Tag Archive: Chris Jericho

  1. Celebration of Professional Wrestling (2012 Archive)


    Wow, what a whirlwind of activity we’ve had over the last week plus… It’s been a great ride for all involved at Bored Wrestling Fan and Wonderpod-Online! I’d like to thank all involved with this great project, and on behalf of all involved, a special thanks to you the wrestling fans who took the time to check out our work. We do appreciate it! After the link, a complete archive of all the content that came out is available. Just in case you missed something…



  2. BWF WrestleMania 28 Pregame Show Podcast

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    That’s right folks! We’re on the cusp of the culmination of the Celebration of Professional Wrestling Week here at Bored Wrestling Fan and Wonderpod Online… and the Grand Daddy of them all, WrestleMania 28, is only a few hours away! Needless to say, we’re all excited and pumped to watch the PPV tonight. ThinkSoJoE, JT, and myself gathered around our microphones to talk about what to expect on tonight’s show in relation to RAW, Smackdown, and various news and rumors that have occurred since last Sunday’s official prediction podcast. There’s a couple particular notable ex-WWE stars in Miami over the weekend, and the WWE has announced that one of next years WrestleMania matches will be announced on Monday… or perhaps even teased tonight. What might happen? So as you count the hours down, what better a way to get even MORE pumped up than to check out our pregame show?


  3. Smackdown 03/20/12: Expect Lots of Video Packages…

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    This puppy was probably taped so the guys giver, and get themselves to Flo Rida. Translation: “This is the last ditch attempt to get random casual viewers to throw down a bunch of money and watch WrestleMania 28.”

    Look, this will likely be the easiest review I do all year. It will have some Monday pre-taped matches that I didn’t pre-research, so Daniel Bryan could Brie-Slam and get his Twin Magic girlfriend on TV to earn some money to go watch the Hunger Games movie. Anyways, regardless of this episode, I will watch The $1000 Paternity Of Them All! Let’s just get to the jump, so we can all get to possibly having buyer’s remorse on Sunday!

    Seriously, I’m sure I will enjoy the PPV.

    Click below immediately or CM Punk DIES!


  4. WWE WrestleMania 28 Press Conference

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    The WWE held a press conference to hype up this Sunday’s WrestleMania 28. It just ended minutes ago, and can be watched in full on YouTube. Of course, if you’re not feeling like clicking links, just hit it up below. Fast forward to the 17:28 minute mark, smark. Up to that point, all you’ll get is a graphic.

    [youtube mqNTxBZNAfc]

  5. Raw is Personal 3-19-12

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    Well, I’d like to write some introduction but for some reason I got home late and it just didn’t quite happen. So I will get right in to Raw.

    CM Punk opened it up talking about his dad being an alcoholic and how his dad had worked really hard to overcome and recover. Chris Jericho appeared on the screen and apologized for bringing up Punk’s father. Now his sister on the other hand… Punk fed off him and they had a really strong build-up.

    Big Show and Kane had a match or something. It was a back drop for Cody Rhodes to build up his and Big Show’s match. As the ambush happened, Cody handcuffed Big Show and went after him. Really strong build-up.

    They continued the build-up of Teddy Long-Johnny Ace by David Otunga facing Santino Marella. They started with a posedown. I gotta admit I popped for the Santino posedown.

    Rock talked a long time.

    Daniel Bryan squashed Zack Ryder.

    John Cena took quite the beating at the hands of Mark Henry.  But he won and The Rock did his move on Henry.

    Miz cuts a great promo. He puts out an open challenge and gets Sheamus. I really like how they are pointing out the way they’re not putting over Miz’ lack of Wrestlemania match.

    I still think that Randy Orton and Kane seem last-minute, but I like that they’re giving it meaning.

    We go from anti-bullying to Vickie Guerrero getting booed out of the building for having an annoying voice.

    We get Swagger and Ziggler vs. Truth & Kofi. It was pretty good build-up. Though I believe all 4 of those should have singles runs, I’m happy they have spots and places. Though I hate Swagger’s character, the guy is a natural athlete and would kill in a world like Ring of Honor or Japan.

    Then we had the 3-way confrontation. Shawn Michaels was the first. Then out came the Undertaker. Then out came HHH. They had a nice exchange, but it just wasn’t quite there.

