If you haven’t heard by now, the main event for tonight’s Monday Night RAW was announced last week. I refuse to watch it. Which means I’m not reviewing it either. In fact, there will be no mention of this match in this review. The participants may be referred to if they do something outside of the match, but that’s it. If you give a shit about said main event, it’s probably on WWE.com and you can go watch it there. It’s not even the fact that I don’t care too much for the two guys actually wrestling in the match (though that’s part of it), it’s moreso the fact that this is the match that we were supposed to PAY for in both December and January. It’s been done. I’m done with it. Fuck it. Let’s go.
I watch this show, and I often find myself questioning why, now moreso than ever. What really is best for business? Not listening to the fans? I hope half the viewers changed the channel during the main event. Read on.
WrestleMania week is in full swing here at BoredWrestlingFan.com, and this is part two of an eight part series. Throughout this week I will relive the past 8 WrestleMania events, starting with WrestleMania XX (which was posted yesterday) and continuing through WrestleMania XXVII (which will be posted on Sunday). So we’re heading to the Staples Center in Los Angeles, California as WrestleMania Goes Hollywood in it’s 21st edition!
Weclome to the War for another week, were we dwelve into the happenings of the week that was.
For those who watched Monday Night Raw this week, I’m sorry you had to sit through that. For those who didn’t, well it’s a good thing you did.
Jeremy Piven was guest host this week, andwas entertaining at times. Whereas his co-host, Dr. Ken, was not. He was just, awful. The highlight of RAW was Chris Jericho, during the match between Kofi Kingston, and Jericho Tag Team partner, the Big Show. Jericho’s commentary provided the lone highlight for this viewer, in an otherwise dull show. I might just have to start boycotting WWE programming.
However, also on that same broadcast, John Cena defeated the Miz. That may not seem a shock, however, the stipulations for the match, were plentiful. Because the Miz lost, he is banned from the SummerSlam, the Staples Center and Monday Night Raw. That means, the former reality show star does not offically have a show yet, according to these stipulations. Let’s just hope that he isnt in TNA in four months.
Jeff Hardy should not be World Champion.
Does Legacy really mean that much to the company, if they have to do the J.O.B to the returning D-Generation X at SummerSlam?
TNA are having a clearout. No, you can’t buy t-shirts at half price. You can buy, genuine supporters of Jeff Jarrett. That’s right! Dutch Mantel, and Savio Vega have been given the boot, and they can be yours to own for only $49.95. Not even Billy Mays could get you a better deal. Act now, and Dixie Carter may throw in the added bonus of one Vince Russo. Might I also suggest buying TNA stock. That’s if, TNA actually have a stock option.
Did anyone else notice Kaz during the recap of Comic-Con ’09 on iMPACT last week? That would mean that Kaz, Daniels and Suicide, were in the same place at the same time. That means … who the hell is Suicide? (NOTE: Suicide is Nicole Bass)
Who has dodgier facial hair? Carlito, Primo or Kurt Angle?
Time to step outside the realms of the wrestling world for a moment here.
Watch Code Monkeys on G4! and buy the DVD! You will be entertained. I promise.
Has anyone ever had their Tom Selleck BlackJacked?
It seems that Vanessa Hudgens is at it again. You’d have thought that after the first time she posed nude for her phone, that she wouldnt do it again. Well, she did it again. This just shows you what exactly High School Musical brings to the world. Underage Porn.
Short and sweet. Just the way I can be bothered writing it. I shall go back to Guitar Hero.
Raven, Kennedy, and Striker – OH MY! Let’s get started.
Monday night on RAW, Mr. Kennedy returned to the WWE after being out for a very long period of time with an injury. What followed was not nearly as surprising – he injured himself in his first match back. The fans at the Staples Center seemed to enjoy his presense, but that wasn’t enough for the WWE to keep wasting their time with MISTEEERRRRRRR INJURY PRONE!
Kennedy was back for four days before WWE decided to release him from his contract. Do you think that TNA would take him, or is he now resigned to work as MISTEEEERRRRRRR FRY COOK?
5/30/09 UPDATE: Rumor flying around is that Randy Orton had some kind of discussion backstage with Mr. Kennedy following RAW, that Orton has considerable influence in the company, and these factors may have been what led to Mr. Kennedy’s release.
ECW color commentator Matt Striker is the center of controversy this week as alleged nude photos of the school teacher turned professional wrestler began circulating the internet. Internet Wrestling Community pundits are beginning to wonder if this is the sort of thing that could cost Striker his cushy World Wrestling Entertainment job. In my opinion, if Disney kept that High School Musical girl after her nude pics leaked, WWE will certainly keep Striker.
Buff Bagwell did an interview recently where he said he’d work for WWE for free, and if TNA called him, he’d listen. Does this guy seriously think he’s got a shot at WWE again? He was there for all of a week before they fired his ass the first time around.
AOL and Time Warner are set to dissolve their merger after nearly a decade. Could this mean a new wrestling organization under the direction of Ted Turner is now possible?
WWE has now changed the name of the Unforgiven Pay-Per-View event. It’s going to be called “WWE Breaking Point” and is rumored to be a submission themed pay per view. I kind of like the idea, though there aren’t really a whole heck of a lot of submission wrestlers on the roster that I can think of at the moment, so I can’t imagine what the matches would be.
The highlight of my week actually happened on TNA iMPACT! this past Thursday night as my favorite wrestler returned. During a therapy session, Dr. Stevie put Abyss in a straight jacket, prompting Lauren to come to his rescue. Through the crowd emerged a familiar face – RAVEN! The former NWA and ECW Champion took away Dr. Stevie’s kendo stick – and blasted Abyss with it himself! Raven and Dr. Stevie, the former ECW Tag Team Champions reunited with an embrace in the ring. Welcome back, Raven!
How entertaining was RAW at the Staples Center following the Denver Debacle? So entertaining, in fact, that my DVR – fell asleep. So here I am, all set to make my return to show reviews at BWF, but I didn’t get to see the last 30 minutes of RAW. So with that, I invite you to go visit our friends at World Wrestling Insanity for your RAW fix this week.