The Power Poll is a weekly top 10 list ranking men’s singles wrestlers in WWE and TNA. Please take some time to check out the websites of our participants. If you write for a wrestling website and are interested in participating, e-mail wrestlespective(at) and include a link to your site. 1. John Cena (Previous Rank: […] has joined with other wrestling websites to form the Power Poll, a weekly top 10 list ranking men’s singles wrestlers in WWE and TNA. There are more wrestling writers expected to join the poll, and take some time to check out the websites of our participants. If you write for a wrestling website and […]
Yes folks, it’s true! This Wednesday, June 9th, will mark two years of! Two years ago I’d read an article about how to start a successful blog. It said to write about something you know – and dammit, I know my professional wrestling. I’ve been a fan of this business since I was just […]
Smackdown The first thing I notice as the camera pans through the crowd, is a guy with a “Bring Back Heat!” sign. I miss Stevie Night Heat… plus some of the fantastic matches that were allowed to occur on that program. Jimmy Yang and Paul London had some stellar bouts…. probably my favorites of all. […]
Due to the length of today’s post, I have edited it to better suit the front page. The draft picks will be listed here by brand at the top of the post, and the in-depth analysis will be found after the jump. This is done in Real-Time, so click your browser’s refresh button every 10 […]
While it’s not wrestling related, the fearless leader of, ThinkSoJoE, recently participated in Project Wonderboy’s “Puck You!” hockey discussion. You can read about that at the following link:
It is with deep sadness that I report that professional wrestling has lost another one of it’s superstars. Sometime last night, Chris “Kanyon” Klucsaritis passed away of an apparent suicide. While most of us remember his work as Kanyon in both WCW and the WWE, it was through his “Mortis” character that I became a […]
i know this isent a wrestling bloge im putting up but there have been alot of things going on in my life in the past few months and i havent been able to live up to my end of the bargan on doing TNA iMPACT and im sorry as soon as i feel better i […]
Welcome back! This is part two of a three-part series where I, the “Fearless Leader” of ThinkSoJoE, relive my personal WrestleMania experiences. In my last article, I talked about WrestleMania X-8 and the great time I had that weekend. I had such a great time, in fact, that I didn’t care where WrestleMania XIX […]