It’s a seven man Money In The Bank prediction show! Joe, Jorge, JT, and G are joined by Brian Muller of Lost Elysium, Gary Barnidge of the Cleveland Browns, and author Mark Noyce to give their predictions for tonight’s PPV. Jorge’s possibilities for love open up as Stacy Kiebler and George Clooney have split up, as have Randy Orton and his wife, plus Sunny is offering a unique photo op. Jorge and Brian clash as their respective bands are both up for best new band in the All WNY Music Awards. We also get Mark to reluctantly plug his book. All this, and much, much more!
BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 82 (MP3)
Our break song was “On Your Own” by Lost Elysium. Check them out at
Mark Noyce’s book “Tulips and Other Stories” is available on Amazon. Buy it here!
Zema Ion as the X-Division Champion
Impact Wrestling star and former X-Division Champion Zema Ion recently took time out of his busy schedule to do an interview with BoredWrestlingFan’s ThinkSoJoE – on Joe’s birthday, no less! We learn the incredible story of how Zema’s mother met his father, escaping a Singapore sweat shop in the process. Zema tells us about his early days, training with the International Wrestling Cartel in Pennsylvania, changing the direction of that promotion in the process. We’re told the story of how he missed his chance to train in Japan, and the discipline it took to train in Mexico. Zema asks a fan question about the whereabouts of his afro, and talks about the bizarre comparisons to Carlito. We learn where the original name of Shiima Xion came from, and who can take responsibility for changing it to Zema Ion upon his arrival in TNA. We get Zema’s thoughts on the injury caused to Jesse Sorrenson, and an update on Sorrenson’s condition. Finally, Zema tells us what band he’d love to play for if he had decided to be a rock star instead of a professional wrestler.
Big thanks to Impact Wrestling and Zema Ion himself for their time!
The BWF Radio crew is back to discuss another week in professional wrestling. We talk RAW, IMPACT, SmackDown, No Surrender, ROH iPPV, and Night of Champions. We take time to wish Jerry “The King” Lawler well as we discuss his heart attack from this past Monday’s RAW. We talk about Sunny being arrested three times in three days, and WWE’s decision to sponsor her rehab – again. We discuss our love of Team Friendship, our hatred of earlier WWE video games’ “Create A Belt” feature, and we issue a warning to not accept a facebook friend request from somebody who looks like Maria Kanellis because it may wind up getting you killed. All this and much, much more here on Bored Wrestling Fan Radio, Episode 40!
I love my new Android phone. It plays songs for me that I may have otherwise forgotten about via Pandora. I can listen to my beloved Buffalo Sabres play via the WGR radio app. I can waste the day away launching birds at pigs. But today is the day I truly fell in love with this phone, for you see, I’m able to post to Bored Wrestling Fan any time, any place via the WordPress app.
Shilling for Google aside, today’s the day we’ve been waiting for with baited breath – 2-21-11.
While it’s pretty much a given at this point that it’s The Undertaker, I’m hoping the WWE will somehow still surprise us. As much as I love Undertaker, let’s face it. The guy has been in WWE for 23 years now and it feels like he’s had 46 returns. You want to bring the phenom back, just have him show up. It works for him.
WWE had great buzz going with these promos. Too bad they’re not for somebody just coming into the WWE.
Surprise me. That’s all I ask.
Another Thursday, and a whole lot more suffering for the G. See last week Kurt Angle trespassed a whole bunch, which was a wee bit of an overkill… expect more Karen Angle-Jarrett tonight! Also, Abyss was MURDERED literally by Crimson (the Amazing Red’s little brother) via “Janice” (Abyss’ nail-laced two by four). Crimson promised “They” are coming, even though “They” already came in the form of Immortal. Oww… my brain already hurts, and the show hasn’t even started yet…
It’s late. It’s here. It is what it is. (more…)
This is not a review of this week’s “Impact.” (more…)
So I’ve been thinking about it. I want to write a book. I want to write about the reasons I’m a wrestling fan and the moments that have defined and strengthen my love of professional wrestling since I began watching 24 years ago. This, of course, begs the question: If I were to write a book, would anybody buy it? Let me know!
[poll id=”7″]
Let’s see if the BWF site can show the Empress of “iMPACT” a bit more love than it did on Thursday night, and actually allow me to post the entirety of this. (more…)