Prediction.. Jerrrriccchhhoooo. I can’t stand Edge. Seriously, I cant.

Champion entrances. Always a good thing.

Both men grapple to gain the upper hand, and both men with a shoulder knockdown on the other. Edge with a face plant, and looking for the Spear, but Jericho avoids and heads outside. Edge sends Y2J in, but gets kicked as he tries to enter the ring. Jericho taunts in the ring, as Edge suffers on the outside. Jericho with a Gullotine on the Rated R superstar, and a knock down, brings Jericho a near fall.

“WrestleManian”? – WTF?? Michael Cole, seriously.

Jericho in full control, with shoulder attacks to the mid section of Edge, but ends up with his shoulder in the ring post. Edge with a spinning wheel kick on the Ayatollah of Rock ‘N Rollah, but Chris is able to regain momentum, with a suplex, hanging Edge on the top rope. Edge faceplants Jericho into the announce table, before coming off the apron and attacking the Champion.

Edge in control, countering Jericho, then heads up top and nail a Cross Body for a near fall. Jericho now looks for the Walls,  but Edge escapes. Edge to the second rope, nails a sunset flip for a near fall, and Jericho counters into a near fall of his own. Jericho looks for the CodeBreaker, but Edge blocks the hold. Edge looks for the Spear again, and counters it into the Walls Of Jericho. The Rated R superstar escapes the hold.

Both men try to gain the advantage again, until Jericho nails Edge with a boot, gaining a near fall. Jericho looks for momentum, but Edge counters into a DDT for a near fall. Jericho from the second rope, nailing Edge in the back of the head from the second rope. Jericho gets the smile on his face, and looks for the Spear? Edge counters, dropping Jericho with a Big Boot. Edge decides that he’ll go for the Spear, but Jericho counters it into the Code Breaker! Chris Jericho crawls over, and Edge barely kicks out at 2!! Jericho tries again, but only gets another two count.

Jericho takes a shot, kicking the Achilles of Edge, the same Achilles Edge  was out injured with. Jericho applies the Walls of Jericho again, and Edge is struggling. Jericho pulls Edge away from the ropes, and applies a Single Leg Crab. Lance Storm would be proud. Edge somehow makes it to the ropes, and counters for a near fall. Both men end up on the outside, with Jericho up first, and title hunting. Edge looks for a suplex from the apron, but Jericho hangs Edge up on the ropes, hitting the referee as well, and that allows Jericho to use the title belt as a weapon. Jericho looks for the cover again, and Edge kicks out!!

Jericho gets another CodeBreaker in, and finally gets the fall.

YOUR WINNER: Chris Jericho (6-1 Prediction)

Jericho is not done, as a post-match beatdown breaks out. Jericho looks to injure Edge again, but the Rated R superstar wants none of it. Edge strips down both announce tables, then runs from one to the other, and spears Jericho off the table, and through the barricade.

A recap of the Pre-Show Battle Royal shows, before our next match…groan.


Prediction…Vickie Guerrero. You really think she’ll lose?

Womens Champion Michelle McCool, Divas Champion Maryse Alicia Fox, Layla andVickie Guerrero vs. Eve Torres, Mickie James, Kelly Kelly, Gail Kim and Beth Phoenix

Vickie is starting..?? She bullies Gail Kim, before the tag to Beth Phoenix is made. The face team take turns on attacking Vickie in their corner. Vickie screams at Kelly Kelly, but receives a boot and a nice Leg Drop for her troubles. the match is starting to fall apart. Mickie with a DDT on Michelle, and Maryse with the French Kiss are the highlights. It ends with Phoenix nailing Layla, leaving Guerrero and Beth in the ring. McCool nails Phoenix, then gives a pep talk to Guerrero. Michelle and Layla help up top and nail Kelly Kelly with a splash from the top, and after a clusterfuck of a pin, Vickie gets the fall.

YOUR WINNERS: Michelle McCool, Maryse, Alicia Fox, Layla and Vickie Guerrero (7-1 Prediction)

‘Be Yourself’ by Audioslave is one of the songs for WMXXVI

Promo video for the WWE Championship match


Batista (c) vs. John Cena

Soldiers stand on the entrance way, twirl their guns around, and march, and salute the fans. Cena’s music hits, the crowd goes nuts, and I go.. BOOOOOO!

