Tag Archive: Captain Charisma

  1. WWE Superstars Review

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    What the deuce?!  It’s me, tharvey1, again with a review of the latest WWE Superstars.   I think this show belongs in the Random Randomness weekly column, but I guess it might be too random for even that.  Anywho…off we go!

    Match 1:  Its a he…Santino!  He has a message for Chavo.  He says that chavo must be so lonely now that his Aunt Vickie has gone wee wee wee all the way home.  HAHAHAHAHAHA!  Chavo then makes his way to the ring.

    This match is one of the very few matches that makes sense for this show.  Santino is very funny in the ring.  At one point, Chavo attempted to throw Santino into the corner and Santino did a cartwheel to avoid it.  Santino blocks the third of the Three Amigos and turns it into a Jackhammer.  He then gets greedy and goes for a frog splash, but catches a boot to the face.  Chavo pins Santino 1..2..3.

    Match 2:  Woo Woo Woo!  Zack Ryder against a random jobber (Mike Williams).  This must be a nice change of pace for Ryder, as he is usually the random jobber.

    I hate those half pants that Ryder wears.  Woo Woo Woo….you know it!  It’s just a matter of time until he is future endeavored.  Okie dokie.  Ryder wins with his Zack Attack.  His entrance music should be Friends Forever by Zack Attack.

    Match 3:  The lovely, beautiful Maria is the guest referee between Eve and Layla.

    Maria is the most important part of this match.  Eve hits a cartwheel backflip splash onto Layla for the victory.  That looked really nice too.  Other than that, it was your standard diva match.  After the match, Maria convinces Eve and Layla to shake hands.  OK???

    Main Event time:  The All-American American Jack Swagger and the Hart Dynasty against Captain Charisma and the Tag Team Champs, The Colons

    David Hart Smith starts the match with Carlito.  There are alot of quick tags to start the match.  I would not mind seeing the Hart Dynasty and the Colons for the Tag Titles…of course we probably won’t see that, as Legacy will most likely win the titles.  Carlito hits the backstabber on Tyson Kidd for the win. 

    This show was actually pretty good and made sense for the stories that are going on at the moment.  Very different than the random mess that has been thrown out there in past shows.  Remember that RAW is commercial free on Monday.  See ya next week!

  2. WWE Superstars

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    Hey everybody!  Whose ready for another review of the rotating half face show?!  I gotta say, the intro to Superstars kinda freaks me out a little.  But, I digress. Let’s get this thang started.

    First match of the evening pits THE ECW CHAMPION….CHRISTIAN against the Tommy Dreamer for the ECW title.

    First out is Christian with his new shirt.  I can’t wait to get it!  Next out is the challenger, who was actually challenged by the champ, Tommy Dreamer.  Why is the ECW championship match leading off the D-show?  Shouldn’t it be the main event?  Whatever….At one point, Dreamer looked like he was smelling Christian’s butt, when he applied a knee wrench.  That was a little awkward.  Throughout the match, Dreamer worked on Captain Charisma’s knee that was injured by Jack Swagger on ECW.  This was a pretty good match.  I’m not a huge fan of Dreamer’s work, but he certainly is not horrible.  Christian is great and always does his part in the match.  Dreamer hit a sicknasty suplex off the top rope and a cannonball to the outside, which were his two big spots of the night.  Swagger made his way out the ringside and this match was ruled a no-contest.  This match will likely be a triple threat match at Extreme Rules.  This match gets a 8 out of 10.

    Backstage interview with Josh Mathews and Chris Jericho

    Jericho accuses Mathews of not respecting him and ties CMPunk’s popularity to his MITB briefcase.  He defines greatness as himself and says Punk has his brush with greatness tonight.

    The second match of the night is Kofi Kingston against William Regal

    Regal should get a run at a world title soon.  The guy is great.  These two seem to work well together.  I like their mix of high-flying and technical/brawling styles.  From out of nowhere, Kingston hit the Trouble in Paradise for the win.  This was  good match for its length.  I give it a 7.5 out of 10.

    The main event of the evening is Chris Jericho and CM Punk

    This match was good, but it seemed really random to have these two squaring off.  It would have made more sense to have Punk and Rey tagging against Jericho and Umaga.  This is the main event in name alone, as these two have no current beef with each other…Yet.   Punk got the win with a counter of the Walls of Jericho into a rollup.  After the match, Jericho hit a Code Breaker.  This match looked like a seed-planter for a future program.  We shall see.  This match gets a 8.5 out of 10. 

    The show was very entertaining tonight.  Except for the main event, everything else continued the storylines.  Hopefully Jericho and Punk will start something going into Summerslam.  As I leave you I will pose a question for you to ponder…If a penny is the unit for the American dollar, shouldn’t an ounce be the unit for the British pound?

