Tag Archive: Remorse

  1. Smackdown 03/20/12: Expect Lots of Video Packages…

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    This puppy was probably taped so the guys giver, and get themselves to Flo Rida. Translation: “This is the last ditch attempt to get random casual viewers to throw down a bunch of money and watch WrestleMania 28.”

    Look, this will likely be the easiest review I do all year. It will have some Monday pre-taped matches that I didn’t pre-research, so Daniel Bryan could Brie-Slam and get his Twin Magic girlfriend on TV to earn some money to go watch the Hunger Games movie. Anyways, regardless of this episode, I will watch The $1000 Paternity Of Them All! Let’s just get to the jump, so we can all get to possibly having buyer’s remorse on Sunday!

    Seriously, I’m sure I will enjoy the PPV.

    Click below immediately or CM Punk DIES!


  2. RAW 12.6.10


    It’s been a couple weeks since I last made a review, and I’d like to thank the boss man himself, ThinkSoJoE for covering the past two weeks for me!  Now, next week is a special three-hour RAW (Jeez, these things are popping up everywhere! Old School, then King of the Ring, and now this!) that is dedicated to the Slammy Awards!  But, we’re not there yet!

    Tonight on Monday Night RAW, Randy Orton returns to the ring, Michael Cole must answer for his actions last week during the TLC match between Jerry “The King” Lawler and WWE Champion The Miz, and there’s supposed to be a Fatal Four Way match for the WWE Tag Team Championships?! Only way this can get better is if Jerry Lawler knocks Michael Cole out again!

    <VIDEO PACKAGE: WWE Champion The Miz gets challenged for a title match against Jerry “The King” Lawler. The two face off in a TLC match, where Michael Cole interferes to assist The Miz in retaining the WWE Championship.>

    Jerry Lawler and CM Punk are sitting together without Michael Cole!!  The crowd chants for him, and Punk says that he thinks Lawler would have done it if it hadn’t been for Michael Cole.

    Cole interrupts and comes out from the stage with a mic.  He says that it is with the deepest remorse that he comes out tonight to try to explain his actions last week.  He’s been wrestling with it all week long, and he doesn’t know why he did what he did.  These people don’t understand how traumatic last week was for him.  The hate mail that he received, how could everyone write those hurtful things about him?  But, the one thing he won’t’ do is apologize for the way he feels about the Miz, because when The Miz started in this company, Cole was the only one who supported him.  And when The Miz won the WWE Championship, it was like his own son had won the championship.  So, Jerry, last week, when all this was going on in the ring, and Miz was down, and Jerry was climbing… Cole got caught up in the emotion of the moment.  Jerry, because of that, that’s what he deeply regrets.

    King picks up a mic and says that he really expected Cole to apologize, because Cole cost him the WWE Championship.  Cole says he regrets his actions last week and asks if King has ever made a mistake, and says he made a mistake.  King says that it may be a mistake, but he may have to go up there and finish what he started last week.  He stands up, but Cole tells him to wait.  Punk says he’s not going to stop King.  Cole says they should talk about this like adults.  The way he just acted, it rang a bell in Cole’s head.  Cole believes the way that King just acted, King is as much to blame for last week as Cole is.  Cole and King are supposed to report on the news, not make it.  Last week, King made the news, King was the headline.  King had to be Jerry “The King” Lawler one more time.  He had to steal the spotlight, he couldn’t let The Miz have his one moment.  King had to steal it from him.  So, the more Cole thinks about this, he doesn’t think he owes King an apology.  He thinks King owes him an apology.  King says he’s going to come and give Cole what he thinks he owes Cole.


    Punk says that he’ll handle it, since Cole’s scared to get out of the ring.  Punk steps up to the podium and tells everyone hello.  He says he’s always wanted to do it, then mocks Cole, much to everyone’s amusement.

    “I am ordering a cease and desist on any physicality between Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler.  Violation of this order will result in termination.  What I would like right now is for Jerry to get in the ring and shake hands with Michael.”

    Jerry starts toward the ring, and Punk says this isn’t worth King’s job.  King gets in the ring, and shakes Cole’s hand.  Cole walks away, but Jerry didn’t let go.  King says no physicality.  But, he thinks there’s someone in the back who may want to say something to him.

    I hear voices in my head…

    Randy walks out, Cole tries to leave again, but Lawler holds him there.  Lawler finally lets Cole’s hand go, but keeps him in the ring anyway.  Randy stands there, and Cole goes to leave, but Lawler makes him stay.

    Orton says that he wants Cole to send a message to The Miz: Randy doesn’t blame him for cashing in when he did, because if the roles were reversed, he would have done the exact same thing.  As a matter of fact, Randy and The Miz are a lot alike.  The only difference is that Randy has proven that he has the ability to back up what he says in the ring.  So, Cole, keep rooting for the Miz, Randy doesn’t care, because injured knee or not, he’s going to take back the WWE Championship from The Miz tonight.


