Tag Archive: Heavyweight Champion

  1. WWE RAW 4/14/14 – RAW is WAR(RIOR)


    No wisecracks or jokes to start this week’s RAW review.  WWE has dedicated tonight to honoring the memory of Warrior, and out of respect for Warrior, I will save such nonsense for the performers on the show.  For what it’s worth, the autopsy results are in, Warrior died of heart disease.  While the investigation is still ongoing, it should be noted that the initial reports say natural causes, so no matter what some TV talking head would have you believe, Warrior’s death did not involve drugs or alcohol.




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    RYBACK DEF. TITUS O’NEIL – Total domination by Ryback, until Darien Young interfered by grabbing Ryback’s ankle.  O’Neil hit one inverted Power Bomb for a brief one-count. Still, the match ended the same way all Ryback matches end; power-bomb, shell-shock, three-count.

    After the match, Ryback refused to leave the ring until he got his hands on WWE Heavyweight Champion C.M. Punk, Paul Heyman, or the three men who jumped him two days in a row.  A line of security guards come-out, but Ryback tossed the biggest one first, and the rest scattered.

    RAW Supervisor Vicki Guerro came out to order him out of the ring, Ryback told her to shut up (which won him a ton of new fans,) and demanded revenge.  Vicki gave him a match against Punk at TLC.  Ryback demanded that it be made a TLC match (Tables, Ladders, and Chairs.) Vicki agreed, and Ryback left the ring.

    ALBERTO DEL RIO DEF. THE GREAT KAHLI – This match was set up with a pre-recorded backstage segment, where Rosa Mendes demanded an apology from Hornswoggle, for squirting water in her face, with trick flowers last week.  Hornswoggle called her conceited, and Alberto Del Rio stepped in, offering to beat him up.  Kahli stepped in to scare him off.  Kahli actually dominates most of the match, but a distraction by Roberto Rodriguez (Del Rio’s personal ring announcer,) sets up Kahli for an attack from behind.  Del Rio hits the arm-bar for a win by submission.

    TAMINA DEF. ALICIA FOX – Basically, Tamina slaps Alicia around and ends this with a splash of the top, for a three-count.

    INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPION KOFI KINGSTON DEF. TENSAI – Wade Barrett, Kofi’s next challenger, Wade Barrett joins the commentary team at ringside.  Tensai’s size advantage gives him an edge for a good amount of time, but Kofi hits a big kick and a flying body press for the three-count.

    After the match, Barrett walked into the ring, gave Kofi the title belt, and then walked off without incident.

    REY MYSTERIO DEF. WWE TAG-TEAM CHAMPION DANIEL BRYAN – One of the best matches on TV this year.  Both men relied on their agility and quick last-second escapes and counters to keep the tide turning back and forth.  Bryan focused on beat-downs and wearing down the arm, Mysterio countered with bursts of fast-paced offense.  Match ends with a 619/Dropping a Dime combo by Mysterio for a pin on Bryan.

    JOHN CENA DEF. DOLPH ZIGGLER – This match was set up after a segment with Vicki Guerro offering Cena and AJ matching bathrobes (see below.) People, who criticize Cena for his “five moves of doom,” need to acknowledge Ziggler does the same thing (if not everybody in WWE,).  That said, this was a good, solid match.  One point of contention is Cena NO-SELLING the “bad knee,” until a specific spot at the end.  Going for the “five knuckle shuffle,” Cena stumbles out of the ring, the ref and another WWE official check to see if he can continue, while Ziggler exposes a turnbuckle.  AJ runs out to stop him and Vicki runs out to pull AJ off the ring.  The ladies have a stare-down while Ziggler goes after Cena with his MiTB briefcase.  Cena ducks Ziggler’s swing and hooks the “AA,” for a three-count.  Cena celebrates with AJ, FORGETTING ALL ABOUT THE BAD KNEE.

