There wasn’t a review last week because Impact was posted very late. Not this week. How…lucky. Yesterday a tornado hit my town and tore the roof off of a house down the street. I didn’t even notice it and vaguely recall hearing a loud bang.
-I have absolutely no idea what in the hell I just saw. That’s really all I can think of to say. Where to start?
-I guess I’ll start with the obvious, the Main Event. Another great match put on by AJ and Angle but what a horrendous finish. Just absolutely horrible. How many times of we seen the damn screw job recreated? But this was a damn recreated completely. Angle even screamed about going back to WWE (kind of like Hart drawing the WCW letters in the air) and then spit on Hogan and even trashed the announce table. That was the worst ending to Impact I have ever seen and I say that without hesitation. My head hurts from that. The AJ heel turn at Genesis was GREAT! I loved it, but this was just dumb.
-Now going back to the opening promo, that was great! Great execution from all involved and I think AJ is going to benefit greatly from this pairing with Flair. Nothing but good things can come out of that for him.
-The Brits were all but squashed in their rematch. Dinero lost in under 3 damn minutes to Jordan after putting on one hell of a match against Wolfe at Genesis.
-Love’s return was nice but did that match even go 2 minutes? In fact, I think AJ-Angle was the ONLY match that even went over 5 minutes all night. For a company that keeps screaming about how they are ‘pro wrestling’ and not ‘entertainment’ they sure aren’t doing a lot of actual wrestling right now.
-Anderson’s promo was good and I actually think he has A LOT of upside if he can stay healthy. A feud with Abyss doesn’t really seem like it would benefit either of them though.
-Who knows where the thing with Lashley is going? I don’t think they even know.
-And how sad is that we saw more of Bubba the Love Sponge tonight than any of the Knockouts or X-Division or guys or even Samoa Joe or Christopher Daniels at all? Just wow. I’m not going to speak on that pile of dog crap (Bubba the Love Sponge), I’ve said enough this week about him.
-I have absolutely no desire to see the Nasty Boys in TNA but it looks like they’re here to stay and Young got completely buried in the process.
-I would actually like to see Hall and Pac stick around, especially Pac since I think he still has a ton left to offer. I just don’t want to see a rehash of the nWo for the 100th time.
-TNA just doesn’t seem to have much of a direction at all right now. Maybe things will start to come into focus in the next few weeks but I just don’t know.
-I think hogan is going to run TNA in to the ground he was trying to say that he thought Vince EVERYTHING he knows….well Mr. hogan you are a fucking liar. Vince SR sold the company to Vinny Mac because he knew it was going to be in good hands Vince made you what you are today. A star an 80’s star that has run out of gas, and money. your wife left you for a 20 year old. your daughter is a whore that cant sing that tries to live off of your name. And lets not mention your son who crippled his “best friend” then you blamed the accident on the passenger.
-i think Eric Bishoff is to proud to fail twice but if he wants this to work out Dixie has to get rid of hogan and i don’t think that’s going to happen. look at what hes doing to the iMPACT zone it looks like a episode of WCW Thunder. Eric is a very intelligent mind in the world of wrestling but i think him in TNA is just rehashing old feelings of what he did to WCW
Wednesday. The only day in the week where there is zero wrestling on your TV. Monday Nights are RAW, Tuesdays have ECW. Thursdays make an iMPACT. Friday nights have SmackDown! Saturday Nights are ROH and Sundays are for Pay-Per-View. Where does that leave Wednesday? Luckily, at BoredWrestlingFan, yours truly has completed your weekly wrestling fix.
Superstars: I dont actually watch this show each week. I’m assuming it isnt as good as the opening video for the 1996 version however. 1996 Opening Intro
Smackdown: It seems my predictions from previous columns have come true. Jeff Hardy has become #1 contender and Chris Jericho looks like wrestling Rey Rey for the Intercontinental Championship. I’d like to see John Morrison’s singles push truly begin, maybe start him off in the IC Title feud, then by the end of the year have him up at the World Title level.
ECW: Christian’s Champ and it seems his challengers are Swagger, Henry and Dreamer. So they bring over Kozlov and yet don’t put in the title picture. Instead, they have him against jobbers. Why draft Kozlov over then? He could be doing that on SmackDown!
RAW: Shane McMahon os NOT the Hulk. Even though his last name is McMahon, he does not have super mega ultra powers. It sickens me to watch Shane O hold his own against one of Legacy, let alone three. God I hope Batista doesnt win at Judgment Day. For whatever God it is that exists in the world, please don’t let Batista win.
iMPACT: Lashley has done a grand total of NOTHING so far. MotorCity Machine Guns and LAX were knocked out of the Tag Team tournament, which means it looks like an easy path through to the final for Beer Money Inc. Daniels is accused of being Suicide. Daniels denies and will continue to deny until Kaz is back and able to wrestle, then they will both appear in the ring at the same time, confusing the hell outta everyone. Then they will take off the Suicide mask and realize it was Mr. Dean, the Farmer. Then Mr. Dean will say that he woulda gotten away with it too, if it werent for those MotorCity Machine Guns.
Short-ish but sweet, just the way I like it. Dont forget to check out all the details about the Priceless Wedding over at I am the REAL Legend Killer, reminding you, that the Daschund is the best dog to have sex with.