Twenty-seven is an ominous number for rock stars. Kurt Cobain, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin and several others have died at that age. It’s also a number associated with “Weird Al” Yankovic for some reason. It’s also the number of championships the man we’re here to talk about today has won during his WWE career as […]
Hello, fellow Bored Wrestling Fans. Thank you all for once again helping BWF set a site record for monthly page views. 1576 pages have been viewed through the month of April, which is now the third straight month that the readership of this site has grown. A special thanks this month to LegendKiller, who did […]
Paul Perschmann, better known by his ring name, “Playboy” Buddy Rose, has reportedly passed away at the age of 56. The BoredWrestlingFan staff would like to offer our sincere condolences to Perschmann’s family and friends in their time of grief.
Holy crap, there was a WWE Pay Per View last night, wasn’t there? I haven’t seen more than 5 minutes of it (by time I sat down to watch it, I was exhausted), so I’m going to wing this. Here we go! Christian def. Jack Swagger to become the new ECW Champion. Captain Charisma has […]
On June 22, 1996, Pitbull #2 was upended in a match for the ECW World Television Championship. It was his opponent’s first championship in North America, and announcer Joey Styles noted that fact, stating that while it may have been his first title in the United States, it sure wouldn’t be his last. Little did […]
You guys know him as Legend Killer, our weekly Wednesday warrior, but Chris Cooley has now become the first person since BWF launched last June to have an official writing credit both here and at Click here to read LK’s review of The WWE Vintage Collection
Due to the length of today’s post, I have edited it to better suit the front page. The draft picks will be listed here by brand at the top of the post, and the in-depth analysis will be found after the jump. This is done in Real-Time, so click your browser’s refresh button every 10 […]
Tonight is Triumvirate Takeover night on World Wrestling Insanity’s Impact review – JT, ThinkSoJoE, Drowgoddess, and’s Sabufan are taking half hour blocks of TNA iMPACT and reviewing them in place of our Triumvirate brother Fritz Stephey for the night.
It’s over now. Legend Killer did an utterly bang-up job of real-time results, and by now you all know how the show played out, so there’s little point in rehashing it here. However, as one of the 72,744 attendees, several thoughts seemed worth sharing.
I may not be the best at it, and nobody else may know about it. But, I, is bringing you LIVE, Wrestlemania 25. Just to let you know, the Unified Tag Team Titles, was the PRE-SHOW match. Your winners, and Unified Tag Team Champions … THE COLONS!! Which makes my head and my heart 0-1. […]