    SHEAMUS DEF. U.S. CHAMPION ANTONIO CESARO – This was a straight up brawl between two big workhorses.  Highlight of the match is Cesaro catching Sheamus and hoisting him up, and dropping him hard.  Picture a combo of Lex Luger’s “torture rack” and Ryback’s “Shell-Shock.” Match ends with Sheamus escaping the “neutralizer” with a back-drop and a Brogue-kick to Cesaro.  Cesaro goes out to the floor and gets counted out.

    World Heavyweight Champion Big Show comes out with a chair.  Sheamus grabs the mike and tells Big Show he will be happy to retire him at TLC, and just how barbaric he can be.  Show responds by destroying the chair with his bare hands.

    DAMIEN SANDOW DEF. ZACK RYDER – Not much more than filler.  Ryder had a decent showing here, but the match ends with Sandow using his neck-breaker variant to get the three-count.

    Side Note: Ring announcer Justin Roberts waited for Zack Ryder to get in the ring before announcing him, Michael Cole slipped back into “heel” mode to give him grief about it.

    WWE HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION C.M. PUNK DEF. KANE – Our Main Event for the evening.  And yes, this did take the show over three hours, again.  There is a weird spot in the match when Punk slides to the outside, and starts favoring his right knee.  Kane was as close to Punk as THESEWORDSARETOEACHOTHER but did NOTHING to him.  Kane let Punk slide back in and pull him neck first into the top rope.  Now here’s the weird thing, the announcers (Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler,) never acknowledged ANY of this, even though Punk was right in front of the camera, limping and acting like he was hurt for real the whole time.  It’s weird because this is, to my understanding, standard procedure when someone gets legit hurt during a match, gloss over it, don’t call it, and keep the show going.  So, I have to wonder if Punk really was hurt.  The match ended when the three NXT talents, Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, and Reigns (now called “The Shield”) came out to distract Kane.  Punk hit the GTS and got the three.

    After the match, the Shield teased going for Punk, but pilled on Kane.  Daniel Bryan tried to make the save, but got beat down.  Ryback charged down and took over on the Shield.  Punk took a cheap shot at Ryback, but Ryback caught him.  Ryback went for a power-bomb, but Reigns took him down with a spear.  Monday Night RAW ends with C.M. Punk holding his belt in the air; and his foot on Ryback’s chest; for the second time in a week.



    1.) RYBACK/VICKI – Our first interview segment would have to be Vicki Guerro trying to talk Ryback out of the ring after his match (setting up his match w/Punk at TLC.) Not a shining moment for either one of them.  Huge gaps between the dialogue and you could tell they didn’t talk over each other when they were supposed to.  Seriously, don’t give Ryback more lines than he needs.

    2.) Backstage: Hornswoggle, Rosa, Del Rio, and KHALI – Basic segment just to set up their match, seemed pretty damn elaborate for a match that wasn’t anything special.

    3.) GM’S OFFICE: VICKI, HEYMAN, PUNK – Punk came in to complain about having to face Ryback, Heyman suggested Vicki was trying to compensate for her bias against Cena and AJ, and Vicki flat out accused Punk of calling in the “Shield” to cover his ass.  Vicki sets up a match between Punk and the winner of a RAW-active Twitter Poll, #WWEKane or #WWEBryan (see above.) Interesting to see Punk get the shaft from a “fellow” heel; it gives Vicki an extra character dimension, and it makes you wonder what it is EVERYBODY hates about Punk.

    4.) THE SHEILD SPEAKS – We see a pre-recorded interview with Michael Cole and the three NXT talents who’ve taken it on themselves to attack Ryback twice, (Ambrose, Rollin, and Reigns.) They deny any affiliation with C.M. Punk, and claim they were acting against injustice.  They accused WWE of being an elaborate popularity contest, and stated that C.M. Punk had every right to celebrate his One Year anniversary as champion, arguing they would’ve done the same thing if Ryback or Cena had been champion and Punk tried to disrupt them.  They declared themselves The Shield and cut the interview short.  Interesting aspect; as the Shield’s mission statement seems to have themes in common with the IWC’s constant complaints about WWE.