Prediction… Batista. I hate John Cena with an absolute passion. Which probably means he’ll win now.

Here we go… WWE Championship. Crowd boo, as Batista wins the test of strength. Cena with mat wrestling? What the hell? Batista finally gains control, with a shot to the back of the head. Batista with stomps in the corner, followed by a facewash on Cena. Big Dave starts to work on the neck, but gets a suplex countered by Cena. Cena with a bulldog, and gets a near fall. Cena looks for the Attitude Adjustment, but Batista counters it with a Gorilla Press, and gets a near fall. Dave with a kick to the face, gaining another near fall, then locks in a body scissors sleeper. John Cena powers up, and tries to escape. It looks like they’re dancing, as the two men trade blows. Batista ends the shots with a neck breaker, for another two count.

Batista with another sleeper hold, working on the neck that Cena broke in a match against Batista at SummerSlam of 2008. Cena tries to fight back, dropping Batista with a flying shoulder block, followed by a spinning powerbomb. John Cena looks for the 5-knuckle shuffle, but Batista counters into a Spine Buster. John Cena counters Batista, and locks in another shoddy STF. Batista makes the ropes, then spears Cena for a near fall. Batista looking for a superplex off the top rope, but Cena breaks out, and a test of strength occurs on the turnbuckle. John Cena punches Batista off onto the mat, and nails the five-knuckle shuffle off the top. Cena looks for the Attitude Adjustment, but Batista counters into the Batista Bomb! 1….2…. KICKOUT! John Cena kicks out!

Both men counter the other, until Cena finally hits the Attitude Adjustment! 1….2…KICKOUT! Batista kicks out. John Cena heads to the top rope again, but Batista gets countered into a Sit-Down Powerbomb. Batista went looking for the Batista Bomb, but Cena counters it into the STF. Batista tries to power out, but taps out. See, I told you he’d win didn’t I?

YOUR WINNER: John Cena (7-2 Prediction)

The crowd cheers. Cena celebrates. I sit in disgust.

Another promo for Extreme Rules plays… and coming up… Main Event time. The match we all want to see.

Promo video plays for our Maaaaaaain Event.



Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels

The stipulation means that anything can happen, and anything goes. Will it be as big as last year’s masterpiece? Stay tuned, to find out!!

Prediction… I picked him last year, and I’ll do it again. Shawn Michaels. The young wrestling fan inside fan, won’t allow me to go any other way.

The Undertaker’s entrance… WOW! Just WOW! Rising up from the entrance way, wearing what could be described, as a modern look at what he used to wear, with the hood, the whole thing.

Let the match begin…

Undertaker goes the quick attack, but Michaels avoids it. This match is fast paced early. Michaels does his patented flip on the turnbuckle, and Taker hits snake eyes. Undertaker tries to go Old School, but HBK blocks it. Taker tries again, and connects with it this time. Shawn counters a chokeslam attempt, but the Undertaker still has control. Taker looking for a Tombstone, but HBK gets out of the hold, and tries to work on the arm and shoulder. Michaels gets out of an Undertaker attack, and looks for Sweet Chin Music, but the Deadman avoids it.

Michaels begins work on the knee of the Undertaker. The Deadman gets out, and clotheslines Michaels over the top. Back in the ring, and Shawn delivers a block to the knee, before looking for the Figure Four. Taker powers out, and sends HBK to the outside. Undertaker introduces the back of the Heartbreak Kid to the ring post, then hangs Michaels’ over the apron, then delivers a Leg Drop. ‘Taker enters the ring, and Michaels tackles him down, and applies the Figure Four. Undertaker is almost pinned, and this triggers a burst of power, turning the hold over, and putting the pressure on HBK, even if it was for just a second.

The two men trade shots, until HBK is able to get in his flying elbow. Michaels’ kips up, right into a chokeslam by the Undertaker, and it brings the Phenom a near fall. Shanw counters the Undertaker, and locks in the Ankle Lock, in the exact same way Kurt Angle locks it in. Undertaker kicks out of the hold, as both men struggle to their feet. Michaels clotheslines Undertaker over the top rope, then attempts a springboard splash, but Undertaker catches him, and delivers a Tombstone on the outside!

