Tag Archive: No Doubt

  1. Raw is HD 3-5-12

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    Yes, we have finally made it to the 21st century with an HD DirecTV receiver. I have no doubt my world will be forever changed, at least wrestling wise.

    We open up the night with Shawn Michaels. I’m torn on this one. I don’t mind Shawn on my tv, but on the other hand, can we let the guy retire? The crowd responded well to him and made him seem important. He asks for Triple H to come to the ring. Shawn went for way too long. What Triple H has perfected very well over the past few years is the art of the focused glare. He does that glare better than most guys cut promos.  Then HBK let everybody know he was going to be the guest referee. Here’s to a 5-minute entrance at Wrestlemania.

    Santino was supposed to fight Jack Swagger. Swagger looked like a 9-year-old who needs a haircut. This wasn’t a match so much as a backdrop for the Teddy Long-Johnny Ace feud. However, Santino pinned Jack Swagger and won the belt. Best I can figure out, Swagger has failed a wellness test. Then Teddy Long had security escort Johnny Ace and his crew out. I believe this is like Vic Mackey suspending Det. McNulty on The Wire. (If you got that reference, you are my favorite person.)

    Rock talked a lot. My wife was happy. Kelly Kelly was nominated for Best Butt-Kicker. And? Eve beat Alicia Fox.

    Eve then tried to kiss Zack Ryder. They are booking Zack Ryder to look stupider than 1990 Sting.

    John Cena did a very solid promo, but it just went too long and sounded way too scripted.

    CM Punk & Sheamus took on Jericho & Bryan. The match was really good. I don’t like the fact the main events laid hands on each other before Wrestlemania. But let’s be honest. Punk and Jericho aren’t going to have the same exact match at Wrestlemania. I liked the finish and the match had nice build-up.

    Rock rambled about Paul Revere.

    Miz was supposed to fight Big Show. I really like how Big Show has evolved as a worker since his days of The Giant in WCW. Cody Rhodes showed footage of WM 18. #$^%@$#$@ That was the last WWE PPV I ever bought.

    Rock rambled more.

    R-Truth came out while talking to Little Jimmy. Kane came out and killed him. I guess Randy Orton is going to fight Kane at Wrestlemania.

    John Cena came out and cut another scripted promo. And then Rock came out. The two had a very nice interaction.

    So this ended up being a decent Raw. I liked the Punk-Sheamus/Bryan-Jericho segment match and the Cena-Rock stuff was good. If you watched it, you don’t feel your time was wasted. If you don’t, you probably didn’t miss anything.

  2. iMPACT Wrestling: 05/26/11

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    Last week, wrestling mattered. Or so we were told. Did it? Are you sure? I’m not convinced. While I liked the facelift of the iMPACT zone… Then sadly, the next day we found out that Randy Savage had tragically passed away. He will be missed. I don’t know if iMPACT matters, but there is no doubt that to wrestling, Savage mattered. They taped this episode last week, so I am unsure if there will be much mention of the Madness’ legacy although he appeared there briefly in 2004. I’m more interested in tonight, to see if they do anything about that. (more…)

  3. “Smackdown,” 5/13/11

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    On behalf of His Mighty Mighty Flynn-ness, your friendly neighborhood Drowgoddess presents this “Friday the 13th” review of “Smackdown!” In the role of King Philip of France, we have Randy Orton. Representing the Knights Templar, we have (no pun intended) Christian. What will the conspiracy theorists have to say by the end of this? Let’s investigate! (more…)

  4. Power Poll for the Week Ending: 2/2/11


    In the week following the Royal Rumble, all eyes in wrestling certainly would be on the winner of that said event. While amongst the dirt sheets, there is much argument about the value of a Rumble win in lieu of the Elimination Chamber PPV hurting it’s credibility. But that, is an argument for another day. There was also a RAW rumble match of significance this week, with the winner going on to face the Miz for the title. These two events will have significantly influenced this weeks poll.

  5. An open letter to @MattHardyBrand…


    Dear Matt Hardy,

    Since you like to go online and bash wrestling websites, I thought maybe a site that’s run by fans for fans would take a shot at getting on your bad side for once.  We here at BoredWrestlingFan do not have any inside connections, and we don’t claim to be a source for wrestling news.  We are simply fans of the product.  I must disclaim that this article does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the BWF staff as a whole, although I’m sure that at least a few of them feel the same way.

    I have no doubt that you and your brother made it to WWE on your athletic merit, and the number of WWE Tag Team Championships the two of you have held together over the years will attest to that.  Matt Hardy V1?  Brilliant stuff.  Loved the Matt Facts, and despite wearing a Rey Mysterio mask to WrestleMania XIX, I still cheered for you.  As your career went on though, it went downhill.

    Yes, we all know the story – Amy cheated on you with Adam, you got fired because of it (yes, I will admit, that was ridiculous), and you went on the internet and got your fans to support you and convince the WWE to bring you back.  After that, however, you didn’t seem to have the passion anymore.  I can see how a situation like that would suck the life out of somebody, but you’re a performer on a nationally televised stage and you have to deliver.

