Smackdown 09/10/10
3 CommentsAhh Smackdown… why do you love and hate me so? Oh well, it’s time to shine up those balls for Jesus, right?
Ahh Smackdown… why do you love and hate me so? Oh well, it’s time to shine up those balls for Jesus, right?
I’ll admit it. I’m not giving the blue brand the treatment it rightly deserves. But cut me some slack – I went to a concert last Friday, and yesterday I sat around watching Michael Jackson videos all day while waiting for a package to arrive via UPS and was exhausted by time SmackDown rolled around. Since I’m probably not going to have a chance later on today to watch it on my DVR, I’m gonna watch it on YouTube and review it here for you. Plus it’ll help my last few hours of work go by quicker.