    The Miz and Alex Riley walk out, with Lawler still keeping Cole in the ring, and Miz says that Randy used to be so original, so willing to stand on his own, but now he sounds like everyone else who is underestimating Miz.  This past summer, they were both in the same Money in the Bank match. The only difference is Miz won and Randy lost.  Now, Randy’s left standing there in the middle of that ring with nothing more than tough talk and an injured knee.  Well, Miz stands on that stage, the new WWE Champion, and as far as Randy winning back his title tonight, yeeeah, that’s not gonna happen.  Because, the RAW Gm already informed him that he successfully defended his title last week, he doesn’t have to defend it again until TLC in two weeks, against Randy. T he good news is that Randy’s knee is going to be all better, but it doesn’t make a difference, because Randy’s going to lose again.  Randy says that it’s a great plan, but where are the seven guys who are going to beat him down before he faces him.  Randy tells him not to look at Alex, because Riley doesn’t count as one.  Riley says that that’s pretty funny coming from a guy on one leg.  And even though The Miz doesn’t have to lower himself by facing Randy, Alex has five minutes to kill, and he’d like to challenge Randy Orton to a match.  Randy says he doesn’t know what it is Alex just said, but he accepts.  Miz says there’s one more thing Miz has to tell Randy, and that’s the stipulation for TLC. So, he’s going to think long and hard, because his decision is going to be just like him: Awesome.  Randy says he’s looking forward to Miz’s decision, and for anyone out there who thinks he may be too injured to compete, there is one thing, injured knee or not, that he can still do very well.  He then RKOs Michael Cole.


    @kickoutblog Is CM Punk wearing a Charles Manson shirt? Brilliant. Take any concerns over last week’s wardrobe and crank it up to 11.

    @JCenadotcom The announce table without Michael Cole? My God! You can tell Christmas is near. 🙂

    @RingsideRants I will mark out so hard if Jim Ross comes out to announce tonight. #Raw

    @WWEUniverse COLE SLAW, courtesy of @RandyOrton! #WWE

    @Niki_Sushi Ah, Jerry. You’re a sneaky one, arentcha? RKO to the FACE! x3 #BWF #RAW

    @Lunna1969 OMG!!! STFU COLE!!! #WWE #RAW #BWF

    @TKeep123 Probably the biggest “YOU SUCK!” chant I’ve heard in many years…and all well deserved for… Michael Cole! #RAW #WWE #BWF

    They play the video replay back, and Punk says that Cole tripped on his clown shoes right into an RKO.  During the commercial, referees and staff had to help Michael Cole out of the ring.  Josh Matthews joins Jerry Lawler and CM Punk ringside for commentary.

    Ted DiBiase and Maryse vs United States Champion Daniel Bryan and Brie or Nikki Bella

    Before the match one of the Bellas is already on Daniel’s arm, and the other one isn’t happy about it.  But no one cares, because Maryse is in the ring.

    DiBiase and Bryan start up, locking up for DiBiase to push him away.  The other Bella heads down to the ring, and DiBiase keeps control of Daniel.  Punk hopes another Maryse comes down, and so do I.  Bryan gets control over DiBiase now, and Matthews calls Punk Miz.  In the ring, the Divas are in, and Brie, I guess, gets advantage over Maryse, who goes for a cover, but Maryse kicks out.  Maryse fights back, dropping Brie hard.  Maryse seems to have hurt herself, and yells at DiBiase, then at Brie.  She goes for a clothesline, but misses, only for Brie to go for a cover.  DiBiase breaks it up, and Nikki switches while Maryse yells at Bryan, who is distracting the ref.  Nikki goes for a small package and gets it for the win.  Shit match, gonna be honest.

    United States Champion Daniel Bryan and Nikki Bella win via pinfall.

    Brie and Nikki seem to be working together again, and in the ring, Maryse and DiBiase fight, but Maryse puts her hand in his face, and walks away.  He glares after her.

    Coming up, Gabriel and Slater take on the Usos, Kozlov and Marella, and Henry and Tatsu for the WWE Tag Team Championships, and an exclusive interview with Wade Barrett.

    Next week is a special three-hour RAW for the Slammy Awards!


    @MattWRoberts I didn’t know Daniel Bryan was the guest host of Raw tonight!!! So cool!!

    @RingsideRants Where is the anonymous GM for this Bella switch bullshit that happens every week? #LogicIsOverrated

    @kickoutblog Good news: Daniel Bryan match without Michael Cole commentating. Bad news: it’s also a Bella match.

    @seraphalexiel This is why Ted should’ve stuck with Virgil.

    <VIDEO PACKAGE: R-Truth calls out a member of Nexus, but John Cena takes out McGuillicutty, Slater, and Gabriel.>

    Now, the Wade Barrett interview, via satellite.  Otunga, however, tells us that Barrett’s on his way to the arena for Slater and Gabriel’s title match.  Matthews asks what they’re strategy is for taking out Cena, but Otunga says he’s not going to tell him that.  They do have a plan, and Cena’s going to pick them off one by one, but the Nexus is going to stay united.  Someone knocks, and Otunga says that the interview is over.  He jerks the door open, and Otunga gets onto him for taking forever, and then says that he’s not paying for cold food.  Someone knocks on the door again, and Otunga answers, only for it to be Cena.  Harris, I believe, attacks Cena, but Otunga gets away.  Cena proceeds to rip Harris apart, and then chases after Otunga.


    @KeepItFiveStar Oh David Otunga, didn’t you learn anything from Edge and Lita?

    @Niki_Sushi My poor Justin. :< I’ll play nurse for you. :3 #BWF #RAW

    @TKeep123 Thanks, David, you stay in the hotel room….Room Service for you! Bet You Can’t SEE Housekeeping! #RAW #WWE #BWF

    @HitTheRopes Yo, Nexus gets a new shirt like every other week now. #wwe

    @kickoutblog Dear WWE Superstars: never invite a camera crew to your home or hotel room… it’s a guaranteed ass kicking.

    We get back, and David Hart Smith is in the ring! Josh Matthews says he’s been waiting for this match for quite some time, but… they just fought on Superstars!

