Tag Archive: Tweets

  1. BoredWrestlingFan Radio episode 84

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    It’s Tyler Breeze!

    In honor of RAW 1000 being almost a year ago, it’s a three hour edition of BoredWrestlingFan Radio!  Joe, Jorge, G, and Mark get things started off when they’re interrupted by…  Rational Wrestling Review’s Alice Radley?!?  Yes, folks, Alice is back on BoredWrestlingFan!  Yoga pants and all, Alice brings a new perspective to the cock talk we call BWF Radio.  She helps out in the news by reading tweets from Brie Bella, Dixie Carter, and… The Ultimate Warrior?  We feature the best #AskDixie tweets of the week, and find out the whereabouts of Maven, since MavenFan seems to think he was relevant at some point.  We talk about the talented ones out of pairs of brothers that were in WWE/NXT for a period of time, as Joe begs for the release of Bo Dallas (Most people don’t see any upside to BoDallas.  #KnowYourBo).  G barely gets a word in edgewise.  Tune in!

    BoredWrestlingFan Radio episode 84 (MP3, 2:57:34)

    Alice Radley is the hostess of the great RWR podcast.  Find it on iTunes!

    Our break song this week was “The Hop” by A Tribe Called Quest.  Buy it here!

    Buy Mark Noyce’s e-book, “Tulips and Other Stories” on Amazon!

  2. BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 79

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    Ah, No Mercy…

    We started late.  We ended early.  That can only mean one thing – Jorge wasn’t here.  G tries to avoid drowning in the flooded mess that is Calgary and JT’s personalities fight each other while Joe laments the drowning of his phone in his swimming pool yesterday.  That Damn Double C gives us some good listening material in the form of a Sexual Harassment Education video.  Mick Foley appears on The Daily Show.  RAW wows us, even if Christian underwhelms Joe.  Main Event is main-eventy, and SmackDown gets the depressed G treatment.

    In the news, we get reactions to Rob Van Dam’s WWE return at Money In The Bank.  We assess Sheamus’ ability to make metaphors.  We ponder what Matt Hardy’s latest internet video means (besides a half-naked Reby Sky), and we find out how much money Jack Swagger will lose in fines over his recent marijuana arrest.  Where have we heard Triple H and The Undertaker’s theme songs lately?  We get HBK’s thoughts on the potential to revive tag team wrestling (courtesy of Ministry of Slam).  All this, plus Iron Sheik Tweets and the all new segment, “Stump JT.”

    Tune in!

    BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 79 (MP3, 1:38:40)

    This week’s break song was Iron Maiden’s cover of Deep Purple’s “Space Truckin’.”   Buy it here!

    Mizark fooled me!


  3. BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 69

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    Big E, Big E, Big E, can’t you see, sometimes your fists accidentally hit me?

    Fandangoing spills over into BWF Radio, as our own ThinkSoJoE was in the crowd at the IZOD Center this past Monday.  Joe, along with JT, G, and Jorge discuss the poor quality of this year’s WrestleMania, leading Joe to make an interesting offer to World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc.  It’s explained why Mike Chioda got the first chant during the Sheamus/Orton match on RAW.  We ponder who was controlling the temperature on Thursday’s IMPACT, and do away with Sign Guy during the reading of G’s SmackDown review, for some reason.  Rick is still very much alive and well, as far as we know.  Iron Sheik tweets are handled by JT, and we find out why Rock, Brock, and Punk were all missing from RAW in the news.  Plus, for episode 69, That Damn Double C brings us some Bloodhound Gang in our musical break.   All this and MUCH more, on BWF Radio!

    BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 69 (MP3, 2:01:14)

    Our break song this week was “Three Point One Four” by The Bloodhound Gang.  Buy it here!

  4. pintnoir review: TNA iMPACT 8/2/12

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    So Impact opens with the TNA World Champion and X Division Champion respectably on opposing sides against the former World title holder and the X division number #1 contender.