    5.)  VICKI, CENA, AJ, AND ZIGGLER – Basically, Cena comes out to address the “kiss” from last week.  Vicki comes out to trash AJ and present Cena with a “gift,” of matching bathrobes and to warn Cena about the inevitable implosion.  She points out AJ’s relationship drama with Punk/Bryan and Kane.  AJ comes out to tell off Vicki and blatantly shoves her attraction to Cena in everyone’s face.  Ziggler comes out to remind everyone that he took out Cena last week in the locker room, and Cena jumped him from behind on Smackdown.  Cena tries to go after him, but Vicki orders him to stop and makes a match between Ziggler and Cena later that night.  The match ends with Cena getting the win. CAN WE END THIS NOW!? I am PRAYING that this is the end of the AJ “scandal,” and I will spend the rest of my life wondering WTF this was supposed to accomplish.

    On paper, this was a good RAW, with a lot more actual wrestling and a lot of solid match-ups, however the angle segments really weighted down the show.

  3. RYTMANS RAW REVIEW 07/10/2012

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    We open w/a recap of last week’s main event, when AJ put the WWE heavyweight champion and his no.1 contender through a table. We get a bonus recap of the double make-out on Smackdown.

    Live @ the Pepsi Center in Denver and we open with “the most controversial figure in the WWE today,” AJ in the ring.


    AJ is “overwhelmed” and “very emotional” over the realization that her actions as special guest ref @ Money in The Bank in the WWE championship can “greatly affect the outcome.”


    With that in mind, she asks us to welcome WWE champion CM Punk.

    Cue Punk.




    We open with the annual Memorial Day tribute montage to our armed forces, asking us to reflect on all we owe them.

    (Does that include health care and financial aid?)

    Our “prologue” if you will, is a recap of everything you know by now if you watch WWE programs.  Show double-crossed Cena at Over the Limit because no one felt sorry for him when he was humiliated and fired.

    Back in present time, the Big Show comes out in the Big Suit.  He points to the smile on his face and says that’s doing his job.  All those times he came out and made us smile was just business.  Now that he has an iron clad contract and a huge bonus, he doesn’t have to care about anybody but himself.  He claims there’s no one in his league;

    “No helmet, shoulder pad, 4 month out of the year, NFL player, no toothpick, noodle arm, NBA player, no Phony UFC fighter, and no one, in that locker room.”

    Show claims what really upset him was how easily we moved on without him.  Here we cut to a clip of Brodus Clay dancing with the ladies and kids.

    “MY TEARS WEREN’T EVEN DRY!” – Big Show.

    Apparently, we’re all shallow and phony to him, but the biggest disappointment was Cena not leading a mutiny in support of Big Show, how instead, he chose to mock Johnny Ace, and act like everything was a joke.

    “I guess that’s all I am; one big joke.” – Big Show.

    Show gives us a rundown of Cenas’ recent failures including the loss to Rock, the beating from Brock, and the loss to Johnny Ace, and promises to do all that and more to him at No Way Out.

    “And that put’s a Smile on my Face.” – Big Show.

    Punk vs. Bryan is announced while we watch Santino Morella get warmed up for his match with Alberto Del Rio.


    REWIND: LAST FRI, SMACKDOWN – Santino def. Ricardo Rodriguez.

    We come back to the action with Alberto Del Rio driving in one of his expensive cars as RR introduces him, while Santino “power walks” to the ring.


    Alberto Del Rio vs. U.S. heavyweight champion Santino Morella

    Del Rio Charges before the bell.

    Beats down Santino w/kicks to the legs and punches to the head.

    Front face lock by Del Rio as he takes him to the corner.

    Del Rio misses a charge into the corner.

    Santino w/a hip toss/diving head butt combo.

    Santino goes for the COBRA!

    Del Rio w/a kick to the torso, front face lock, float over into the cross arm-breaker.

    Santino taps out.


    Rodriguez makes a point of shouting right in the face of Santino and rubbing it in.