    David Hart Smith vs Tyson Kidd

    Tyson walks down to the ring with some tall ass- OMG! This is the guy that beat Goldust in the pre-RAW match when I was in Orlando! He’s a good wrestler, guys, very strong.  Did beat Goldust… Don’t remember his name. EDIT: Apparently, it’s Jackson Andrews


    Kidd and Smith start out, and Smith keeps a quick advantage until Kidd kicks him in the jaw, but it doesn’t last and Smith throws him back in the ring.  Kidd gets a great advantage using his speed and attacks with hard kicks before throwing him into the middle of the ring.  He puts his knee in smith’s back and pulls his arms back, but Smith fights to his feet, only for Kidd to kick him.  Smith hits a clothesline, then a flying shoulder, then a belly to belly throw across the ring.  Kidd gets to his feet, but Smith runs into an elbow.  Kidd goes up top, but Smith hits him hard.  Smith climbs up too, and hits a superplex, going for the cover.  Kidd kicks out at two, and then counters an Irish Whip into the clothesline.  Kidd counters to a roll through and pins him.

    Tyson Kidd wins via pinfall.

    Smith runs out and attacks Kidd, but the big guy slams Smith into the barrier, then throws him into the ring and joins him.  The new guy then clotheslines Smith to hell.  Kidd climbs in, looking like friggin Hornswoggle next to this guy.

    Axe Murderer Gabriel is backstage with Slater and Barrett, and says that they aren’t safe anywhere.  Gabriel says that he’s not sure how well he can defend the title, but Barrett says not to be afraid, and in the long run, everything is going to work itself off.  Otunga apparently ran all the way to the arena and says that Barrett’s plan didn’t work.  Barrett says it was Otunga’s execution of the plan.  Slater and Gabriel need to focus on defending the titles.  Barrett looks at Otunga and says that he’s going to go to the ring and call out Cena, and tells him to watch, because then he’ll learn something about taking care of business.  Otunga says that Barrett better, because if he doesn’t, he may have a mutiny on his hands.


    @KeepItFiveStar LMAO. Otunga with his Kenyan 600 like speed.

    @Niki_Sushi ‘It’d be hard to kidnap this guy!’ Naw…. you think? #BWF #RAW

    @TKeep123 Damn, that hotel must be close by! Looks like Otunga ran the whole way! #RAW #WWE #BWF

    @Lunna1969 Dude looks like he has roid rage! #WWE #RAW #BWF

    Fatal Four Way Tag Team Elimination Match for the WWE Tag Team Championships
    Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov vs. Jimmy and Jey Uso with Tamina vs. Yoshi Tatsu and Mark Henry vs. The WWE Tag Team Champions Justin Gabriel and Heath Slater

    Wonder how Tamina will affect Santino’s chances… But, at least with this, we all know who will win.

    Justin and Tatsu start out, locking up with Gabriel getting an advantage.  Tatsu puts him in a headlock, no doubt causing a problem for Gabriel’s sore neck, but Tatsu ducks every move Gabriel throws at him.  Tatsu hits a spinning heel kick and goes for a cover, but Gabriel kicks out.  Gabriel fights back with a kick to the gut and tags in Slater, who is thrown to the ground.  Tatsu then puts him in a submission (arm bar? I missed it), and Mark Henry is tagged in.  Heath quickly tags in one of the Usos, who won’t get in, until Henry drags him in by his hair.  Henry then punches Jey, apparently, in the head and drops him to the ground.  Henry tags Tatsu back in and holds Jey as Tatsu plants his feet in Jey’s chest.  Jey runs Tatsu into the corner and tags in Jimmy.  Tatsu is being abused in the corner, and Jey is tagged in, and they hit their team finisher thing, and take Henry off the apron with a double baseball slide.  Heath tags himself in through whichever Uso is in, and then goes for a cover on Tatsu, who cannot kick out.

    Mark Henry and Yoshi Tatsu are eliminated.

    The Usos come back in and really give it to Slater, who kicks out of the cover.  Slater fights back, however, and the other Uso tags himself in, both of them dropping Slater.  Gabriel breaks up the cover with a kick to the head.  Uso then drops Slater to the mat, but Slater gets up, fighting back.  Vladimir tags himself in using Heath to do so and proceeds to man handle everyone, knocking Slater and Gabriel and the other Uso off the apron, and then pinning him.

    Jimmy and Jey Uso are eliminated.

    So, it’s now Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov vs. Justin Gabriel and Heath Slater. Tamina stays with Santino, interestingly enough, and Gabriel works on weakening Kozlov’s leg.  Gabriel goes for the cover, but Kozlov kicks out at two.  Gabriel tags in Slater, who goes to town on Kozlov.  The ref pushes him away, and Gabriel works on Kozlov.  Kozlov whips Slater away and then head butts him.  Santino comes in and suplexes Slater, who doesn’t like it much and lays Santino down.  Gabriel is tagged in, and kicks Santino right in the face.  Gabriel goes for a cover, but Santino kicks out.  Tamina is still in the corner of Santino and Kozlov.  Slater yells at the crowd to shut up, but in the ring, Santino’s fighting his way out of Gabriel’s headlock thing, and then flips Gabriel over him.  Gabriel kicks him in the head, but Santino kicks out of the following cover at two.  Nexus continues to tag in and out, keeping Santino in his corner, .  Once again, Slater distracts the ref and Gabriel takes the time to attack Santino.


    @HitTheRopes LOL, my brother is enamored by Tamina. Is contemplating how it must be to be with a woman that muscular

    @Lunna1969: I like Yoshi but seeing him with Mark Henry is making me miss @findevan (Evan Bourne) a lot! #WWE #RAW #BWF

    @KeepItFiveStar What kind of “Dogpile on the rabbit” move was that, Heath Slater?!

