Tag Archive: Greatness

  1. WWE Superstars ReViEw

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    Ok… Raw sucked (read the results, didn’t watch) and ECW was very mediocre this week, so let’s see what Superstars has in store for us.

    Match 1:  John Morrison vs David Hart Smith

    WWE is Canada is always ass backwards.  David Hart Smith and Natalya get the huge pops in their home country.  John Morrison is one of the few bright spots in WWE right now.  Hell of a main event for Smackdown as Morrison takes on CM Punk.  Little Bulldog is massive!  He pounds on the Shaman of Sexy for a lot of the match.  He hit a terrific suplex off the top rope.  Morrison eventually hit all of his spots (Pele kick, standing moonsault, spinning kick, etc.)  The Guru of Greatness gets the win with Starship Pain.

    Match 2:  Goldust vs Sheamus

    The Celtic Warrior is huge, but looks smaller than he is because of his almost transparent skin.  Dude is ghostly.  How many times in a row are they going to do this match?  Shouldn’t Sheamus be taking on other people to gain experience?  This is just another example of WWE’s lazy booking.  Anyway, Goldust wins with a rollup for some reason.  Sheamus didn’t look weak, but shouldn’t they be booking him better than to lose to Goldust? 

    Random main event time:  Mickie James and Kofi Kingston vs Rosa Mendez and Carlito in a Mixed Tag match

    Alrighty then.  This does nothing to enhance any feud.  What’s up with Carlito’s hair?  He look’s like a shi tzu who hasn’t been groomed in a while.  I guess its part of his new dark and gloomy persona.  This match was dominated in time by Kofi and Carlito.  I think Mickie and Rosa were in the ring for about 15 seconds.  Carlito gets the win after a backstabber off the top rope. 

    Random Random Random.  I get that Carlito should be in the mix for the US title, but shouldn’t he also be dealing with his brother?  Isn’t Gail Kim the number one contender for the Diva title?  Why wasn’t she in that match?  Sheamus should be booked to be taking people out…not losing to Goldust.  John Morrison is great…nuf said.

    Remember to check out Smackdown, which is obviously the best show WWE has to offer right now.  See you next week.

  2. WWE Superstars Review

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    Hey everybody!  Today as I write this, I will also be remembering the King of Pop.  Although many will remember the scandals and accusations, I will choose to remember his musical greatness.  Alrighty…let’s get this thing crackin’!  Who’s Bad?!

    Match 1:  The All-American American Jack Swagger against Evan Bourne

    This match was awesome!  It was a Thriller…and a match of the year candidate IMO.  The ending saw Evan Bourne going for the Shooting Star Press, Swagger moved, Bourne landed on his feet, Swagger hit the Gutwrench Powerbomb for the win. 

    Match 2:  Dolph Ziggler vs Jimmy Wang Yang

    This match was between two guys’ careers who have gone in opposite directions…shall I say they are as different as Black and White?!  Dolph Ziggler gets the win, obviously.

    Triple Threat match for the United States Championship:  Kofi Kingston vs MVP vs Matt Hardy

    Don’t Stop Til You Get Enough.  Matt Hardy sure didn’t stop during this match.  Hardy gutted out this match with an injury that requires surgery.  This was a good match.  Kofi gets the pin on Hardy with his Trouble in Paradise and tells him to Beat It. 

    RIP Michael.  Your songs will live forever with us.  From Dangerous to You Are Not Alone, and the Jackson 5 days to the present, you have entertained us emensely.  You are truly the King of Pop and your legendary performances will be missed.  Long live the King!

  3. WWE Superstars Review

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    Hey everybody and welcome to another review of the 4th most watched weekly WWE show…WWE Superstars.  Fresh off the heels of “Extreme Rules,” what happened? 

    Match 1: Diva tag team match between Rosa Mendez and Beth Phoenix and the Bella Twins

    I hate Diva wrestling, but the Bella Twins are HOTT!  The end of the match saw the referee Marty Alias being distracted by Rosa and one of the twins fighting on the outside and Beth hit her finisher on the other twin.  Beth Phoenix and Rosa Mendez get the win. 

    Is it just me, or is Superstars just really random? 

    After the match, there was a video package of the Batista/Randy Orton fued and showed HHH coming back to destroy Randy Orton yet again. 

    Match 2:  Evan Bourne against Zack Ryder.  Woo Woo Woo!

    Zack Ryder is just weird.  He’s the type of guy you just want to make fun of because he thinks he is cool, but in reality he isn’t.  Doesn’t matter….he’ll be gone eventually.  Somehow he warrented a long enough match to involve a commercial break.  Anywho, Evan Bourne wins with the prettiest move in wrestling…the Shooting Star Press.  This was a pretty long match, or at least it felt long. 

    Main Event time:   The 9-time Intercontinental Champion, Chris Jericho against the Guru of Greatness, John Morrison.

    This is yet another random match for WWE Superstars.  I like the pairing, but it makes no sense.  Jericho should be in the World Title picture, not doing IC spots.  Morrison should be the IC champ at this point in his career.  John Morrison can do anything he wants to in the ring.  He is the most athletic performer I have ever seen in a WWE ring.  The end of the match was extremely active,  as Morrison about won several times.  But in the end, Jericho gets the roll up with a tights grab on Morrison for the win.  I hope that this begins a fued, but as we have seen with Superstars in the past, it probably won’t.

    The show was random as usual.  It seems like the perfect place to showcase Diva wrestling, the lower tier talent, and a main event that makes no sense to any storyline.  Alrighty then, I shall see you again next week and thank you for reading.

  4. ECW in REAL TIME! 4/14/09

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    It’s been a long, long time since the last time I real-timed anything here on the site, but since I’m awake and finally watching ECW for the first time in a few weeks, I figured, why the hell not?  We’ve got some friends in attendance tonight in Knoxville, including WorldWrestlingInsanity’s RDLee, and the man who will be debuting here Thursday night with a WWE Superstars review, tharvey1, so we’re looking for an “AARON WOOD SUCKS” sign.

    Show’s starting, so meet me on the other side of the jump! (more…)