    Backstage: We see Eve close up.  Alex Riley is with her, trying to sweet talk her into something when Big Show walks in.  Eve informs Show that Johnny Ace has authorized him to pick his own opponent for tonight and leaves.  Riley tries to make nice with the Show which results in Show sending a message to the whole locker room, by slamming Riley into the wall.


    Shot of Bourbon Street

    Up next is a WWE TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH!

    Champs Kofi Kingston/R-Truth are out first.

    Vicki Guerrero comes out and starts with the “EXCUSE ME!” bit.

    Crowd shot: Sign -“There’s no excuse for you Vicki!”

    Vicki introduces Jack Swagger an Dolph Ziggler.


    Tag Team Title Match: R-Truth/Kofi Kingston vs. Dolph Ziggler/Jack Swagger


    Swagger/Kofi each go in first.

    Collar-elbow lock up, into the corner.

    Swagger misses a charge.

    Kofi w/2 shots to the legs and a dropkick.

    Tag to R-Truth.

    There is a Double hip toss on Swagger.

    Truth w/a dance and a leg drop for a two count.

    Swagger whips Truth into the ropes.

    Truth hits the breaks and gives a shimmy.

    Swagger charges.

    Truth ducks.

    Swagger over and out to the floor.

    Ziggler runs in.

    Kick by Kofi connects with Ziggler.

    Double wrist lock/jumping snap kick to Ziggler.

    Double baseball slide kick sends Ziggler to the floor.


    Back from commercial.

    Swagger with a double arm hook on Kofi.

    Recap: During commercial, Ziggler distracts Kofi, Swagger hits a shoulder block, and Kofi hits the floor.

    Kofi fights off a double teaming, but is sent hard, back into the corner.

    Swagger w/shoulder blocks.

    Ziggler starts choking Kofi w/tag rope.


    Swagger w/a body slam to Kofi and tags Ziggler.

    Ziggler drops an elbow and gets 2 w/sloppy cover.

    Chin lock/arm bar on Kofi by Ziggler.

    Both men up.

    Kofi gets two hits.

    Ziggler kicks him into the corner, misses a charge.

    Ziggler gets a tag.

    Kofi makes a tag.

    R-truth hits Swagger with flying thrust kick, boot to the stomach, DDT for a 2 count.

    Ziggler makes the save.

    Truth launches Kofi up/over/into Swagger.

    Swagger tries a roll-up, for a 2 count.

    Swagger hoist Truth up, charges the corner.

    Truth slips behind.

    Swagger hits the corner.

    Truth jumps up, grabs his head, and pulls him face first to the canvas.

    Truth scores the 3 count.


    Ziggler is not happy.

    He tells off Vicki and Swagger and bolts.

    Backstage: Santino is walking hurt with some help when Show rolls up on him and grabs his face.  He teases calling out Santino as his opponent when Brodus Clay steps up and dares Show to pick him.  Show agrees.

    “Forget about dancing. You won’t even be walking.” – Big Show.


    Did you know? WWE’s “Be a Star” Campaign made it into the records in congress.

    Johnny Laurenitis  Larinitis Meningitis Ace, GM of both RAW and SMACKDOWN rolls out in his motorized wheelchair with David Otunga and Eve Torres in tow.  He introduces himself and announces he will now make several announcements.  Big Show will face Brodus Clay tonight, and at No Way Out, Cena vs. Big Show is now a CAGE MATCH.  Johnny claims to be “the most popular WWE superstar in history,” and talks about people wanting HIM on the cover of the new WWE 12 video game.  John pulls the cover off an easel to reveal his face beaming off the cover of the game box.

    “This Will Be Bigger Than Pac Man!” – Johnny Ace.

    We hit the song “Cult of Personality,” and here comes the WWE champion, C.M. Punk.  Punk hits the ring, and alls out Johnny on his bull-shinola.

    “Neither Pac Man nor you have ANY testicles whatsoever.” – C.M. Punk.

