“It wasn’t supposed to be like this, Bryan! We could have been friends!” Crab Walk…. That was creepy. And so it begins… Mayor McCheese holds all of the titles with a side of french fries. When I last saw him, he only still had the soda, Mr. White. (P.S. Mr. Pink survived. Deal with it).
Oh yeah, wrestling is on.
Hopping time…
Ok, I know what you’re thinking. Who is this jerk usurping AlyKat’s spot?
The answer is G, I’ve been doing the iMPACT reviews as of late and she’s unable to make it this week.*
And I know you’re asking yourself, “Well then Mr. G, will there be the twittering like she does?”
No. Maybe some fake ones, but no. I will be doing this in my usual suffer-through-it-as-I-write style.
* Card subject to change.
Well then, let’s get down to business and see what the WWE served up for the last RAW of 2010, shall we? I haven’t done a RAW review in a long, long time.
Well folks, it’s Monday Night RAW in Calgary! And once again, I reprised my role as a “seat filler” to ensure that the on air product appears to be full and energized (or at least what you good people saw on television). We’ll see if I can hack a wifi connection and get this up tonight. I won’t be recapping everything, just pointing out some stuff I saw that you at home did not.