Tag Archive: Busy Day

  1. Impact Wrestling 19/09/2013

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    Same deal as last week folks. Thanks to a busy day I’m watching Impact while extremely tired and eating my lunch.

    The show starts with a small segment with Magnus. He said he left it all in the ring and goes to talk about EGO interfering. Roode comes in and EGO beat Magnus down, telling him he’ll never be champion and he only has himself to blame.


  2. SmackDown thoughts; No Way Out predictions


    Wow, a busy day here at BWF today, isn’t it?  We’ve got part four in my series on WWE Pay Per View, Drowgoddess’ look at the TNA roster,  and now this!  I haven’t quite made it through SmackDown yet.  I got up to the main event, so I’m going to give my thoughts on the show up to that point, watch the fatal four way on my DVR, talk about that, then give my No Way Out predictions.

    After the jump, of course. (more…)