    @kickoutblog If the ring blew up right now, WWE would no longer have a tag team division.

    @Niki_Sushi I would rather hear Santino sing to his theme song than R Truth…. rap? his. #BWF #RAW

    We come back to Gabriel trying to keep Kozlov out of his own corner.  It doesn’t work, however, and Santino gets in to fight Gabriel.  I see @FrankWWEClown’s wing.  Santino gets Gabriel on his back with a hip toss, and then a head butt.  Santino then punches Gabriel in the stomach and when he goes for a cover, Slater comes in to break it, and Kozlov goes out of the ring to get Slater away.  Cena distracts Gabriel, who is hit with the Cobra for the win.

    Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov win via pinfall and are the new WWE Tag Team Champions.

    Tamina gives Santino a congratulatory kiss, and the three of them do the trumpet thing in the middle of the ring.

    Still to come, Randy Orton is going to decimate Alex Riley, but up next is King Sheamus’ Coronation Ceremony!



    @LadySwagger6 John Cena, you wore that outfit to RAW last week.

    @KeepItFiveStar Tamina is definitely Snuka’s daughter. She hates shoes.


    By the way, everyone, in two weeks is WWE’s Tribute to the Troops featuring Diddy’s Dirty Money, Trace Adkins, Sherri Shepard, and whoever Miss USA was from last week.  Because I didn’t care enough to pay attention to her name…

    It’s a shameful thing, lobster head… Too many limes, too many limes…

    Sheamus comes out with a wicked looking crown.  I want it.

    <VIDEO PACKAGE: Sheamus defeats John Morrison to become the 2010 King of the Ring.>

    Sheamus says it’s good to be king.  He says when he won King of the Ring least week, he didn’t just win the tournament, he restored credibility to the crown.  He’s far superior to all of the peasants in the arena, and he’s a better fighter than anyone across the universe, he’s the man who ended Triple H’s career, the King of Kings.  He kicked him off this throne, and became the new high king.  The last high king of Ireland was a guy named Bryan something, and he fought for Ireland.  He was feared and respected all across the land, but in the end, at the battle of some place, he fell and was defeated, and that will never happen to him, because his reign will live forever.  He’s better than the best, and will not be remembered as Ronald McDonald or Conon O’Brien, but as the greatest high king in history.

    Now listen, this ain’t no make believe…

    Morrison says that if Sheamus was going to go this route, why not go all the way?  Get some goblins, elves, gnomes, a satyr, even (the half-man, half-goat thing).  Morrison says it could escort him to the ring and afterward, they could hang out.  Sheamus says that he knows why Morrison is out there, Morrison is jealous.  Morrison is jealous that Sheamus is a two-time WWE Champion, and that he’s the King of the Ring, and Morrison isn’t and never will be.  Morrison is jealous that Sheamus has achieved more in the past two years than in his whole career, and that Sheamus is simply the better man.  Morrison says that Sheamus is right: he’s achieved more and has more accolades.  He’s a former WWE Champion, the King of the Ring, and last time Morrison checked, Morrison won at Survivor Series, and Sheamus beat him last week, but the score is tied and Morrison is the better man. Sheamus laughs and says that Morrison is a funny man.  If Morrison’s sense of humor matched his in ring ability, he’d be wearing the crown, but he isn’t and he isn’t.  And, from now on, Sheamus wants Morrison to refer to him either as ‘Your Highness’ or the High King of the WWE.  But, what Sheamus wants most, is to send an example to his loyal subjects across the WWE Universe.  He wants Morrison to get down on his hands and knees and bow to his king.  Morrison says that he’s not going to do that, and that in this business there are no guarantees, but Morrison has one for him: Morrison will never bow down to King Sheamus.

    Sheamus attacks Morrison and demands he get down, and Morrison punches him and attacks.  Morrison just keeps going after Sheamus, and Morrison uses Sheamus’ own scepter and throne against Sheamus.

    Tonight, Wade Barrett is going to call out John Cena and end things once and for all.


    @kickoutblog King Sheamus will have the last laugh when he orders John Morrison to be beheaded

    @TrueKofi what in the hell is sheamus wearing?!

    @HitTheRopes Cut the jokes? Was that what Morrison was attempting to make there?

    @Niki_Sushi Oh god. He called himself Ronald McDonald. My life is complete. #BWF #RAW

    @KeepItFiveStar Story time with King Lobster Head

    @JonHexLives: Is he a king or a wizard? #WWE #RAW #Sheamus

    @TKeep123 Sheamus looks like Adam Savage on sterioids! ( #MythBusters ) #WWE #RAW #BWF

    Diva’s Champion Natalya vs. Melina

    Lay-Cool are ringside, invited by Michael Cole.  Lawler sums up my thoughts: Why don’t you slip into something more comfortable? Like a coma?

    Natalya starts dominating Melina, lifting Melina up and holding her up, and Punk tells everyone to shut up.  Natalya goes for a cover, but Melina gets out and attacks Natalya back, slamming Natalya down onto her knees.  Melina wraps her legs around Natalya’s middle, but Natalya gets Melina’s shoulder’s down.  Natalya hits the spinning clothesline thing on Melina and gets her in a corner, attacking her, only to run into both of Melina’s feet.  Natalya drops Melina into a split, and then locks in the Sharpshooter.  Melina fights not to tap, but she finally does.

    Natalya wins via submission.