    Punk basically calls the formerly Dynamic Dude out of touch and reveals the TRUE face of WWE ’12.  We hit the fireworks and drop the canvas.  C.M. Punk stands cross armed, straight edged, and ready to fight on the cover of the new game.

    “Take the hoeski and Carlton and get outta my ring.” – C.M. Punk.

    Johnny, not wanting to incur the wrath of the B.O.D. ; simply limps out the ring with underlings in tow, while Punk trashes Johnny’s picture.

    Punk v. Bryan next


    Crowd Sign: YES!

    We come back with Punk in the ring and Bryan making the big entrance, while the announcers –Cole and King- bring up the recent unpleasantness with Kane and some folding chairs.

    Recap: Bryan attacking Kane w/Chair last Smackdown.


    WWE Champion C.M. Punk vs. Daniel Bryan

    Lock up.

    Bryan w/the wristlock into a side headlock, both men back into the ropes.

    Bryan hits a shoulder block off the ropes.

    Bryan shoots off the ropes, over Punk.

    Punk leapfrogs Bryan.

    Hip toss, arm drag, Punk w/the arm bar.

    Bryan gets up on his feet.

    Punk puts a wristlock on Bryan.

    Bryan rolls over/benches up, hooks Punk at the waist, takes him over with a suplex variation, into the arm bar.

    Bryan bends Punk’s hand backwards, presses it to the mat, stomps the elbow, and locks in a hammerlock.

    Punk elbows free, shoots off the ropes.

    Bryan goes down.

    Punk goes over.

    Bryan jumps up.

    Punk catches him, hits a reverse atomic drop, and a kick to the torso.

    Punk drops the knee five times and leg scissors Bryan.

    Punk ties up Bryans’ legs and gets him into the surfboard.

    Bryan rolls out, lands on Punk, 2 count.

    Punk sweeps the legs, gets a 2 count.

    Bryan hooks the legs, flips on top, and gets a 2 count.

    Punk bridges up. Both men struggle for a back slide.  Punk hoist Bryan up on his shoulder and drops him back first into the knee for a 2 count.

    Punk hooks Bryan into suplex position but drops him on the top rope.

    Punk moves in, Bryan grabs the arm and drops down, pulling the arm across the rope.

    Bryan hits a flying knee off the top rope and slide kicks Punk to the floor.

    Bryan dives, Punk side steps and hits a kick to the mid section.

    Punk hits a moonsault off the ropes onto Bryan.

    AJ comes to ringside.


    We return w/Punk putting the boots to Bryan in the corner.

    Replay: Bryan hits a flying knee on the outside.

    Punk tries a suplex, Bryan slips out, whips into the corner, reversal.  Bryan climbs the corner and flips over Punk, runs into Punks’ boot.  Punk misses a moonsault and lands hard.

    Bryan hits with a running charge/low dropkick, and works Punks’ arm.

    Punk fights back w/kicks, but Bryan hooks a wristlock and pulls the arm hard across his shoulder.

    Bryan goes “YES!” 3 times and scores a running dropkick into the corner, 2 count only.

    Punk hits some kicks but Bryan hooks the arm and takes Punk up/over w/a suplex for a 2 count.

    Bryan goes back on the arm.

    Punk gets 2 hits.  Bryan works the arm again but runs into a knee by Punk.

    Punk hits a charging forearm, shoots Bryan into the ropes.  He hits a jump-thrust kick for a two count.

    Punk scores a running knee lift in the corner, but Bryan shrugs off the bulldog attempt.

    Bryan misses a kick.  Punk gets 2 w/a roll up.

    Forearm twice by Bryan, reversed Irish whip, Punk up/over to the ring apron, shoulder block by Punk and a clothesline from the top rope for 2.

    Punk tries a flying elbow, but Bryan hits the rope and Punk drops crotch-first on the corner.

    Superplex by Bryan gets 2.

    Bryan heads to the corner and unties a turnbuckle.

    AJ gets up on the ring and tries to tell the ref.