    Austin Aries/Kenny King vs Zema Ion/Bobby Roode:

    This match was an awesome way to open the show and get the blood pumping. Back and forth pin attempts and Aries diving out of the ring over Ion to get to Roode was excellent of course King gets the pin when he drops Ion with the Coronation.

    We get the Aces and Eights video detailing the groups attacks. I find this group interesting and hope that it heralds a return for a certain Guitar swinging co-founder.  This also prompts Sting to come out and want to talk to a certain person he believes is behind the group. Storm is the man he wants to talk to and in typical cowboy fashion James points out how 9 months ago he was jumped by Angle and didn’t whine about it and came out and whooped Kurt’s butt. He doesn’t need anyone to fight his battles. Angle comes out tells Storm that he will make Storm tap out.

    The Phenomenal One tweets from Australia home of displaced British people who owed money to the king. Then from that we get a recap of one of the most ridiculous stories since Eddie Guerrero’s and Rey Mysterio’s who’s your daddy angle, Claire LynchGate. A new twist to the story is that Daniels and Kazarian are throwing her a baby shower. Yeah please take this plot from C list to B list Daniels you are a god send.


    Taz and Tenay announce the matches for the Hardcore Justice 2012 PPV. First we have a Ladder Match between AJ Styles vs Angle vs Daniels vs Samoa Joe. Then we have a Falls count Anywhere match where Anderson vs RVD vs The Pope vs Magnus and finally a Tables Match with Jeff Hardy vs Bully Ray vs Storm vs Robbie E. I’ll stream that.

    Bully Ray comes out for his match where he announces that he never trusted Storm and will be at Ringside tonight. All this right before Robbie E and Ray have a squash match in most strict of definitions.

    Bully Ray vs Robbie E:

    Robbie T jumps Ray from behind and Robbie E takes advantage reminding me of the Joker during The Dark Knight always attacking when he’s down. Ray battles back and drops a neckbreaker to gain 7 points . Have to love the job squadder in this tournament.

    Then we show the continuing hotness of Madison Rayne and her pull over Earl Hebner. (Yes I may not like her wrestling but well….You know.) Gail confronts the two and brings into question Hebner’s call last week. Then we get Tara and Mickie stretching in the locker room. Nuff said.

    Knockouts Number#1 contenders match : Tara vs Mickie vs Madison vs Gail

    And to cut it short..After another roll up pin this time Madison and Tara, Hebner grants the win to Rayne. This of course will be the Knockout Match for Hardcore Justice.

    Well after a James Storm recap leads into Roode and Aries promising to bring drinks and themselves to the picnic which is the main event of Storm vs Angle.

    Brooke Hogan is backstage with Sting. He wants to know about condition her father. After some “are you sure you can handle the knockouts” talk Brooke gets an envelope with Aces and Eights and promptly tears off her mic and leaves.

    The Greatest Guerrero currently wrestling Chavo is shown warming up backstage for his first Impact match. Creative realizes that the KO Tag titles still exist and show ODB and EY talking about them and his new show.

    Chavo/Hernandez vs Kid Kash/Gunner:

    the unofficial reboot of Mexican America talking on those good ole Southern boys is sure to help reinvigorate and not irratate the tag division. After a decent match Chavo hits the three amigos (triple suplex’s) and a frog splash on Kash for the win. Now if only Daniels and Kazarian can get involved.

    So not only have creative remembered the KO Tag titles but the Television title when Devon and (shudder) Garett come out to tell Angle they want a piece of the Ace’s and Eights. Angle tells them to watch his back. Oh and Wes Brisco of FCW asks Angle for a good word to get his foot in the door.

    Daniels and Kazarian come to the ring to congratulate Claire with a baby shower bringing gifts and a baby doll dressed as AJ. Then the so to be chain smoking mother of one looks into the camera and tells AJ to do the right thing.

