Tag Archive: Hart Attack

  1. WWE Superstars

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    Match 1: Chris Masters and MVP w/Percy Watson vs The Dudebusters

    MVP picks up the win for his team after he hit the 305 on Caylen Croft.

    Match 2: Chavo Guerrero vs JTG

    Chavo gets a rare win with the Frog Splash.

    Match 3: Yoshi Tatsu vs Primo Colon

    Primo gets the win after he stole his brother’s finisher. 

    Main Event:  The Hart Dynasty vs The Uso’s

    The Hart Dynasty gets the win with the Hart Attack.  It was kinda cool looking.  The Hart Attack was on Jay, but Tyson Kidd saw Jimmy coming and drop kicked him at the same time.


  2. WWE Superstars

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    Let’s just get into this shall we.

    Match 1:  Gail Kim vs Jillian Hall

    I think I have a great idea for Superstars.  The show should just feature diva’s and contenders for the US and IC titles.  At least then, the show would make some type of sense.  Instead, we are forced to see random matches that make no sense except to give some of the talent a little bit of exposure.  Anyways…Gail wins with her jaw breaker finisher.

    Match 2:  Zack Ryder w/Rosa Mendez vs Primo

    I guess this will be the last time we see Ryder and Rosa together, as she was drafted to Smackdown in the supplemental draft on Tuesday.  Ryder should be pushed into the US title race soon.  Maybe with Edge on RAW, we can get some type of storyline between them.  Ryder wins with the Zack Attack.

    Match 3:  The new Unified Tag Team Champions The Hart Dynasty vs The Dudebusters

    Those title look natural with the Hart Dynasty.  David Hart Smith is looking a little less pudgy these days and has gotten a lot better in the ring.  For some reason, Matt Striker called Natalya “Lady Gaga”…ok???  The Hart Dynasty wins with the Hart Attack. 

    See ya next week, my peeps.

  3. WWE Superstars

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    Hey, everybody! I hope you enjoyed Wrestlemania 26, but now its time for the WWE’s D show (maybe F show…I’m not sure if AM RAW beats Superstars in ratings or not.  I haven’t checked on that.)

    Match 1:  Kofi Kingston and MVP vs Zack Ryder and Carlito

    Kofi and MVP get the win after Kofi hits Carlito with the Trouble in Paradise. 

    Match 2:  William Regal vs Yoshi Tatsu

    Yoshi gets the win with a kick to the head.

    Match 3:  Hart Dynasty vs Caylon Croft and Trent Baretta (The Dudebusters)

    Tyson Kidd forces Baretta to tap out with the Sharpshooter after hitting the Hart Attack.  Hopefully this will be the build for them to become Tag Champs

    Alright, Peeps.  That’s it for this week.  It’s another random Superstars and thus another random results column.

    Peace out