    Bryan shouts at her, Punk scores a kick to the head for 2.

    Punk yells at AJ, charges Bryan, Bryan hoists him up, face-first into the exposed corner for a 3-count.

    Bryan celebrates until Kane attacks him w/a chair.  He choke slams Bryan out.

    AJ throws Punk a chair, Punk fights off Kane.



    Backstage-Eve sends Teddy for some coffee while Johnny Ace berates her and Otunga.  He points out that Otunga taped out in 10 seconds to the STF, while Johnny took two at the last ppv. He berates Eve for not getting Sheamus to apologize to him. He threatens to stay on the job another 20 years and Eve spits her coffee on Teddy.  That’s more of my attention than it deserves.


    More commercials


    I-C Champion Christian vs. Miz (surprise!)

    Lock up.

    Miz w/a knee, gets a side headlock.

    Christian shoots him off the ropes.

    Christian ducks down.

    Miz goes over.

    Christian w/a flying shoulder block.

    Christian w/a boot to the mid-section, sunset flip off the top rope.

    Miz rolls out and hits a kick to the face for a 2.

    Miz takes Christian face first into the corner. He beats him down w/a knee and punching.

    Miz walks back, and hits a charging leap clothesline.

    Miz scores a double ax-handle for a 2 count.

    Chin lock by Miz.

    Christian fights out, but Miz scores his reverse face lock, knee drop, neck breaker combo for 2.

    Miz drops down on Christians’ back and works a chin lock.

    Christian fights his way to his feet, Miz takes him to the corner. Miz hits 2 shoulder blocks and sets Christian up on the corner. Christian fights him back and scores a missle drop kick for 2.

    Christian springs over the top rope, hits a shot to face on Miz.

    Christian climbs the corner, hops over Miz and scores a reverse DDT.

    Christian tries a spear, but eats a boot to the face, Miz gets 2.

    Miz wails on Christian in the corner, Christian hits a double kick to the face, and a flying elbow from the top rope.

    Christian gets distracted by Cody Rhodes, Miz gets 2 w/a roll up.

    Christian goes to the corner and hits a kick to the midsection. He hops up on the corner ropes but Miz grabs an ankle and pulls.

    Christian hits the mat face first.

    Miz tries for the “Skull Crushing Finale,” Christian reverses it into a “Killswitch” attempt, but Miz shoves him into the corner.

    Miz misses a charge and hits the corner.  Christian hits the Killswitch and gets the 3.

    More Commercials

    We’re back, and Miz is peeved about not being treated like a star.  He’s not leaving the ring until…

    Cue Randy Orton.

    Orton hits the RKO and basks in the cheers.

    Backstage: Dolph thinks he should be getting cheers like Orton.  He wants out of his tag team with Ziggler.  Vicky will see what she can do.

    Next: Sheamus v. Otunga.

    Before the next break, we get a special Memorial Day voice over message from John Cena.  It’s basically an elaborate “thank you,” to our Armed Forces for their service.  I agree with the sentiment, I just think it’s a little bit pandering to have Cena be the only one to do it.




    We come back to David Otunga making his entrance to a round of boos.  Sheamus comes out next.


    World Heavyweight Champion Sheamus vs. David Otunga

    Otunga charges in strong w/kicks and punches, but Sheamus fires back.

    Sheamus tries a whip, Otunga reverses it, but a hip-toss attempt is met w/ a clothesline.

    Otunga rolls out.

    Sheamus goes after Otunga.  Otunga pulls Sheamus neck first into the rope.

    Otunga charges, Sheamus scoops him up into a slam attempt.

    Otunga slides down, and sends Sheamus into the corner.  Otunga hits a solid clothesline for a 1 count.

    Otunga hooks the head and peppers Sheamus on the chest with clubbing shots.

    Otunga shoots off the ropes and hits a low shoulder block. Otunga makes 3 pin attempts in a row, but never gets more than 2.

    Otunga takes Sheamus to the corner and works him over w/knees and clubbing forearms. He flexes for the crowd.