The doctors come to check on HBK, but Undertaker won’ allow them, and rolls him back into the ring, for a near fall. The Deadman looks to send Shawn Michaels on his Last Ride, and it looks like Michaels counters, and gets a near fall. Shawn to the top rope, and the Undertaker gets his knees up at the Macho Man elbow attempt. Both men down again, and Undertaker applies Hell’s Gate, only for HBK to counter it into a pin attempt and a near fall.

Shawn Michaels, from absolutely nowhere, nails Undertaker with Sweet Chin Music!! 1…..2…..KICKOUT!!! Undertaker kicks out!! Shawn looks for Sweet Chin Music again, but Undertaker blocks it, and nails the Last Ride!! 1…..2…KICKOUT!! Michaels kicks out. The Deadman thrown HBK outside, as Undertaker strips apart the Spanish announce table. How more old school can you get? Undertaker looks to Last Ride Michaels through the table, but Michaels counters it into Sweet Chin Music. Shawn now heads up to the top rope, with the Phenom laid out on the table. Michaels with a moonsault through the table, taking the Undertaker with him.

Michaels sends the Undertaker back in the ring, as both men pull themselves up. Michaels nails Sweet Chin Music once again. This has got to be over. 1…….2……WHAT? KICKOUT!!! Undertaker somehow, someway kicks out! Shawn Michaels does not know what to do, he tunes up the band and looks to connect for a fourth time, but Undertaker counters it into a chokeslam! Undertaker looks to finish off HBK with a Tombstone Piledriver, and he connects! 1…….2…..KICKOUT!!! Oh My God!! Shawn Michaels just kicked out of the Tombstone.

Undertaker drops the straps, looking for one last Tombstone Piledriver. He goes to cut the throat, but hesitates, as Michaels pulls himself up. Undertaker tells him to stay down, but Shawn cuts his throat, intimidating the Undertaker, then he slaps him in the face! Undertaker then delivers a jumping Tombstone Piledriver, and gets the three.

YOUR WINNER: The Undertaker (7-3 prediction)

In all honestly, as Undertaker makes it 18-0 at WrestleMania, my body has just gone into a state of shock. I grew up a Shawn Michaels fan. If it wasnt for Shawn Michaels, I dont know if’ I’d be a wrestling fan, and to sit here, and watch and recap Shawn Michaels’ last match, if it is indeed his last match, then… I can’t describe it, I’m still in shock. I’ll try and recover myself to finish off this recap.

Post-Match, Undertaker picks Shawn Michaels up, the crowd chants ‘Thank You, Shawn’, and the Undertaker shakes his hand. The Deadman leaves the ring, allowing Shawn Michaels to have the moment. Shawn salutes, and thanks the fans by blowing kisses. He thanks the Lord, and continues to thank the fans, shaking hands as he walks up the ramp way. The crowd do nothing but applaud, as Shawn Michaels signals to the heavens one last time.

OVERALL: Being able to watch Shawn Michaels’ last match, is something that will stay with me as long as I am a wrestling fan. In wrestling terms, Shawn Michaels was it. Not Hogan, Not Flair, Not Austin. But Shawn. The Main Event alone, is worth the money. But, Batista and John Cena put on a very good match. Otherwise, it just seemed to slow for the majority.

Thanks to all who watched, read, or will read in the future. I’ll be back…


  1. I was privileged to watch this from the Vault of the Drow Goddess (the Hostess with the Mostest –Clean Apartment and Pookiest Pookah Dog). It was generally agreed that A) the Vince-Bret match TOTALLY deflated the crowd with its booking B) Michael Cole should probably not take new catch-phrases from old Queen lyrics C) this was a generally mediocre Mania salvaged by TEH AWESUM Taker-Shawn match and D) Wrestlemania Bingo r00lz!!!111!!oneoneone!!!

  2. HBK as he's walking up the aisle: "I'm gonna drive my kids crazy in three weeks." I'd imagine we'll see him on RAW tonight in some kind of farewell capacity. If this is truly it, wrestling is never going to be the same again.

  3. It is a sad day, but was inevitable. When HBK came back around August (I was there for the superkick to the girl at the salad bar), he supposedly asked who the WWE had built since he left. The answer seems to have remained the same.

    Swagger getting the briefcase was a show killer… after he took 2734 hours removing it from the hook that is. Smackdown will be even worse an outcome apparently …

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