BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 121
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“…the spirit of Ultimate Warrior will run forever…”
Ribera jackets and Destrucity all around! Joe, G, JT, and Mark pay tribute to the late Ultimate Warrior to kick off this week’s show. Talk turns to how the landscape of wrestling on a professional level has changed over the past week with new champions Daniel Bryan, Paige, and Eric Young emerging since the last episode. We talk about the disgrace known as HLN’s Nancy Grace and read tweets and statements from various people in the wrestling industry regarding her insinuation that Owen Hart’s death had anything to do with drugs or steroids. In the second hour, IHWE wrestler Thomas Shire joins us to talk about his career thusfar and the upcoming IHWExperience event on June 8th in Fort Worth, TX. Ribera jackets for all, on this week’s episode of BWF Radio! Tune in!
BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 121 (MP3, 2:15:48)
This week’s break song was “Party Like Tomorrow is the End of the World” by Steel Panther. Buy it here!