    Kurt Angle vs James Storm:

    A good match with many near falls, during the course of the match Garett and Devon, Bully Ray, Roode and Aries come down to the ring. After James Storm hits the Last Call for the win and 7 points, he takes the mic and calls out Aces and Eights only for Roode to counter that because he won they weren’t needed. Bully and Storm battle as Aries and Roode have at it (this is more than likely setting up a Ray vs Storm match after HJ) while Angle looks on.

    I’m likely the unpredictablity of this program especially since its live so please TNA keep iMPACT LIVE!

    Until next week, PNTnoir out.



  5. iMPACT 10/27- Pintnoir Review

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    AH Welcome to another Pintnoir review of iMPACT Wrestling.

    We open on a Storm montage going over his win at last weeks ppv. Then out comes the cowboy Storm with new theme music, he talks about his father and how he told him when watching Wrestlemania 3 that he wanted to be a wrestler. Fortune proceeds to the ring congratulating but Samoa Joe’s music hits he comes out and insults Storm and Roode wants his shot at the title. (*didn’t BFG have a stipulation where whoever won the three-way between Joe, Morgan and Crimson would get a title shot and didn’t Joe lose to Crimson?) ANYWAY! Sting comes down exerting his authority and makes a number one contenders match between Joe and Roode. Winner faces James Storm in Macon, Georgia.

    Daniels does a promo claiming AJ doctored audio to make it sound like he said “I Quit”, you know because this is WWF circa 1999. He ready to prove how dominate he is when he takes on “Bob” Van Dam.

    Rob Van Dam vs Daniels is a okay match there seems to be communication problems between Van Dam and Daniels during the match but Rob probably high on the cush. AJ joins on commentary. Match ends when Daniels hits Van Dam with a tool box, then he proceeds to pull out a screw driver. Styles runs off Daniels.

    Karen Jarrett and entourage come down to the ring. Gail cuts promo. She talks about all the emails and tweets about why she gave Velvet a concussion, and simply states it’s “none of your damn business”. This promo seems to imply her actions against her former employer more than Velvet but that’s just me. Then out comes Tara for her scheduled squash match against Gail. After a commercial break Gail is beating the tar out of Tara which leads to a new finisher. A drop down boot to the chin manuever. OH yeah I forgot to mention that Karen calls Velvet a prostitute and gives Gail a title shot. While Madison Rayne looks on and cheers? plot holes your honor?

    Jeff Hardy Promo

    TV Title defense where we have the weaker Jersey shore wrestler taking on Eric Young (c). Rob Terry is outside when the match begins. For what its worth EY can still go, but the match lasts a minute ending in a roll up pin for Young. Rob Terry jumps in a lays the smack down which prompts EY to bring out his hollywood heavies, Ronnie from the Jersey Shore. God how I hate Viacom. Not only do they run MTV but also Spike.

    Two promos one shows Eric Bischoff walking out to the ring and the other follows Daniels making a phone call and being approached by Kazarian about burying the hatchet between him and Styles.

    Replay of the whole Garrett Bischoff/Jackson James set up going back to Turning Point 2010, and Final Resolution. Showing how he screwed Matt Morgan out of two title defenses. Easy E comes out and calls out his son tells he has to the end  of the night to apologize or he’ll “beat his ass”

    Afterwards Flair confronts him. Tells Lil Bisch to call him “GOD” not Mr. Flair. Calls him a punk and slaps him around while traditional slurring his words.

    Jeff Jarrett comes out. Calls out Hardy again for the third time in two weeks (this includes a PPV). Fight ensues. This of course leads to an attack from behind by Bully Ray. Hardy showing little ring rust. Leads to a good match where Ray takes his bumps for the team. Hardy wins with a twist of fate. After Jarrett jumps him, throws him back into the ring where Ray busts him with a chain. Jarrett grabs a table to put Hardy through but Anderson comes out for the save.

    Roode vs Samoa Joe is good. Roode wins leading to Storm coming out and lifting a beer to him. Roode responds with a thumbs up.