    LayCool get up and head into the ring, attacking Natalya.  Melina, however, keeps walking away.

    Still to come, Randy Orton is going to destroy Alex Riley, and Wade Barrett calls out John Cena!


    @KeepItFiveStar Nattie just clotheslined Melina’s Vocal Chords out! She will never shriek again.

    @TKeep123 hmm..Melina vs. Natalya. I’m torn here…how about just lots of close wrestling, lots of pin attempts, then kiss & make up. #WWE #RAW #BWF

    @RingsideRants Screaming before you do every move is a dead giveaway, Melina.

    @kickoutblog LayCool vs. Natalya won’t end until LayCool get the belt back. It’s not like there are any other heel Divas for Natalya to work with.

    @ThingsColeSays Is CM Punk gonna have to choke a bitch?

    Don’t forget! Next Monday, RAW starts at 8/7 Central for the Slammy Awards!

    <VIDEO PACKAGE: Cole gets RKO’d with a little assistance from Jerry “The King” Lawler.>

    Alex Riley and The Miz are backstage, and Alex Riley says that he won’t let Miz down.  Miz says that Riley is representing The Miz and everyone’s talking about how he won.  Not to mention, they’re treating it as the turning point of this company, and Riley needs to beat Randy Orton.  Riley says that the only way Orton will leave Louisville on his hands and knees.  The Miz says after that, he won’t tell Randy what match they’ll have at the pay-per-view, he’ll show him.

    I hear voices in my head…

    Randy Orton vs Alex Riley is up next.


    @Niki_Sushi Mm-mm-mm. I love me some sexy man, and the sexiest just came on out. I’z happeh. Now I want him to slaughter an idiot… OH WAIT! #BWF #RAW

    @ThingsColeSays Did Miz just quote HBK? “Look in my eye!” bwhahahahahahaahahhahha

    @kickoutblog This week’s Miz suit < last week’s Miz suit.

    @kickoutblog At least Dennis Miller won’t be anywhere near this year’s Slammy Awards.

    @Lunna1969 I so volunteer to be the person that oils Randy up!!! #WWE #RAW #BWF

    @TKeep123 Amazing how entertaining this night has been WITHOUT Michael Cole on commentary! #WWE please take note! #RAW #BWF

    <VIDEO PACKAGE: Two weeks ago, The Miz cashed in the Money in the Bank briefcase after Nexus takes out Randy Orton’s knee, and I was there.>


    Randy Orton vs. Alex Riley with WWE Champion The Miz

    The Miz is standing in Riley’s corner as this match begins, and Orton gets distracted by him right away, allowing Riley to focus on the knee again.  Orton fights back, however, and throws Riley in the corner, getting forcibly moved away from the corner by the ref.  Orton’s down, and Riley goes for a cover, but Orton kicks out.  Riley stays focused on the injured knee.  Randy gets back up and hits a suplex on Riley.  Orton gets up again and hits Riley a few times, getting his momentum back.  He hits an inverted atomic drop followed by a clothesline, and then his scoop slam.  Riley rolls around the ring in pain for a minute, and manages to roll under the bottom rope, like an idiot.  Orton hits that second rope DDT that we all love and then glares at Miz before flipping around and slamming onto the mat, pounding down.  He gets up to hit it, but The Miz comes in and hits the Skull Crushing Finale.

    Randy Orton wins via disqualification.

    The Miz demands a microphone and says that he is going to show Orton what stipulation they are going to have at the pay per view.  He goes under the ring and pulls out a table.  He sets it up, scares the ref away (earning a laugh from me), and then lifts Randy up by his ears.  Randy fights back, however, and goes to throw Miz into the table, but Miz gets out of it and flees the ring, leaving his rookie in the ring.  Orton realizes this and turns his gaze to Riley.  He picks Riley up, and then Batista Bombs power bombs Riley right through the table.

    Barrett makes his way to the ring, and tells Otunga to make sure the rest of the guys are ready.


    @KeepItFiveStar That might be the first time I’ve seen Randy Orton do a powerbomb…EVER!

    @TKeep123 MIZ declares, It’s a BEVERAGE MATCH! OOPS, wrong side of the ring…. It’s a Tables Match! #WWE #RAW #BWF

    @Niki_Sushi I love how there’s a refreshment box under the ring. #BWF #RAW

    @Fullmetal_Ninja: #WWE #RAW A-Ri is gonna get his A-Hole ripped.

    Another reminder of the Slammy’s.  Seriously, just scroll up.

    Barrett makes his way to the ring, hopefully with Otunga already having prepped Nexus to come out.  Barrett says that he’s about to admit to something he’s never admitted to in his life: he got it wrong.  He assumed that Cena was a man of his word, but we all know the stipulation from Survivor Series: it was free or fired, not free or turn up at RAW and attack the Nexus at will.  It was free or fired and Cena was fired.  If Cena had one ounce of integrity in his body, he’d never show his face here again.  Barrett says that Cena can attack the rest of Nexus as much as he wants, but Nexus can’t get him hired, only Barrett can.  With that being said, Barrett wants to invite Cena out to the ring now, from wherever it is he’s hiding, because there’s something he wants to get off his chest.  Barrett tells Cena not to be shy, and Cena appears in the audience, high fiving people and making his way to the ring.  Punk tells security they have a jumper, and I laugh.