    Otunga whips Sheamus into the corner, Sheamus bounces back with an axe-handle smash, then another. He sends Otunga over the top rope, Otunga hangs on.  Sheamus clubs his chest with forearm shots. He pulls Otunga in and hits the “white noise.”

    Sheamus ends this with the “Brogue kick” and a 3 count.


    Crowd Shot: Kid rocking The Sheamus look.


    FUNKASAURUS up next


    Commercial: ECW Unreleased, vol.1


    Madagascar 3 – interest 0


    Recap: Over The Limit – Big Show’s betrayal, and subsequent sucker punch on Cena.

    We have the intro –you know the drill.

    Funkasaurs, Funkateers, Funka-dactyls, and I go Funk myself.

    The announcers remind us Brodus is 22 and 0 so far in his run.

    Big Show comes out. He claims to be a fan, and compares embarrassing things he’s done (sumo match at mania in a diaper,) to Brodus doing embarrassing things every night. He suggests Brodus get some make-up/a wig and be the new Doink.

    “The Difference btw you and Doink, Doink actually had talent.” – Big Show.

    Brodus dares Show to step up.  Show responds with a spear that shakes the arena (or at least a cameraman.) And from that point on, it’s pretty much a mugging.  The Funkasaurs is bitchified all over the arena floor while his backup dancers stand scared in the ring.  Kofi and R-Truth run out to try a save, but Show tosses Kofi into R-Truth and resumes the battering with a piece of the announcers table.  Show brutalizes Truth.  Kofi gets a big kick in, but gets sent through the Barricade.  Truth gets sent to the stairs.  WMD to Clay and Show leaves 3 men down.

    Raw ends with Johnny Ace raising the Show’s hand, up on the stage.


    RYTMANS’ RESPONSE: Ya know, at this point, I like it when a show goes on autopilot like this.  We get more actual wrestling, and interview segments that actually go somewhere (for the most part.) However, right now, I’d like to address all the people who were complaining that WWE wasn’t giving the Punk/Bryan program enough attention.


    For the record, I can’t hate on Kane or AJ, and I’m good with them making a check.  I just don’t know why we have to pile on sub-plots to a story we’re happy with.

    Show was awesome tonight, and actually got the crowd chanting big for Cena.  Show makes an awesome monster heel, mainly because he‘s got charisma and personality peppered into his rage.

    Side Note: I’m actually wondering if any of that stuff he said about being treated like a joke was a shoot.

    Side-Side Note: BOD = Board of Directors


    So, there’s my first ever official RAW recap.  Hope you like it.



  5. Patman Picks Stampede Wrestling Classics. Young Bret Hart vs AWA World Champ Nick Bockwinkle.

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    One of the great things about Stampede Wrestling was its inter promotional matches. Many classic encounters took place in Calgary between the Stampede roster and champions from other wrestling territories such as the AWA, NWA, Japan and even other Canadian organizations. Here is a classic encounter out of Stampede Wrestlings rich past thats bound to interest wrestling historians. A young Bret Hart challenges the 4 year world title reign of the legendary AWA heavyweight champion, Nick Bockwinkle. Bret was legitimately injured at this time and, of course, in the early “learning phase” of his career. However that did not stop Bret , the future “best there ever will be” and Nick,who was at the time “the best there was” from putting on a good wrestling match for all the fans. Worth noting is the mention of Davey Boy Smith winning the Stampede light heavyweight title, earlier in that same night.  Worth also noting are the post match interviews by Ed Whalen with Nick Bockwinkle and  “Dr. D” Shultz ,who of course, competed in Stampede for several years. Dr. D also competed in the AWA, NWA, WWF and is most famous for his assault on a reporter who told him wrestling was fake! Enjoy the classic match, check out www.wonderpodonline.com for more PatMan picks and videogame podcasts, and I will see you all back here for another  “ring-a-ding-dong-dandy”, next week!