    EB and Ric GOD Flair confront Garrett in the ring about his behavior which leads Bischoff (JR) to punch GOD in the face before being low blowed by his father and then Flair. Show ends with Garrett on the floor and Bischoff senior and Flair hugging.

    See you next week in Macon, Georgia.

  6. WWE RAW 6/13: WWE All-Star Night


    What’s up folks?  It’s the man whose got tickets to an empty arena match a TNA Live Event this coming Saturday, ThinkSoJoE, here to bring you the action as WWE presents WWE All-Star Night!  It’s been a while since I’ve reviewed a show, and I’m not as hip as G or Pintnoir, and don’t have any animated GIFs to share with you.  Plus, I avoid Twitter like the plague on Mondays since I’ve been taking the bus to work and don’t want spoilers, so it’s unlikely I’ll have any tweets to share with you.  And before I get started, a very special thank you to the man who helped make me a fan of professional wrestling, my late Grandfather, who would have turned 82 on Monday.  I miss you Grandpa!

    Let’s roll!


  7. WWE RAW results – 4/4/11


    Author note: I, unfortunately, have to leave my house at 8PM on weeknights, and therefore miss RAW live as it happens.  As AlyKat was unable to cover the show tonight, I offered to do so and keep the Tweets going in the review.  I reviewed the show first, and added in Tweets later.  Thank you to all of you who used the #BWF hashtag to make it easier on me!

    Let the fallout from WrestleMania XXVII begin!  I know for a fact that Steve Austin and The Rock are confirmed for the show, and that Daniel Bryan will challenge Sheamus for the WWE United States Championship, unless they decide to bump it again.  I hear we’re supposed to go until 11:15 or later, so let’s get this review on the road – the road to WrestleMania XXVIII!


  8. WWE RAW results 11/29/10


    It is I, the King of the BoredWrestlingFan crew, and I have returned for a second straight week with a review of wWE RAW!  I took over writing duties for tonight after the show ended, so I won’t be using tweets in tonight’s review (sorry, @TKeep123, @WWEsAngel_Nef, among others).  AlyKat should be back next week.  She would have been back this week, but she’s spent the last week popping open bottles of champagne due to The Miz’s WWE Championship victory and her wrists hurt too badly to type.  Are you ready?  Because tonight’s show is simply this:  RAWWWWWESOME!


  9. WWE RAW results 11/22/10


    Hey folks, the man the BWF staff call “Boss” is here to fill in for AlyKat tonight as she is in attendance at the Amway Arena in Orlando, FL for tonight’s edition of RAW.  I’ve actually been to a WWE event in that very venue – the 2008 WWE Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony.  Tonight, however, I’m on my couch in Niagara Falls, NY watching USA HD and bringing you my thoughts on this post-Survivor Series edition of RAW.  Will we see John Cena tonight?  What kind of mood will Wade Barrett be in?  Will Aly have a heart attack in the Amway Arena as The Miz cashes in Money In The Bank?  Who knows!  It’s uncooked, uncut, uncensored, it’s RAW!


  10. RAW 8.2.10

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    Alright, ladies and gentlemen.  I’m exhausted, and I feel like crap for some reason.  So, I’m going to do the RAW review, include the tweets, but I’m just going to give the basics on the matches, or my opinions.  I may do full coverage of the main event, but it depends on how I feel when it gets there, alright?!

    <VIDEO PACKAGE: Two weeks ago, Team Nexus meets Cena Army, then last week’s Seven-on-Seven Elimination Match, and the cracks in Team Cena/Jericho.>

    You think you know me…

    Edge comes out.  Says stuff.  Commercial.

    Nah, just kidding.

    Edge says he tried, he really did, but last week made him realize he needs to go with his gut, and listen to only himself.  Case and point, after the Royal Rumble, he listened to the WWE Universe, and they let him down.  Just like the SummerSlam team is letting him down.  He doesn’t respect Cena, he doesn’t trust Jericho, he doesn’t have any faith in Khali, he barely knows Truth and Morrison… That’s why he needs to do things his way.  He agrees that Nexus needs to get taken down, but he has a proposal: he does things his way.  Tonight, he challenges Wade Barrett, one on one.  He doesn’t want anyone to interfere.