    Nexus comes out when Cena gets to the ring, with an apparently much better Harris.  Barrett says that he’s allowed Cena out to the ring, but if Cena puts a foot out of line, or threatens him, Nexus will beat Cena within an inch of his life.  Cena says okay.  Barrett tells Cena that the WWE Universe can cheer as much as they want, but it doesn’t help.  He knows that Cena has problems understanding him, so he’s going to say it slowly, and Cena can read his lips: This is not going to work. Barrett will never rehire him.  Cena laughs before talking.  He tells Barrett that he’s stupid, then mocks him.  Cena says that being fired actually isn’t that bad.  Technically, he’s not a WWE Superstar, but he’s part of the WWE Universe, and he still has a lot of friends, and he can tailgate with the WWE Universe, and they’re crazy.  And best of all is that he has so much time on his hands that he can think of making the Nexus’ lives hell.  Cena says at least Heat and Justin didn’t lose to Santino and the Cobra (oh wait), and then asks how the beatdowns last week were.  And he asks how David and ‘Hasky’s’ room service was.  Cena says that he’s perfectly content with staying fired, buying a ticket to ever RAW, and making the lives of every Nexus member miserable.  So, Mr. Barrett, he doesn’t want to rehire Cena?  Cena could care less.  Cena asks fi they’re done, because he has to go party.  Barrett says that he may be out to intimidate the rest of the Nexus, but he can’t intimidate Barrett.  Barrett asks what insurances that the attacks are going to stop.  Cena sys that if he was rehired, he’d have so much room for activities, compete in matches, have his own talk show, or he could compete for the WWE Championship.  Cena says the reason he never thought of it is because he doesn’t have the WWE Championship.  If Barrett keeps him fired, and all he has to do is buy a ticket and ruin his life.  Cena says that if Barrett has the guts to hire him back, the attacks on Nexus may stop, but his attacks on Barrett will not.  He deserves payback, and payback is what he will get.  If Barrett was a man of honor and integrity, he’d rehire Cena on the spot, and they’d end it tonight.  And if Barrett doesn’t, Cena’s going to get him, but Barrett will never know when or where, but it will happen.  And it’s not just going to be once, he won’t stop.  Every single day that Barrett is in the WWE, Cena makes it his promise that his life will be a nightmare.  Barrett says that that sounded like a threat and tells Nexus to extinguish this man.

    Nexus doesn’t move.

    Barrett continues to tell them to come down to the ring, but Harris walks backstage, followed by Slater, Gabriel, and finally, Otunga, who all ignore repeated orders to return to the ring.  Cena then tackles Barrett and chases him, hurling him into the steel steps.  Cena pulls them away from the ring, and Punk tries to protect his diet soda.  Punk says flat out that he’s moving.  Cena gives Punk his soda this time, but Punk doesn’t seem to care.  Barrett is lifted onto Cena’s shoulders, and climbs the steps, but Barrett takes off running, managing to make it out of the ring and up the ramp.  The sound guys didn’t get the memo, and play Cena’s music.  Cena offers Punk one of his wristbands, but Punk throws it away.

    Barrett moves backstage and sees Nexus, and yells at all of them.  Otunga stands there and says that Barrett may not be giving them orders anymore.  Next week, Barrett either hires Cena back, or he’s kicked out of Nexus.  Barrett says they have to be kidding, but the other members of Nexus gang up on him.

    I’m sorry everyone, but the only image the website would let me post was the Blinded by Nexus one. xP I’ll try to get more of them up next week!!

    This Cena angle is so much better than the Juan Cena angle and I’m happy I did not have to see that.  So, next week, RAW starts at 8/7 Central and is the Slammy Awards!! Maybe I can talk ThinkSoJoE into helping me with our very own awards (that may come a few weeks later).  Who knows? Stay tuned!

    And I’m ending with a random thought: If Alex Riley can be called A-Ri, can I be called A-Kat?? Ahaha. Ignore that.

  3. Smackdown: 06/09/10


    Up here in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, we kicked off the Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth – The Calgary Stampede today. Well technically it starts on Thursday, and technically, it’s not that great, rather just a midway that travels throughout the Great White North and a big rodeo competition. I wonder what happened on Smackdown subsequently… (more…)

  4. “Impact” Impressions 7/23/09

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    Tonight’s show opens with Taz hitting the ring, and the Human Suplex Machine has a microphone! Taz talks aboutwrestling for a little company called ECW, and sustaining injuries that ended his career. ECW gets cheered. Hetalks about announcing in WWE. WWE gets booed. While flipping channels, Taz came across TNA and Samoa Joe. Joe isthe second coming of himself, with one exception. Taz never felt remorse for his brutal actions, and Joe did. Tazfelt that he could change that, and get Joe to the next level. Taz said that he and Joe would always be indebted toKurt Angle and the Main Event Mafia for accepting Joe’s services. Joe is the only MEMber with no gold, but thatwill change momentarily. Joe is going to defeat Homicide for the X-Division title. Beat Joe if you can, Homicide,and survive if he lets you!  

    Drowgoddess Thoughts (DGT): Good, solid promo from Taz. Everything was wildly cheered until he got to the partabout thanking Angle and the MEM, but even that was still cheered too much for a heel faction. How many mentors /teachers does Samoa Joe need? Until the middle of 2006, Joe was The Man in TNA, and had everything going for him.He was already at “the next level,” and then TNA became Total Nonstop Angle, and everything went downhill. I’dpersonally rather see Taz and Joe not part of the MEM, but that’s as may be.