    Which brings me to the latter stages of your WWE career, Matt.  You put on a ton of weight – and yes, I’m aware of your abdominal tear that caused you to not be able to work out – and your work ethic continued to plummet.  You were essentially absent from TV, which would upset anybody in that situation, I’m sure, but what, exactly, Matt, were you doing to better your position in the company?  Were you working out post-surgery to get back into ring shape?  Were you doing cardio and trying to lose the gut that had writers here calling you “Fatt Lardy?”  Nope.  You were on the internet complaining about it.

    We’re tired of it, Matt.  Sure, you have millions of viewers to your YouTube videos, but how many of those are people like me who are tuning in to see just how batshit crazy you’ve actually gone?

    Then you show up in TNA as Rob Van Dam’s mystery opponent at Genesis, as if that weren’t the worst kept secret in pro wrestling.  I haven’t watched TNA in two months and I knew you were the mystery opponent.  But here’s the thing.  No matter how much you try to make yourself look like Raven, you’re not him.  Raven had thyroid issues and still managed to get himself back into somewhat decent shape.  And did Kizarny have a yard sale and sell his hair extensions?

    Look, Matt, I want to like you, I really do, but your shtick is getting old.  Stop trying to work the internet, and start trying to work on losing some weight and getting back into ring shape.  Then maybe someday will call you a has-been, instead of what you are now, a never-was.


    A professional wrestling fan.

  6. ThinkSoJoE’s Thoughts episode 4

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    A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away… Wrestling was actually very highly rated and the WWE, then known as the WWF, had real competition.  But that was 1997.  Whatever, lets get started.

    You may have noticed I’m running a little late this week – and have yet to post a SmackDown review as well.  Well, I spent my Friday at an amusement park, followed by catching No Doubt on their reunion tour (which was a lot of fun), and of course forgot to set my DVR for my usual Friday fodder, SmackDown on MyTV, and Don’t Forget The Lyrics on FOX.  Unlike DFTL, however, SmackDown doesn’t have a replay shown the next day on the Fox Reality Channel.  I’ll get around to watching SmackDown one way or another and I’ll make sure to get a review up, but I at least wanted to get this week’s ThinkSoJoE’s Thoughts in, since I didn’t feel like it at all yesterday.

    Japanese wrestling legend Mitsuharu Misawa passed away just after last week’s column went up, and the word was that he’d had a heart attack right there in the ring.  Word is, that’s not the case, and that the botched backdrop he took just before his death caused a spinal injury which led to his death.  Whatever the case, it was nice to see CM Punk pay tribute to him the next night on RAW.

    Speaking of Punk, he’s really coming across great on the mic every time I hear him speak lately.  I think he may also have more clean wins in title defenses in the past week than he had through his entire first run as World Heavyweight Champion.  Hell, I think Rey Mysterio had more clean wins as World Heavyweight Champion than Punk did his first time around.

    Oh, and Rey?  Just because most of your fan base wasn’t around when you lost your mask in WCW doesn’t mean the rest of us haven’t forgotten.  Forget about the damned mask and maybe you’ll actually be able to beat Jericho, who outsmarted you at Extreme Rules and on RAW this past Monday.

    Ah, RAW this past Monday.  WWE and GE (the parent company of the USA Network) are apparently in trouble over it.  I guess the Securities and Exchange Commission doesn’t like it when you put out press releases touting that you’ve sold off a major brand of a publicly traded company when it’s really just a television storyline.  Who knew?

    Also, who knows where Finlay stands at the moment?  Finlay is a tweener, kids.  That means that he’s not a good guy, but he’s not quite a bad guy.  Let  him bash everybody’s skulls in with the shileighleigh for all I care, as long as he’s not dancing around the ring with Hornswoggle.

    I’d hate to say it, but Tommy Dreamer needs to drop the ECW title, and quickly.  The match he had with Christian on RAW revealed to me that Dreamer has lost a few steps since his original ECW days.

    So Zack Ryder’s finisher is now called the Zack Attack?  I’m with tharvey1 on this, his theme needs to be “Friends Forever.”  I hear Zack Morris is still playing gigs.

    “This is Your Life, Rock” it was not.  TNA iMPACT’s opening segment had neither The Rock nor Yurple The Clown.  It did have Samoa Joe punching Kurt Angle in the face though, that was nice.

    So was James Storm’s promo.  An interview segment with Raven and Storm both involved would the be the greatest thing in the history of things.

    Candice Michelle and Sim Snuka were both released from their WWE contracts earlier this week.  I’d actually forgotten that Snuka was still on the roster.  Congrats to Drowgoddess who was in attendance for his final on-camera WWE appearance as the guy who may or may not have screwed up a spot involving The Undertaker and Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania 25.  The Divas can all rejoice that there’s one less accident prone Diva on the roster to accidentally injure them.

    Interesting note, I played 1 vs. 100 on Xbox LIVE earlier tonight, and one of the questions was “Who beat Randy Orton in a steel cage match in June 2009 to win the WWE Championship?”  Surprisingly, neither “the one,” nor any of the 5 people remaining in “the mob” got the question wrong.  In fact, host Chris Cashman pointed out after “the one” got the next question wrong that she knew her WWE Trivia.

    Well folks, that’s it for me, unless I wanted to step on JT’s toes and turn this into a Random Randomness knockoff, which I don’t.  I’ve got no predictions for Slammiversary, other than Daniels beating Douglas, simply because I’ve really stopped watching the show for anything other than Raven, Daffney, and Dr. Stevie.  Goodnight folks!