    What’s up?!

    Truth makes his way down, not rapping his own theme for once, and Truth says he was gonna ask him the same question: Does Edge actually thing challenging Wade to a match is going to fix anything?  It’s bigger than Barrett.  Edge gets that, and that’s why he doesn’t want to listen to Cena.  Truth says fine, don’t listen to Cena, but he’ll listen to Truth.  Edge has been in tons of matches.  But how many times has he ever had to fight for everything, everything? Truth, Edge, they’re fighting for their lifestyles, their friends, family, for the WWE Universe.  It’s us, we, we gotta do this together and fight this together, or Nexus wins.  Simple as that.  Edge needs to stop thinking of himself and pull his head out of his ass, and that’s the truth.

    Edge says it’s clever, but that’s Truth’s version of the truth.  You kill a snake by chopping its head off.  Edge takes out Barrett and Nexus crumbles.  Is Truth going to get out of the ring, or is Edge going to have to Spear him out?

    “If this is what Edge wants, then I will honor his request.  Truth, please exit the ring, because he will face Wade Barrett of Nexus, and that match is next.”

    Truth says good luck, because Edge is on his own.


    @IAmJHPunk “YOU GONE SPEAR ME?!” – R-Truth #wwe #raw #bwf

    @SadieandCompany And I Quote makes me want to poke my own eardrums with something! #WWE #BWF

    @KeepItFiveStar “Izz us! Izz WE!. If NOT. NEXUS WIN.” – Perfect grammar from R-Truth

    Edge vs Wade Barrett

    I’m seriously addicted to the Nexus theme song… I really am.  Anyway, decent match, with Edge getting the advantage early on, and Wade stealing it back at every chance.  However, Nexus comes out and Edge takes off into the crowd.

    No winner.

    Still to come, Mr. Money in the Bank will face the Number One Contender to the WWE Championship tonight in a one-on-one match!


    @dasharpshooters Maybe Edge should run track for Canada. Boy was moving. #wwe #raw #bwf

    @Niki_Sushi Wait, what? Edge was in the ring #SheamusRevisited #RAW #BWF

    @JonelleDanger #WWE #RAW #BWF skip sheffield reminds me of a bulldog…an overbuff bulldog.

    Backstage, Edge is looking for Cena, and finds him standing there.  Edge asks where he was, and Cena shrugs.  Cena says that no one wanted to listen to him, so he listened to Edge.  No one’s supposed to go down there, so he didn’t.  The only way they have a chance against Nexus is seven-on-seven.  Edge says good luck, because they’re going to be doing it without Edge.  He quits.  Jericho is standing next to Cena, smirking.  Cena asks if he quits too.  Jericho says that Cena doesn’t get it.  If anyone needs to quit, it’s Cena.  He’s just as much a problem as Nexus.  If they have any chance of beating Nexus, it’d be if Cena quit.  If Cena doesn’t wanna do it on his own, Jericho will make him do it.  Jericho says they should go out tonight and have a match: Loser leaves SummerSlam team for good.  Cena says that Nexus is laughing at them and they’re doing the opposite of what they should be doing.  Jericho asks yes or no, and Cena says fine, if that’s what he wants.

    <VIDEO PACKAGE: SummerSlam 1991 in Madison Square Garden; Bret “The Hitman” Hart vs Mr. Perfect for the Intercontinental Championship.>

    Morrison and Khali are backstage.  Morrison says he doesn’t care about last week, but, like in The Magnificent Seven, if the seven don’t stand together, they don’t have a chance.  The Great Khali says they were also the seven dwarves.  Morrison wishes him luck against DiBiase.

    Tarver and Otunga walk up and say they didn’t attack him last week, because they don’t attack people the respect.  Otunga says that if he loses to DiBiase tonight, then Cena may replace him, and if he wants to go somewhere he’s respected, then their door is always open.


