Tag Archive: Health Issues

  1. BWF Radio Episode 58

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    WTF is gravity?

    The BWF Crew are once again joined by Alice Radley from Rational Wrestling Review, and promptly screw up the name of her site.  We talk RAW, SmackDown, Impact, Main Event, Saturday Morning Slam, ECW on TNN, Wrestling Society X, and Shotgun Saturday Night.  Give or take a few.  Then we talk about all the great wrestling news.  We wish Superstar Billy Graham the best as he deals with health issues.  We question when Bully Ray obtained “muscular, tan arms,” find out what magazines Alice compares the Divas and Knockouts to, and much, much more.  Also, how would Jorge comfort an emotional JT?  Tune in and find out!

    BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 58 (MP3, 2:11:27)

    Our break song was “She Creeps” by Ed Gein.  Buy it here.

  2. Kamala Warns Sympathetic Wrestling Fans About Charities.

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    Kamala is on Youtube discussing the charities that claim to be in place to help out older wrestlers and their health issues. Kamala has undergone two amputations of his feet, and has been unable to work as a result. Not just as a wrestler, but outside of the business as well. I am not going to editorialize here. Rather, I suggest you watch the video. He does call out most notably Dawn Marie’s Wrestling Rescue.

    I do not know anything but what is shown is this video, however, I think it’s important as always to consider where you send any charitable donations. I’m poor too.

    Until we hear otherwise, this is just one side of the story. Take some time to listen to a rare Kamala videocast on the topic.

    [youtube IfYze8JTxm0]

  3. Random Randomness

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    Alright welcome to what will be the last one of these foe a little bit so I can take some time off to move and get everything situated and then I should be back. And when I do, it’ll be the 2 year anniversary of this very article.  Do I have something planned for it?  Well you may just have to check back here every so often to find out. But now without further ado, lets get this show on the road: (more…)

  4. UPDATE: Roddy Piper DOES NOT have terminal cancer

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    I’m shocked. I just signed into twitter and saw a tweet from @wrestlingradio that said “WWE Hall of Famer “Rowdy” Roddy Piper has Terminal Cancer.” According to their article, Piper’s lymphoma has come back and it’s looking as if the WWE Hall of Famer hasn’t got much time left.

    I’m at a loss for words. I’m speechless. I can’t put what I’m feeling right now into words…

    Earlier today, I posted an article sourcing a wrestling-radio.com article stating that “Rowdy” Roddy Piper’s cancer had returned and that the legend hadn’t had much time left.  Pro Wrestling Insider has posted a story (here) stating that rumors of Piper’s impending demise have been greatly exaggerated. He is in need of assistance at home though, he needs assistance for caregivers for Parkinson’s disease.   It seems as though the wrestling-radio story had it’s origins on the same site – and likely from the very same person – that started the false rumor that Chris Benoit was dating Victoria weeks before his death.  PWI’s article does state that Piper is taking time off to deal with health issues, he is not dying.  We here at BoredWrestlingFan are breathing a huge sigh of relief, and I would like to personally apologize for adding to the number of sites reporting this awful rumor.