Tag Archive: Paul London

  1. BoredWrestlingFan Radio episode 73


    Antonio Cesaro puts the W in WWE. Brock takes the W out of WWE.

    This week on BWF Radio, Doc Knight of Original Stampede Wrestling returns to BoredWrestlingFan to give us a status update on the promotion, and to answer some frequently asked questions regarding OSW, his health, and other topics as relates to Calgary pro wrestling and pro wrestling in general.  Jorge leaves early to see Iron Man 3, and Brian tells him it’s not that great.  Rytman wonders whether he’s tuned into a German porn video as things are constantly “shit on.”  In the news we hear about Paul London and Dolph Ziggler’s concussions, Jay Briscoe’s anti-gay twitter remarks, and Hulk Hogan’s lawsuits.  We also get a status update on Saturday Morning Slam.  Don’t miss the reaction when we find out that Michael Cole is going to climb Mt. Whitney with JBL.  All this, and much more!  Tune in!

    BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 73 (MP3, 2:22:54)

    This week’s break song was “Sin and Bones” by Fozzy.  Buy it here.

  2. Smackdown 05/29/10: We lost a great Little Big Man today…

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    The first thing I notice as the camera pans through the crowd, is a guy with a “Bring Back Heat!” sign. I miss Stevie Night Heat… plus some of the fantastic matches that were allowed to occur on that program. Jimmy Yang and Paul London had some stellar bouts…. probably my favorites of all. And, the pregame show to PPV’s were great too…. ahh, but we can’t live in the past Mr. Guy in the Crowd, can we? We need to live in the present, as in tonight’s rendition of Smackdown!

  3. 2009 WWE Supplemental Draft Coverage


    Due to the length of today’s post, I have edited it to better suit the front page.  The draft picks will be listed here by brand at the top of the post, and the in-depth analysis will be found after the jump.  This is done in Real-Time, so click your browser’s refresh button every 10 minutes or so for the latest picks!


    Mr. Kennedy
    Nikki Bella
    Chavo Guerrero
    The Brian Kendrick
    Brie Bella


    Shad Gaspard
    Alicia Fox
    Mike Knox
    Candice Michelle
    Ricky Ortiz
    John Morrison
    Dolph Ziggler
    Charlie Haas


    Ezikiel Jackson
    Zack Ryder
    DH Smith
    Hurricane Helms

    Full analysis of the 2008 supplemental draft picks, after the jump! (more…)