    @TKeep123 Ok, got a few chills watching Summerslam rewind: Bret Hart v. Mr. Perfect! Those were the days! #WWE #RAW #BWF

    @HitTheRopes @TheRealMorrison: There’s also the 7 evil exes that Scott Pilgrim must face. #wwe

    @Niki_Sushi The Great Khali would eat Wade and shit him out to become the new leader of Nexus. Wade better watch out before he’s fish n chips. #BWF #RAW

    @kickoutblog #TheGreatKhaliSays he sees through Nexus’ clever ruse… he’ll only join Nexus if they kick out Heath Slater

    Eve Torres, Gail Kim, and Natalya vs Diva’s Champion Alicia Fox, Jillian Hall, and Tamina

    Good to see that Natalya finally gets to wrestle, even if it is in this stupid ass match that she’s probably not going to get much action in, but still.  Oh, yeah, and I’m amused by how uninterested Tamina looks in her team mates.  The Divas all went a little crazy outside the ring, though Natalya preformed very well.  Anyway, Alicia attacks from behind for the victory.

    Diva’s Champion Alicia Fox, Tamina, and Jillian Hall win via pinfall.

    Alicia has the mic afterward and says that they’re all witnesses to the greatest reign in Diva’s Champion history.  No matter what match, Alicia has beaten all of them.  There isn’t a Diva on the whole roster that is comparable to her, because she’s-

    And Melina’s theme hits and out she comes!!!  Alicia looks like she’s trying to run, but the very Divas she just insulted are blocking her, and Jillian throws her back in the ring.  Melina ducks a clothesline with a very Matrix-like move then drops Alicia in the Last Call, screaming ‘I’m back!’

    Still to come: John Cena vs Chris Jericho, and the loser will leave the SummerSlam team!

    Sheamus is making his way to the ring!!


    @bethsharae Alicia beat Nattie? Well that was crap. #Raw

    @Niki_Sushi Melina can keep doing her splits all around the ring, and we’ll only here the sound of Alicia’s ego splitting in half. #BWF #RAW

    <VIDEO PACKAGE: Last week: Randy Orton defeats Jey Uso, then Jimmy Uso, then Sheamus>

    It’s a shame that they lost their head…

    WWE Champion Sheamus vs. Goldust

    Okay, quick random note: I love Goldust’s tweets.  He makes me laugh so damn hard.

    <VIDEO PACKAGE: Sheamus vs. Goldust on ECW last year>

    Sheamus wins with his High Cross.  Kind of bland match, to be honest, but I do love Gold…

    WWE Champion Sheamus wins via pinfall.

    Sheamus cuts a promo afterward saying that he’s a two-time WWE Champion who got here all by himself, by hard work, and didn’t have to be a third-generation Superstar like Randy Orton, or win a briefcase like The Miz.  Sheamus brings up how he ended Triple H’s career (COUGHdoubtfulCOUGH), and he’s going to do the same to Orton at SummerSlam.  These people never give him the credit or respect he deserves, but he doesn’t want or need it.  All he needs is the WWE Championship.


    @dasharpshooters GOLDUST VS SHEAMUS THE FEUD CONTINUES! #wwe #raw #bwf

    @dasharpshooters Aw it’s never good when Goldust gets buried, but it had to happen. #wwe #raw #bwf

    @TheMizMagnet Never before has the man with the WWE Championship jobbed SO MUCH! #BWF

    John Cena vs Chris Jericho: Loser leaves the SummerSlam Team


    Kay, couldn’t resist fucking up Cena’s theme again.  Personally, a prediction to the match, I think that Nexus will interfere and they’ll both be there. My personal feelings.  Anyway, about the match.

    Good match between Jericho and Cena, with Jericho getting a good advantage over the Cena for most of the match.  Cena starts up when he gets his advantage, going for the Five Knuckle Shuffle, only for Jericho to hit the Codebreaker, but Cena rolled out of the ring.  Jericho tried to get him back in, and did, went for a cover, but it took too much time and Cena powered out at two.