    Tonight’s Raw was pretty decent. You had a lot of really good buildup and it made me want to see Wrestlemania a bit more.

    To follow me on Twitter, click here. For Facebook, click here.

  6. Raw is Tired and Cranky 3-12-12

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    Raw may not be tired and cranky, but I sure am. Time changes, days at work and being accused (wrongly) of stealing by one of my heroes.

    A lot of the AIW people I follow on Twitter are saying that Cleveland is a packed house.

    John Cena opens up in a Mark Price jersey channeling old John Cena that we fell in love with.

    Vickie took the mic and cut a great promo. But then again, I’ve never heard a bad Vickie Guerrero promo. Sheamus took on Dolph Ziggler. I’ve used the Mr. Perfect comparison before for Ziggler and I stand by it. It was a long good match.

    I am going to rip the WWE in a future blog several new ones for the abusive storyline. It has no place in wrestling.

    Johnny Ace is doing commentary. It was going to be Santino vs. David Otunga. Then it became Mark Henry. Now we have a squash of the US Champ.

    WWE got publicity. And Eve has large fake breasts. And Zack Ryder is more stupid than anyone I’ve ever met. Beth Phoenix wants to attack Maria M. on Extra. I’m too lazy to google her name to get it right. Miz is on Psych. James Roday is on Raw. Is Psych that much in the toilet?

    We get the return of Brodus Clay. This is the greatest Jinder Mahal match I’ve ever seen. Even WCW’s The Gambler got in more offense.

    HBK comes out to talk to Undertaker. Undertaker takes longer to walk to the ring than Jinder Mahal’s match. They had a really nice exchange, but neither really said anything.

    James Roday made an ass out of himself, but he looked like he was living a life-long dream. Punk and Miz fought a pretty decent match. Then Chris Jericho took the mic and proved why he’s Chris Mother-effin’ Jericho.

    Do you remember that Seinfeld episode when Jerry couldn’t quit going to his current barber and had a little boy’s hair cut? That’s what Jack Swagger looks like. However, he and Orton had a pretty good match.

    Then Rock sang. He looks like he enjoys himself out there. And you had to love the Vanilla Ice + Teletubbies reference. Honestly this was one of the most entertaining things I’ve ever seen on wrestling tv in a long time.

    All in all, a good Raw. I would say most things should be watched.

    To follow me on Twitter, click here. For Facebook, click here.

  7. RAW is Rock

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    Tonight marks the return of one of the greatest things to ever happen to RAW.  That’s right, ThinkSoJoE is here with a RAW review!  Oh, and that dude that makes those movies is on the actual show.  You know the guy.  He does that eyebrow thing.  Anyways, Justin Ruff was having issues with his satellite feed, so I’m here to cover for him.  Enjoy!


  8. Wrestling Classics: Gene Kiniski’s Final Match feat. Chris Jericho and Lance Storm: 20 Years Today

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    Twenty years ago today, on February 25th, 1992, Gene Kiniski’s final appearance in the ring occurred in Winnipeg, Canada for the West Four Wrestling Alliance (WFWA) promotion. Kiniski would perform in four matches on the card. The fourth, and final bout, was a three man tag team match with Kiniski’s partners being a young Chris Jericho and Lance Storm. Their opponents were “Bulldog” Bob Brown, “Champagne” Gerry Morrow, and The Natural. “The Natural” went on to be known as Don Callis (a.k.a. The Jackel and Cyrus).

    [youtube zhWKXbgpdIo]

  9. RAW is ThinkSoJoE!


    Uh-Oh! It’s not the Big O, Broskis, it is in fact I, the ringleader of this little group of smarks we call BoredWrestlingFan.com, ThinkSoJoE!  Justin Ruff is not feeling well this evening and we wish him a speedy recovery as I dive head first into Monday Night RAW!  The best part about this is, I don’t know ANYTHING about tonight’s show other than Shawn Michaels is on it, so I can review this and give my thoughts as I initially watch.  And here you thought I only did the podcasts!

    Time for the dog show!  Oh wait, they don’t preempt RAW for that anymore.  You can watch it on CNBC, if you’re so inclined.  Except this aired 3 hours ago, so you can’t.
