Tag Archive: Swagger

  1. Smackdown 04/12/13

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    On RAW, the crowd made the difference for the show to be a winner, ultimately, which I suspect and hope will remain a tradition as the so-called “hardcore” smarks stick around for it. Will that many of them stick around for Smackdown? I’d like to think so… but this “thing” is still a new “thing.” Only one way to find out, and you know what that means. Into the back of the closet and into Narnia, kiddo, we’re hunting wabbits. Hopping time! (a.k.a. Beer will make this better).

    The customary hand wave after a goal is scored.


  2. Smackdown 03/29/13

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    You would have thought that the WWE would have promoted the fact that the Rock was appearing on Smackdown tonight. Nope. They kind of forgot to do that. Yet they spoil other outcomes on the same program on their website. Weird. I mean it’s Smackdown, it’s not like we’re getting a surprise return or anything either… right? Something about hopping time.

  3. Broken Pencils Episode 3

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    [youtube mAhFYWxK3LU]

    Back for another round!

    Published on Mar 11, 2013
    Broken Pencils is secretly recorded audio of meetings held between members of WWE’s Creative Writing Staff. In this episode the team discuss Jack Swagger’s main event credentials with John Laurinitis, hear a harrowing tale of their leader’s previous life as an intern and get drunk…well one of them does. Card Subject To Change.

    Written & Created by Lev Myskin (please visit http://www.whyalltheanger.co.uk)

    Dave…Lev Myskin @WhyAllTheAnger, Brian…Colm Ahern @Colm_Ahern, Allison…Alice Arrington @AliceSArrington, Intern Joe…G @Goftheinternet, John Laurinaitis…Bad News Ramen @BadNewsRamen

    Music Credits:
    Opening Theme Music…Peter John Ross of Sonnyboo.com

    Closing Theme…Theme for Harold var3 Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
    Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

  4. BWF Radio Episode 63

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    We want Punk to have that one. Get ’em, Punk!

    It’s that time of the week again, where ThinkSoJoE passes the dutchie on the left hand side.  This week, the BWF crew are joined by Rational Wrestling Review’s Alice Arrington, who rubs it in our faces that Chris Jericho did a three hour interview with herself and Konnan this week on MLW.  We go over the week in pro wrestling television before diving straight in to the saga of Jack Swagger.  We talk about Swagger’s arrest, and how Glenn Beck and Alex Jones have likely saved his title match at WrestleMania.  Speaking of Glenn Beck, we called him out on Twitter earlier this week.  Did he show up to talk to us?  Of course he didn’t!  We dive even further into the drama that is Hart Legacy Wrestling, with quotes from Lance Storm on how the original show was booked.  We reveal (in case you’ve been living under a rock) details about who will be publishing the next WWE video game, plus a rumor about TNA’s next foray into the world of gaming.  All this, and much more, on BWF Radio Episode 63!

    BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 63 (MP3, 2:31:10)