    OMG JERICHO DID THE HOGAN THING AGAIN!  I’m okay.  After the commercial break, the momentum changed a few times before Jericho steals it, calling Cena a stupid man a few times.  Cena seemed to tweak his knee on a move off the top rope, but Cena locks the STF and Jericho taps.

    John Cena wins via submission.

    Jericho tapped before the STF was locked in, and Cena looks pretty damn confused.  Jericho shoves the steps, and Cena has a mic.

    Cena asks Chris for just a minute, and Jericho stops.  Cena says that the people saw one helluva match against two of the best in the WWE, and says he doesn’t want Jericho to leave.  He wants him to stay, because Jericho is the best in the world at what he does.  Cena’s not gonna beg though, and says the choice is Jericho’s.  Either come back in the ring and they agree to coexist, and they handle Nexus, or Jericho walks out, and he lets everybody down, including himself.  Jericho stops, looking around for a minute, but starts toward the ring, stops, shakes his head, and walks back toward the back.  He stops at the top of the ramp, then keeps walking toward the back.

    Still to come: Randy Orton vs United States Champion The Miz!


    @TheNexusWWE Ha ha ha … 7-on-5 at SummerSlam … too bad for you @JohnCena! #WWE #SSlam

    @IAmJHPunk @IAmJericho (to @JohnCena): “Stay down! You’re a stupid, stupid man! You’re a stupid man!” #wwe #raw #bwf

    Edge is backstage, when Jericho comes up to him.  Edge says that he doesn’t blame Jericho for what he did.  Cena needs them, not the other way around.  Edge respects Jericho for what he did.  Jericho says he doesn’t need that, and he respects that Edge quit.  Cena needs them more than they need him.  They were doing just fine before they got involved with Nexus.  Edge says they’ve been through a lot together, but together, they could own this place.  Maybe the two of them should let bygones be bygones.  The two shake hands, give a man-hug, and then…

    “After what has transpired tonight, next week Edge and Chris Jericho will team together against their former SummerSlam teammates, John Cena and Bret “The Hitman” Hart.  Additionally, all seven members of Nexus will stand at ringside as lumberjacks.”

    Josh Matthews is joined by Randy Orton backstage.  Josh says that Sheamus was going to do the same thing that he did to Triple H at Wrestlemania.  Randy says that he once gave Triple H a six-week vacation due to a kick to the skull.  He invites Sheamus to sit ringside for his match against The Miz.  The good news for Sheamus is that after the match, Miz will be in no shape to cash in his Money in the Bank contract.  The bad news is that in two weeks, it’s Sheamus’ turn.

    Up next, the world premiere of Legendary.


    <VIDEO PACKAGE: World premiere of the Legendary trailer.>

    The Great Khali vs. Ted DiBiase

    As usual Maryse accompanies Ted to the ring, but he makes her stay out of it.  Can’t say I blame him.  Anyway, Maryse provided enough of a distraction for Ted to grab the advantage, but Barrett and Sheffield come down to the ring.  DiBiase gets distracted, and Khali just squeezes DiBiase’s head.

    Khali wins via head squishing?

    The United States Champion and Mister Money in the Bank makes his way to the ring!


    @IAmJHPunk Someone take out Khali!!! #wwe #raw #bwf

    @IAmJHPunk @TheNexusWWE are wayyyyyyy too good for Khali!!!! #FireKhali #wwe #raw #bwf

    @JCenadotcom So… wait… Khali’s winning matches again?

    <VIDEO PACKAGE: The Bellas hang with the cast of The Other Guys.>

    Will Ferrell won some total cool points from me though as he called The Bellas average looking.  I officially love him… more than before.


