Tag Archive: Good Time

  1. ThinkSoJoE’s Thoughts: 40″ of snow edition!


    Hey all!  A few days ago, Drowgoddess lamented on the fact that three members of the BWF staff were in the process of moving, including Jamie Kennedy, JT, and myself.  My move took all of a day as I moved from Niagara Falls, NY to Buffalo, NY.  South Buffalo, NY.  Yes, the same South Buffalo you just saw on the Weather Channel for the past two days as we got buried under 40″ of snow.  Meanwhile, back in Niagara Falls, there is absolutely no snow on the ground.  Yeah.  I picked a good time to move.

    My car got stuck Thursday morning, and I called AAA to come tow me out (and change the tire I popped).  Twelve hours later, they called to tell me they were helpless to help since they couldn’t get down my street without worrying about getting stuck themselves.  The city towed me the next day, and it took me three hours to figure out where they towed it to.  I still can’t find a spot on my street…

    Alas, this is a wrestling website, and I’m sure something must’ve happened in the world of Sports Entertainment this week.  Ah yes, that’s right.  MVP asked for, and was granted, a release from his WWE contract.  Word is that MVP is trying to head out to Japan for work for the time being.

    News is also coming out this week that Superstar Billy Graham has officially booked his last public appearance.  Graham’s failing health has led to his announcement that the WrestleReunion event in Los Angeles, January 29-31, will be his last public appearance of any kind.  Graham indicates that the end is near for his “run on this Earth,” and while he’s still with us, we’d like to take the opportunity to thank him for paving the way for the professional wrestlers of today.

    Matt Hardy babbled on the internet about somethingorother.  I couldn’t be bothered to pay any attention.  I’m sick of Matt Hardy going online and complaining about anything to anybody who will listen.  He’s an attention starved, out of shape, past his prime crybaby with too much time on his hands.  Shut up, Matt.

    Kaitlyn won WWE NXT Season 3.  Nobody cared.  The season 4 pros and rookies were announced.  Again, nobody cared.  Once the show isn’t on TV anymore, nobody cares.  Bring on Tough Enough already.

    WWE seems to have decided not to go with the whole “Juan Cena” angle.  Which is probably a good thing.  If you ask me, the whole thing was a work.  WWE decided to screw with the IWC, even going as far as to have the character listed on house show cards and actually debut at one last Sunday night.  Hell, until he attacked Slater and Gabriel after their tag match, we didn’t actually SEE John Cena – just his armbands.  Kudos, WWE.  You got one over on us.

    Finally, we’re hearing that Shawn Michaels will be involved in some way with the WWE Tribute to the Troops this year, which takes place at Fort Hood, TX.  Before you get all up in arms about him doing the same thing that Ric Flair did after the amazing retirement celebration WWE gave him, keep in mind that this is more of a promotional appearance than a return to the WWE.  HBK has been a big name in the WWE for the past 20+ years, so why wouldn’t they promote him for an NBC broadcast?

    Until next time, take care and stay warm!

  2. Why I DON’T hate: WWE Night of Champions


    This article is part 5 of a series on WWE Pay Per View events.  See also:  Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4.

    While the rest of this series has been (and will be for the remaining articles) titled “Why I hate,” I can’t justify that title for this particular article.  If this event was still called Vengeance, and was just another interchangable WWE PPV, it would probably fall into the hate category, but I actually like this event.

    I present my arguments for WWE Night of Champions, after the jump! (more…)

  3. BWF Podcast #6

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    BWF Podcast 6 (Right click, save as)

    Well, I decided to do a podcast this week after all.  I’ve also decided that I’m not going to the Vans’ Warped Tour either, mostly because I can’t afford to.  So that means your iMPACT review will be up tomorrow.  This week’s podcast clocks in at just over 40 minutes, it’s some quick thoughts on the past week worth of shows, and a long winded rant about why ECW now officially needs to change it’s name.

    Now would be a good time, I suppose, to announce that I’m going to be doing more blog style posts in addition to the review posts – after the power comes back on at my place of employment.  Yes folks, it’s been seven weeks as of today and my job is still to just sit in the dark and tell people to go away.  Hopefully that will get fixed soon and I’ll be able to go back to a normal posting schedule around here.