    Match #1: Homicide defeats Samoa Joe: This match was for the X-Division title, but Homicide only won by DQ. Joe hastaken on as many of Taz’s moves and mannerisms as possible, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. The majority of the offense was Joe’s, but it was hardly a squash. Joe got Homicide in the corner for a facewash, and the new referee tried to pull Joe away. Joe punched him. Homicide takes advantage and attempts the Gringo Cutter (Is it still the Gringo Cutter when done on a Samoan?), but Joe reverses it into the Kokina Clutch. Joe’s victory seems assured, but the referee disqualifies Joe for hitting him. Joe responds by stomping Homicide even more. Strange music plays, and Hernandez rushes the ring! Hernandez makes the save and stares down Joe, but Taz pulls Joe out of the ring in a “not now” gesture.   

    DGT: These two can really go. Please let them. The X-Division title shouldn’t be a limitation, as both of these guys were ROH World Champion, and could certainly handle the top spot in TNA. Hernandez looked really good, and has lost some weight. Why on earth would you change the music of someone who is making his return? Bring him back to the music the fans know, and change it later. Samoa Joe and Hernandez could have an awesome World title program. Could. Please??? Don West repeatedly made the point that the X-Division title and the Knockouts title did actually matter to the MEM, but that they were looking at getting all the gold one step at a time. That TNA acknowledged this is surprising, but hey, maybe they read some of the complaints. One can only hope. 

    To the back! Mick Foley is down over Kurt Angle being the new “golden boy” of TNA management, and getting his way in all things.

    To the ring! The entirety of the Main Event Mafia enters. Angle says that while everyone in TNA SHOULD be afraid for their jobs, he isn’t going to fire anyone because he’s a generous man. TNA management has agreed to all of the Main Event Mafia’s demands because if they hadn’t, the MEM would have walked out of TNA, and the company would have nothing left but a bunch of losers. TNA needs the Main Event Mafia in order to survive. Angle trashes Foley, and asks just what is it that Foley does in TNA? He just takes up space, and he isn’t the wrestler that he used to be. Foley’s music kicks in and he comes to the ring. For the ten minutes or so that he was kicking Angle’s ass all over the ring, he was the wrestler that he used to be. Angle goes on at great length about Foley working TNA management and making them believe that Foley was necessary to TNA, while the MEM was not. If Angle and Joe hadn’t outsmarted Foley and taken his title belt, Foley would still be working the office. Angle pulls out some keys on a huge “TNA” lanyard, and says that with Jarrett gone and Sting a thousand miles away licking his wounds, the only thing left to take care of is Foley. These are the keys to Foley’s office, and tonight, Angle and Foley will have a “Keys on a Pole” match to see who gets them.    

    DGT: No good can ever come from any match situation involving the words “on a pole.” Ever. EVER! Because the MEM won three major titles at the ppv, TNA management has given them carte blanche to take over the show and run everything? That seems to be what they’re telling us. Kurt Angle said “work” a record number of times. Actually, if the entirety of the MEM left TNA, what would be left is a damn fine wrestling company. Angle buries the entire non-MEM roster and he gets cheered for it? That alone should indicate a problem in how the MEM is portrayed. As a gift to the fans, the MEM will defend their titles tonight, but they apparently get to choose their own opponents. One ticket to Squash City, please.

    To the back! The British Invasion informs us that they have a rematch against Team 3D next week for the IWGP Tag Team titles. They are aligning themselves with the MEM in their pursuit of power, money, and glory. Tonight, however, they will take out the TNA Originals.

    Match #2: Kevin Nash (w/ Jenna Morasca) defeats Amazing Red: This “match” was for the Legends title. It ended in about two minutes. Red’s offense had no effect, and Nash hit the jacknife powerbomb for the quick win.

    DGT: Don West’s completely over-the-top commentary about how much of a challenge Red would be would have been funnier of a bigger deal had been made of the MEM choosing their own opponents. Red got brought in as the next Rey Mysterio, and now he’s being jobbed out in two minutes? Jeebus.

    To the back! Hernandez cuts a solid promo about having Jarrett and Sting’s backs. Jarrett gave him a chance when no one else would, and he’s standing up for TNA. Homicide comes in and argues with Hernandez over “saving” him earlier.

    DGT: Aww, come on! Don’t break up LAX! A tag team doesn’t have to break up in order to move on to singles accomplishments.

    To Mick Foley’s office! JB asks Foley about his fear of losing everything tonight. Foley mocks the very concept of “on a pole” matches, saying that the Burr-Hamilton duel could have been settled that way and no one had to die. The Obama-McCain presidency could have been settled that way. Foley makes a big deal about keeping the caricature drawing of himself and JB, no matter what. Rocco and Sally Boy come in and tell Mick that they’ve got his back. They’ll do anything that he needs. Foley asks them to get rid of the “MEM” logos on their shirts, like he asked them to six weeks ago.

    Booker T and Scott Steiner watch this exchange on the monitor in the MEM dressing room. They laugh and announce that they’ve found their tag team opponents for the evening.

    Match #3: Booker T (w/ Sharmell) and Scott Steiner defeat Rocco and Sally Boy: This match was for the Tag Team titles. Another total squash that the MEMbers treated as beneath them and an absolute joke. Rocco hits Steiner with a big splash, but the referee was pulled out of the ring by Sharmell. One extremely poorly done Book End later, Steiner follows up with a downward spiral and gets the win.

    DGT: I just threw up in my mouth a little.

    To Mick Foley’s office! Eric Young apologizes for his recent behavior, and says that his problem is with Jarrett personally, not with TNA. He’ll do whatever Foley needs him to do. Foley makes him the last man on the TNA Originals side for the massive tag match later.

    DGT: You know what’s coming. Don’t pretend you don’t.