    The United States Champion The Miz vs. Randy Orton

    <VIDEO PACKAGE: The Miz attempts to cash in Money in the Bank on Sheamus, only to get RKO’d.>

    Before Randy comes out, Miz talks. He says that last week, Randy made a mistake.  It wasn’t just a lapse in judgment, it was a life-altering moment in the career of Randy Orton.  Because now, he doesn’t have a shred of positivity in his future.  Tonight, he’ll pay for what he did.  At SummerSlam, his best case scenario is that he beats Sheamus for the WWE Championship.  But then what?  What happens next?  Miz’ moment.  Do the voices in Randy’s head hear him?  Miz’ moment!  Randy only delayed the inevitable.  Get it straight: Miz will be WWE Champion, because he’s the Miz and he’s awesome!

    Orton and Miz lock up, and Orton pushes Miz back into the turnbuckle, but neither let go.  Miz turns it around and pushes Orton into the turnbuckle, getting a punch in on Orton’s head before beating on Orton for a few minutes.  Miz Irish Whips Orton into the opposite turnbuckle, but Orton clotheslines Miz.  Orton then stomps on Miz’ chest, and again.  Orton then stomps on Miz’ face, and then goes for the knee-drop, but Miz rolls out of the way.  Miz gets up and knees Orton in the face.  Miz goes for the cover, but Orton kicks out at two.  Miz gets Orton in the corner, and starts stomping.  Miz keeps Orton in the corner for a few minutes before Orton plants a boot in Miz’ face.  Orton has Miz’ head under the bottom rope, and then slams his face into it.  Orton then tries the knee drop again, hits it, and goes for a cover, but Miz kicks out at two.  Orton whips Miz across the ring and Miz holds on to the top rope.  Orton clotheslines him out, and then Sheamus comes out to stand at the top of the ramp.


    @ThingsColeSays Will Ferrall buries the Bellas. Good man.

    @LadySwagger6 Bellas did way more than “hang out” with Wahlberg & Ferrell

    @theerj Hey look it’s da Bella Whores!!! Can’t have an ass kissing Guest host segement without those 2

    @dasharpshooters Will Farrell treats his tricks like tricks. #wwe #raw #BOSS #bwf

    We come back to Orton owning Miz with Sheamus watching still.  Orton has Miz in a headlock, but Miz powers out.  Miz then gets revenge with his own boot to the face.  Miz stops to catch his breath before stomping on Orton’s stomach and dropping elbows and forearms on Orton’s chest.  Miz then drops another boot to Orton’s face, but Orton kicks out.  Miz then gets Orton in a headlock and rakes at his face before the ref gets him away.  Orton gets to his feet and powers out of the headlock, getting some this in on Miz before Orton drops Miz in a backbreaker.  Orton’s knee is still bothering him, apparently.  Orton walks over to Miz, but Miz plants him in the turnbuckle.  Orton starts to get up, and Miz backs away, preparing to run across the ring.  He hits Orton with his swinging corner clothesline, before going for a cover.  Orton kicks out at two.  Miz then hits Orton in the head and face a few times before the ref gets him off of Orton.  Randy then uppercuts Miz out of nowhere.  Miz retaliates with a hit to the face that drops Orton.  Miz gets Orton by the ears, but Orton starts fighting back with some powerful hits before hitting Miz with some shoulder blocks, followed by a scoop slam.  Miz is on the edge of the ring apron, and he pulls Miz in through the top and middle rope.  Orton goes to hit his DDT, but Miz flips him over the top rope and onto the floor.

    Miz rolls out of the ring and throws Orton into the ring.  Miz blocks a clothesline and drops him in a backbreaker onto his knee and then down.  Miz goes for a cover, but Orton kicks out at two.  Sheamus looks unimpressed, and Miz looks stunned that Orton kicked out.  Miz goes to clothesline Orton, but Orton comes back with an RKO.  He pins Miz and wins.

    Randy Orton wins via pinfall.

    Sheamus ran down to the ring to attack Randy, but Randy dropped and started pounding the mat, and Sheamus stopped dead in his tracks.  The two stare and Randy smirk-snarls at Sheamus.

    Overall, not a bad RAW.  Seeya next week.