Tag Archive: Pg 13

  1. The End Of An Era

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    The following comes to us from Bruce McGee over at Wonderpod-Online

    On Sunday April 1st the Undertaker and Triple HHH will face each other one more time at Wrestlemania 28. Seems fitting to me that it will be a hell in the cell match. Undertaker will be putting his mania streak on the line. In fact the WWE is calling it the the end of an era match. I think that’s rather fitting given the body of both wrestlers work, particularly hell in a cell matches. There many reasons why this match could be the an end of an era. Some are obvious and one is a personal one.

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  2. WWE NXT 01/25/2011: Wait… What? Watchable?

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    It happened on WWE’s NXT program of all places. This FORCED me to rewind while having it on in the background…

    I’m not reviewing the whole show. What I am posting is a superb free-TV match of the new year thus far. It was a solid actual wrestling match. Yes. Like I just wrote… on NXT. We don’t even have a category for that show ’round these parts, fella.

    Note: none of the following involves Sheamus, unless you count the Royal Rumble highlight video promoting this weekend’s PPV.