    Match #4: Traci Brooks wins the Knockouts battle royale: Eleven Knockouts competed for $50,000 and the position of “Chosen One” for the MEM. “Knockout Law” Traci Brooks was the referee. Awesome Kong and The Beautiful People got televised entrances. Sarita, ODB (w/ Cody Deaner), Daffney, Alissa Flash, Sojourner Bolt, Taylor Wilde, and Tara were the others. Elimination order was Daffney, Madison Rayne, Sojourner Bolt, Velvet Sky, Taylor Wilde, Alissa Flash, Angelina Love, ODB, and Sarita. The final two were Awesome Kong and Tara, but as they went at it in the ropes, Traci pushed them over the top rope and claimed victory for herself. Nash entered the ring and Traci hugged him. Post-match, Tara low-blowed referee Slick Johnson, who was the outside referee.       

    DGT: I hate huge clustermess battle royales. Kevin Nash came down during the match for commentary and made a lot of breast jokes. Hooray. If Traci is back to wrestle, good for her. Apparently Sharmell and Jenna Morasca are not in contention for the Knockouts title, so there is, in fact, a wrestling god.

    To the back! The Beautiful People rant over not being the ones “servicing” the MEM. They talk trash about the other Knockouts, ODB in particular. This brings in Cody Deaner to stand up for his woman. TBP pretend to come on to him, and he says that he knows that they all want a piece of the Deaner. He invites them to smell him, bragging about his “mi la toilette” that his Mother Deaner got him at a flea market. Velvet Sky low blows Deaner, and ODB runs in as TBP scatter.

    DGT: Fun. The Beautiful People are always great to watch, and this segment was no exception. Cody Deaner was actually funny with his “The Deaner diamonds are shattered!” line.

    To the locker room! The TNA Originals of AJ Styles, Beer Money, Daniels, and Eric Young prepare for their match. AJ says that the Originals dropped the ball at the ppv, allowing the MEM to take over. Tonight, though, they’re all on the same page.

    DGT: Ever since the MEM formed, this has been the response of the Originals/Frontline/Whatever. We’re sorry, we dropped the ball. We let everybody down. Could we possibly be a little less emo and a little more pissed off about it?

    Match #5: The British Invasion, Kiyoshi, and Shiek Abdul Bashir defeated AJ Styles, Daniels, Beer Money, and Eric Young: Sort of. Good action for what there was, but far too short. The whole point of the match was that Eric Young turned on the Originals, gave AJ Styles a piledriver, and helped the international faction win. He then left with them.

    DGT: Placing Eric Young as the leader of the World Elite faction is good. He’s not American. He’s been in TNA from the beginning. He has legitimate grievances concerning his career in TNA. He’s done the best work of his career since his heel turn. He needed a new storyline immediately, as the Young/Jarrett bit had to be scrapped. The problem here is that any surprise factor was totally killed by having Young go to Foley and apologize prior to the match. Why not just announce, “We’re going to swerve you now?” Most fans do not need to be led around by the nose to follow the program. I would rather have not seen Young’s actions coming from a mile away. Nice work from the announce team on the “unwritten rule” of not using the piledriver because it was so dangerous, and Young’s use of it.

    To the back! The World Elite celebrates, and Eric Young explains that he was invited to join the group some time ago. Mick Foley rushes in and attacks Young.

    Match #6: Kurt Angle vs. Mick Foley ends in “no contest”: Yes, an “on a pole” match went to a no-contest. Foley and Angle were both rather beaten up from their ppv match, and showed it. Foley put Angle down with a near-minute-long Mandible Claw, but as he tried to climb the pole, the MEM ran down and attacked him. Foley was beaten down and held in place while Angle screamed at him in barely comprehensible English. Music plays, and Bobby Lashley comes down. He’s all smiles and hugs Angle. Lashley sets up to hit Foley, but turns around and hits Angle instead. He clotheslines all the other MEMbers, gets a big pop, and looks threatening.

    DGT: So a guy who has never been in TNA before, a guy who publicly says that his main focus is fighting Brock Lesnar in UFC and that TNA is basically a side job to earn extra money, is suddenly the one and only guy who can save TNA? The MEM had complete dominance until Lashley punched Angle? Even if you’re a Lashley fan, this is insulting beyond belief. Once again, we’re back to the “Only an ex-WWE guy can save us!” mentality. Daniels, AJ, Joe, Sabin, Shelley, Hernandez, Homicide, Jay Lethal, and even Consequences Creed might not agree with the idea. I know, who cares what they think? I never cared about Lashley in WWE, and I don’t now. I stand by my previous comments that he wasn’t a big deal in WWE. He was just another painfully green musclehead who was pushed to the moon and made champion much too quickly because Vince drooled over his look. Any credit that he gets for bringing the experience of a babyface WWE champion is too much credit.  

    FINAL THOUGHTS: Given that the MEM was hand-picking their own opponents for tonight’s title defenses, I’m pretty sure that I was supposed to hate them. Good. I’m all in favor of a do-over of the MEM/Originals idea, but given how terribly that was messed up, even my hope is limited. Right now, the MEM come off as cool heels, or flat out faces, and are cheered as such. No one challenges the MEM over comments like “If we left, all that would be here are a bunch of losers and the company would die,” and “Everyone not in the MEM is in the same place he was seven years ago, and not in our league.” There’s a definite line between stacking the odds against the faces and making them look like idiots. We’ve already seen Bachelor #2. Try something different this time.

    The Lord and Master of Randomness, JT, will be enjoying a well-deserved vacation for the next ten days or so, but check back with us for the usual BWF goodness!

    Peace out,