Tag Archive: Bored Wrestling Fan

  1. iMPACT: 04/28/11


    Hockey Night in Canada! Playoffs round 2!! Just paused and started recording the Vancouver Canucks versus the Nashville Predators to “watch” iMPACT. Had to catch Coach’s Corner first.

    Don Cherry is kind of like the the Ric Flair of professional. He’s been around forever, and when you hand him a microphone, he can shoot out promos like no other.

    I worked a bunch over the last while and am tired. Also, some scathing things about TNA’s handling of their talent’s health and wellness has bounced around the interweb dirtsheets that have me pissed off at the company. At this point, I don’t think I could convince any other contributor to our site to fill in.

    So you are getting Angry Man G, Disinterested Man G (NHL playoffs!), and Tired Man G… which combined as a mathematical addition problem, equals “FFW Through Everything G…. with a slight chance of Barkley Man G.”

    Here goes… I guess…

  2. iMPACT 04/07/11


    Wow, it’s Thursday already… And like a ritual of shame, pain and self-abuse, I will be reviewing the outlandish lack of action that is Total Nonstop Apologies. This week I hear that they installed a convex glass dome over the entire ring (now with 3 sides), and sealed 7 men inside in what had been dubbed a Suffocation match! Each wrestler will try to stay alive the longest until all participants are dead… THERE WILL BE NO WINNER!

    The sad thing is, that would probably be the longest match on iMPACT in months. Let’s see what “really” happened.


  3. iMPACT: 03/31/11 – Wayne Arnold.


    Here we are folks, in the build up and hype of WrestleMania (and a Celebration of Professional Wrestling, for that matter), it’s easy to forget that other promotion, Total Nonstop Apathy. But it is still on, believe it or not!

    You’ve got to wonder how TNA will attempt to compete tonight, or if they’ll just pump out another typical crash-and-burn episode and save something better for another week. They do have their own PPV coming up soon, and if they’re smart they will build towards it. But they’re not, and likely they won’t. Let’s get the madness, shall we?

  4. A Celebration of Professional Wrestling Begins This Saturday!

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    Ladies and gentlemen, children of all ages… it’s time for a Celebration of Professional Wrestling. That’s right folks! The showcase of the immortals, WRESTLEMANIA, is just over a week away! In a conjoint assembly of marks, smarks, and fans alike, Bored Wrestling Fan and Wonderpod-Online staff have united to create a week long tribute to the art and performance that is professional wrestling. And while much of the content will be WWE related, this is not limited to the one promotion. It’s an acknowledgement to all federations and organizations, big or small.

  5. iMPACT 03/24/11: TNA versus Homefront


    Here we are tape-to-air for another installment of TNA iMPACT. Will Jeff Hardy appear tonight? Hell, no. But it gets sillier folks, they are apparently planning on bringing him back later as a babyface. While many people questioned him turning him initially, now people are collectively face palming questioning why he is even employed. But enough about that guy, let’s get to the suffering… and an interesting parallel between TNA and a game called Homefront. This is a pretty long article, so keep it in the background as you go through your Friday. Lot’s of goodies, and whatnot.

  6. iMPACT 03/17/11: St. PatMan’s Day


    Coming hot off the heels as possibly the worst PPV of all time, TNA has some problems to deal with. First, Jeff Hardy screwed up again, showing up likely high as a kite and Sting refused to work with him. Second, they gave us a non-finish for the number one contender’s match between Mr. Anderson and RVD. Third, Some Internet Guy had possibly the best match on the card with AJ Styles. What in the hell?

  7. iMPACT: 03/10/11


    Last week TNA shot their proverbial load all over my television screen like they’d been free-basing Charlie Sheen all night. What will they have in store for us this week? Did they actually have anything planned for the show other than the Jersey Shore’s Angelina having a match? Do they even remember they have a PPV on Sunday? Doubtful. But there’s only one terrible way to find out.