It’s finally here! March 20, 1994! Tonight, the Superstars of the World Wrestling Federation celebrate a decade of the grandest stage of them all, WrestleMania! Bret and Owen Hart face off, and then Bret goes on to face the winner of the WWF Championship match between Yokozuna and Lex Luger later on tonight! Plus, the […]
It’s April 4, 1993, and you know what that means! That’s right, the ninth annual WrestleMania event, LIVE from Caesar’s Palace in Las Vegas Nevada! Tonight, Bret Hart defends the WWF Championship against the mighty Yokozuna! Hulk Hogan returns to team with Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake to try and take the tag team titles away […]
It’s April 5, 1992! Are you ready for WrestleMania VIII? A huge double main event tonight, as Sid Justice faces Hulk Hogan, and Ric Flair defends the WWF Championship against Macho Man Randy Savage! I know I’m ready! Let’s go!
Last year, I did reviews of the first six WrestleMania events as part of WrestleMania week. I complained a lot after that week about how bad WrestleMania V was. This year, I’m picking up where I left off, with WrestleMania VII – and the best part about it is, I don’t have to buy the […]
Well, I actually kind of care about WMXXX again. I hate the idea that The Shield is being broken up because that’s how the formula of singles runs HAVE to work in the modern day, let’s hope they don’t go that route. But we get two Daniel Bryan matches at the PPV (hopefully). So let’s […]
Welcome on and all to the 2nd edition of Creative Control coming to you Live from GOLD MEDAL COUNTRY! On this week’s edition of Creative Control we will look at how I would book Wrestlemania XXX. When we last left off how I would book Elimination Chamber, Let’s see how Wrestlemania is going to shape up. Each paragraph will […]
Welcome one and all to the debut edition of “Creative Control”. I am your host Dan Thompson. It seems every week through various blogs, facebook posts, twitter, and podcasts we here the same thing creative sucks, I hate the direction the company is going, PG Sucks. So came the idea of Creative Control. This will be a 13 part […]
Good Day All. My name is Dan Thompson and I come to you presenting the debut article of The RCW Report. Now I know your asking yourself a)- Who the hell is Dan Thompson? b)- What’s RCW? c)- What are you doing here? d)-Where’s Punk? While unfortunately I can’t answer D for you I can […]