    [youtube XNp1xkXEP60]

  6. PatMan Picks Stampede Wrestling Classics. Jake(Before His Snake) VS Junk Yard Dog (Daddy Ritter)

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    Welcome to another episode of PatMan Picks Stampede Wrestling classics. This week I am going back in time to a point further than I remember actually watching Stampede Wrestling on television as a kid. I don’t know if my fellow Calgary man G was watching the promotion as far back as what is seen in this classic video, but I don’t personally remember actually seeing a lot of Jake Roberts or Big Daddy Ritter competing in Stampede, so its a nice treat to watch them now. As we all know, both men would become very famous wrestlers in the WWF and in other promotions around the world. However, in this video we can clearly see that both men are still in the early stages of their careers, still learning how to “evolve” into the the big super stars that they would eventually become. Worth noting this time around is that Jake Roberts was the current Stampede North American Heavyweight champion while Daddy Ritter ( JYD for most of you) was the former North American champion making this a pretty big match in Stampede for the time. But there was something else on the line in this match that maked it even more special and more interesting for classic wrestling fans. The winner of the match would go on to face the legendary Harley Race, for the world championship title on a future card in a Stampede Wrestling event. It truly was a wonderful time in wrestlings past where world champions form the big organizations would sometimes come to places like Stampede and wrestle in special matches against local territorial champions. See you all on the next PatMan Picks, and why not check out Wonderpod Videogame podcast epsidoe 71 & Patman picks PC classics over at wonderpodonline.com!


    [youtube aD2Ub3npBfE]

  7. PatMan Picks Stampede Wrestling Classics. Chris Benoit vs Great Gama Title Match!

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    Its time once again for another old school classic Stampede Wrestling moment from the PatMan. This time around I am including one of Stampede Wrestlings most talented wrestlers who, like many others, went on to enjoy great Success in the WCW ,WWE and Japan.  Unfortunately, his story did not end with success but rather with horror and shocking acts of brutal crime that I need not remind any of you about. Yes, of course, I am referring to Chris Benoit. Lets look away from his horrific end to life and temporarily concentrate on him at a much younger age where his wrestling was all that mattered. Chris Benoits in ring abilities were very impressive right from the get go, and his obsession with emulating his icon The Dynamite Kid are visible in many of his earlier matches. I have for you today what could very well be Chris Benoits first chance at the taste of a championship belt. His opponent was a very talented grappler by the name of The Great Gama, the mid heavyweight champion and a much more experienced wrestler than young Chris was at the time.  Worth noting in the video is the appearance of Davey Boy Smiths “evil cousin” Jonny Smith who is up to his usual heel antics. Also worth noting later in the video is an in ring interview where another young wrestler destined for success, Flying Brian Pillman , can be quickly seen several times to the left of Chris Benoit. Our very own Audio Master G ,who was actually body slammed by Chris Benoit onto a couch in his childhood back in Calgary may be interested in this classic match as he is the only person I know who took some bumps form him. Maybe he could have given the Great Gama a few tips? If you don’t know that G had encounters with Chris Benoit & Bad News Brown while I took an accidental hit from The British Bulldog & encountered an angry Bret Hart at Safeway, you clearly must download our Stampede Wrestling podcast, found at both Wonderpodonline.com and right here at  BoredWrestlingFan.com ! You can check out my Classic PC Game Picks & Wonderpod video game podcast episode 70 over at Wonderpodonline.com also, if your interested! See you all next time.


    [youtube TlNjFZLlaDA]

  8. Empire State Wrestling: Supremacy 2010

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    Man, it’s been nearly two months since my last ESW fix – these guys need to start putting on more shows, or alternatively, I need to start going out to their parent company, Maximum Force Wrestling’s shows.  Several of tonight’s scheduled matches were set up at Overdrive on September 11th, including ESW Interstate Champion “Inferno” Johnny Adams taking on “Bad Boy” Barry Hardy, Johnny Puma taking on Ryot, and the ESW Championship match between champion Chris Cooper and challenger Brandon Thurston.  Let’s go!