  3. Backlash thoughts

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    Holy crap, there was a WWE Pay Per View last night, wasn’t there?  I haven’t seen more than 5 minutes of it (by time I sat down to watch it, I was exhausted), so I’m going to wing this.  Here we go!

    Christian def. Jack Swagger to become the new ECW Champion.  Captain Charisma has finally won a World Championship – nevermind the fact that he’s, y’know, a two time NWA World Heavyweight Champion.

    Chris Jericho def. Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat as if you couldn’t guess.  Another accolade to add to Jericho’s Hall of Fame resume.

    Kane def. CM Punk for some reason.  The Money in the Bank briefcase wasn’t on the line, so um, yeah.

    Jeff Hardy def. Matt Hardy in an “I quit” match that I’ve been told was WrestleCrap worthy and had a lackluster finish.  You’d think after all the time they’d been wrestling together they’d be able to put on a show stealer.

    Santina can’t kiss Khali because she’s in love with Jim Ross.  Yup.

    Santina Marella def. Beth Phoenix in an impromptu match for the title of Miss WrestleMania.  I love Santino Marella’s character, but this angle must die.

    Legacy def. Triple H, Shane McMahon, and Batista making Randy Orton the new WWE Champion – and all is right with the world.  Well, except for the fact that for the moment, John Cena is the World Heavyweight Champion.  Speaking of…

    Edge def. John Cena in a Last Man Standing match to become the new World Heavyweight Champion!  Now all is right with the world!

    RAW coverage will be up later tonight, probably in the same format as last week, so stay tuned.  Meanwhile, that other wrestling website’s owner must see that BWF is gaining a huge amount of popularity, because he decided to step up his game and do a Real-Time RAW Insanity tonight, if you’re into that sort of thing.

  4. WWE Superstars Review


    Hey everybody!  Tharvey1 here with the WWE Superstars Review for the Thursday April 16, 2009.  Since this is the debut of the new Superstars, lets get this thing started off right. 

    Match number 1 of the night was Matt Hardy vs. The Undertaker. 

    The match started off with Taker dominating inside and outside the ring.  As soon as the action got back into the ring, Taker went “Old School,” then sent Matt back outside the ring with a clothesline over the ropes.  After the commercial break, Matt reversed a chokeslam into a neckbreaker, and then got his offense in.  Taker then hit a bigboot as Matt tried to jump off the top rope, thus putting Taker back in control.  The end of the match saw Matt scramble out of the ring and walk back up the ramp for an intentional count-out.  Jeff Hardy does a run out and forces Matt back into the ring and into a chokeslam.

    This was a pretty good match.  Not too many spots to screw up, although I’m sure Shelton Benjamin could have found a way to if he were involved.  I give this match a 7 out 10.

    Match number 2 of the night was Christian vs. Finlay in the Finals of the Elimination Chase for the ECW Championship

    I was in attendance for this match and the main event.  During the ECW taping, Tiffany made this match for Superstars.  The start of the match was slow and saw a lot of restholds.  This is understandable, as both men had participated in the triple threat match with Tommy Dreamer not 45 minutes before hand during ECW. 

    The middle of the match saw a descent mix of power and tope rope spots.  The finale of the match had Christian hitting the Unprettier (yes I will still call it that, even though WWE wants to call it the Killswitch).  This was a good, short match, especially for both men’s second match of the evening.  Christian is one of the best talents in the WWE, and hopefully he gets his shot eventually.  There’s my cheap plug of the evening for Captain Charisma.

    I give this match a 6.5 out of 10

    Match number 3 and “Main Event” of the evening was Shane McMahon vs Cody Rhodes

    Before the match, Shane cut a promo with Eve backstage about Randy Orton.  Blah, Blah, Blah.  Whatever…who cares?…time to wrap that angle up soon.

    The beginning of the match had Shan’O Mac taking control, and treating Cody like the girl he has been made to be over the last few months.   Cody got a little offense during the middle of the match.  He got outside the ring and went for a chair, reentered the ring, and had the chair confiscated by the referee.  Shane got tossed outside the ring by Cody, grabbed the chair, and promptly struck Cody with the chair.  Cody wins by DQ. 

    After the match, Shane hits Cody a few times with the chair and sets him up for the Coast to Coast with a trash can from under the ring.  Terrible effort with the Coast to Coast.  Shane’s getting to old for that spot.

    I give this match a 5 out 10.

    Pretty good debut for the show.  I can only hope this doesn’t turn into another Velocity or Heat.  I will leave you with a random fact of life as I know it:  RDLee loves Bacon!  Had to give him a return shoutout from his realtime review.

    Thanks for reading, and see you next week for another review of WWE Superstars.