Tag Archive: Sheamus

  1. Smackdown: 05/18/12: At Least It Didn’t Suck As Bad As RAW.


    Alright it’s Smackdown time, folks! I didn’t have to work the day shift today, and not because of flat tires or any crap like that. Just had it off, whether I like it or not. So let’s see what happened on the Blue Brand whose ratings are actually getting much more on par to those of the Red one. I mean, it’s not like this episode can be as terrible as Monday Night RAW was… can it?

    Did I just jinx it? Damn it!


  2. Smackdown 05/04/12: RIP Adam “MCA” Yauch

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    First off, Adam “MCA” Yauch of the Beastie Boys passed away. I don’t know about you, but I’m a huge fan. This really sucks. So since the WWE puts up their own memorium messages at the start of their shows, I am putting my own one up for the start of my reviews. He will be missed. I’m going on a B-Boy marathon this weekend.

    You’ll never guess who shows up on Smackdown tonight! Oops…

    Seriously, let’s just hop to it, shall we? My day was lame, started off with a flat tire, had to cancel my day gig, got the tire fixed while I watched The Avengers. At least the movie kicked some serious ass.

  3. Smackdown 04/20/12


    Hey look it’s Smackdown! And it’s Friday! So it must be time for me to deprive myself of a good night’s sleep and watch two hours of this show. After a piss-poor live event last week, let’s see what the good folks in London, England did at this installment. That in itself should be incentive to watch, considering the hot crowd on RAW. There will be no holograms on this show…

    Enough. It was kind of neat, but enough.


  4. Smackdown 04/06/12: The Medium is the Message…

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    It’s our first Smackdown back after WrestleMania 28! We wrapped our Celebration of Professional Wrestling 2012. Be sure to click that link to check out any of the fantastic podcasts and articles we saw during our marathon.

    But things changed in some massive ways on RAW to kick off the unofficial start of the new “season” of the WWE. John Laurinitaus took over the reigns of Smackdown from Theodore Long, for example. Jack “The San Jose Shark” Swagger debuted his new look and showed distention with Dolph Ziggler. John Cena questioned his inner being. Brodus finally got elevated. The Rock made allusions to being World Champion one more time. Some oddly familiar, non-Asian looking guy debuted. Oh yeah… and….

    Let’s hop to it, shall we?


  5. Celebration of Professional Wrestling (2012 Archive)


    Wow, what a whirlwind of activity we’ve had over the last week plus… It’s been a great ride for all involved at Bored Wrestling Fan and Wonderpod-Online! I’d like to thank all involved with this great project, and on behalf of all involved, a special thanks to you the wrestling fans who took the time to check out our work. We do appreciate it! After the link, a complete archive of all the content that came out is available. Just in case you missed something…



  6. Smackdown 03/20/12: Expect Lots of Video Packages…

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    This puppy was probably taped so the guys giver, and get themselves to Flo Rida. Translation: “This is the last ditch attempt to get random casual viewers to throw down a bunch of money and watch WrestleMania 28.”

    Look, this will likely be the easiest review I do all year. It will have some Monday pre-taped matches that I didn’t pre-research, so Daniel Bryan could Brie-Slam and get his Twin Magic girlfriend on TV to earn some money to go watch the Hunger Games movie. Anyways, regardless of this episode, I will watch The $1000 Paternity Of Them All! Let’s just get to the jump, so we can all get to possibly having buyer’s remorse on Sunday!

    Seriously, I’m sure I will enjoy the PPV.

    Click below immediately or CM Punk DIES!


  7. Smackdown 03/23/12: Living in the Past?

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    Hey hey! What’s going on WPO Crew! AudioMaster G here! Oh wait, that’s my alter-identity on the Wonderpod-cast that usually airs on Fridays… just felt odd this week not hearing that spiel since the computer ate Bruce’s homework. But it is what it is. Speaking of which, it’s time for the holding pattern that is WWE television leading up to the Grand Daddy of Them All, WrestleMania 28! I’m sure tonight will entertain, but don’t expect much advancement in any storylines…. well, perhaps some members of Team Teddy will be announced. Regardless, get your ring gear on, call your Momma (he WILL appear), and let’s get to it, shall we?

    Not single one was given that Monday.
