Tag Archive: Gmail

  1. Smackdown 09/27/13 (Slightly Updated).

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    What a horrible night to have a curse. What curse you ask? The responsibility to take out great evil. Through mires of swamp beasts, dungeons of unspeakable undead, and ancient stone structures filled with ghouls I must trek. With nothing but this whip, I will destroy every single candelabra I see in hopes I find holy water or battle axes to aid me in my quest. Or… fuck it, I’ll just watch some wrestling. I’m not getting paid for either, anyways.

    Hopple me Elmo?


  2. Smackdown 06/28/13

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    Hello folks, it is I, ThinkSoJoE, covering SmackDown for G, who was unavailable to cover the show this evening.  He was, however, kind enough to supply me with a bunch of animated GIFs and witty captions.  So, here we go, as G would say, it’s hopping time!

    I watch this show as it airs every other week and live tweet it.  This was not one of those weeks.  So now I’m watching on DVR and typing about what happens in a semi-factual way.
