Tag Archive: Crap

  1. RAW 7/8/13 – The Wyatt Family arrive!

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    Unlike most Mondays, I wasn’t home for the first 30 minutes of RAW.  The only thing I know about tonight’s episode is that The Wyatt Family were trending on Twitter before the show even started.  That said, I feel like crap, haven’t been home in over 24 hours, and I’m hoping I don’t fall asleep in the tattoo chair tomorrow while getting inked.  Fuck it, let’s go!

    Stuff, stuff, stuff and stuff, history and stuff and stuff, people, people, someone’s name, history and sports.  Big disaster, someone’s name, stuff and stuff and stuff and stuff, history, someone’s name, something I don’t know.  Famous guy, movie star, don’t know who these people are, stuff and stuff and history, yelling really loud at me.  Yes.  That’s how many fucks I give right now.  Also, I play by my own rules.  Screw you, SmackDown review!


  2. Smackdown 12/07/12


    In honor of ThatDamnCC, this entire review will consist of one giant Youtube link to the RAW is War theme song. “Dribbel” for all! Well, maybe not so much. Our resident Kiwi is as bitter as I that the NHL can’t resolve this damn fucking lockout, he’s resumed to hating on Gretzky and denying Hull’s fluke goal. But we’re not here to talk hockey, it’s hopping time or something. I have a terrible head cold. Good times.


  3. BWF Radio Episode 32

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    YES! YES! YES!  ThinkSoJoE and G are back with yet another episode of BoredWrestlingFan Radio!  The usual chat about the televised shows ensues, followed by this week in wrestling news.  What can you expect this Monday on the 1000th episode of RAW?  Who does CM Punk want calling his match tomorrow night?  Will Kurt Angle get his PWHOF plaque?  Will Michael McGillicutty ever get his real name back?  Does Paul Heyman really give a crap who owns the ECW trademark?  When was Tyler Reks the ROH World Champion?  Did Sin Cara nearly injure Dolph Ziggler?  What is Mick Foley tweeting about?  Where’s Wade?  All this and much more, on BWF Radio, Episode number 32!

    BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 32 (MP3, 1:51:59)

  4. Smackdown 06/29/12: MitB Qualifiers Begin!

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    Well, the description of tonight’s episode is “examining John Cena’s role on next week’s Great American Bash.” That’s right, next week is the GAB PPV converted into what appears to be Smackdown (not RAW? Really?). Whatever, I’m already distracted enough by other stuff tonight, so maybe this will make it easier to digest this show? Let’s get to steppin’ and see what happens, shall we?

    Note from G: Don’t let my sarcastic cynicism fool you, this was a pretty solid episode.


  5. WWE RAW results 5-21-12


    NO! I don’t wanna review RAW!  You can’t make me!  Nooooooooo!

    Last night at Over The Limit, a bunch of crap happened, CM Punk retained his title, and John Laurinaitis beat John Cena with help from the Big Show. Let’s see what kind of horrible stuff they make us sit through tonight in one of the last two hour RAWs.


  6. Random Randomness


    Welcome to the new edition of Random Randomness, well not really new, just now with less wrestling and more random.  I figured that since I’m a part of BWF Radio (listen damnit) I wouldn’t rehash my opinions twice in the same week, so the articles may be a bit shorter or there may not be one at all some weeks, it all depends on what I can find out there in the world.  So without further ado, lets get this show on the road:


  7. The War On.. How To Be Prepared For Your First Day

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    I hear you say.. what the hell are you doing here? You don’t write columns about wrestling. Bugger off to some other website and write about crap no-one cares about. That may be true, however this time. It is about wrestling.. well not just wrestling, as you’ll see later on. However, this column is all about the art of selling yourself. Say you’re new to a workplace, or it’s your first day at school, and you want to let people know, just who you are. I will give you advice on how to do just that.. after the opening of course.

    Cue the opening


  8. PatMan Picks Stampede Wrestling Classics. Bill Kazmaier vs Ted Arcidi .Powerlifting Competition!

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    Welcome to another episode of classic wrestling, Stampede Style! This time around I am featuring something a little different than my usual old school wrestling matches. Don’t worry, all the dungeon trained future super stars and Stampede alumni will return to wrestle it out for our enjoyment next time. Today, I am featuring a “strong man” competition, or powerlifting showcase if you prefer from 2 of Stampede Wrestlings most powerful men. Hell 2 of the WORLDS most power full men at the time. Legitimate “Worlds Strongest Man” winner  Bill Kazmaier “mans up” against former power lifting champion Ted Arcidi. With new and younger powerlifters and strong men entering the scene, the decision for both men to become pro wrestlers was a complete no brainer and coincidentally both men found them selves in the Calgary promotion at the same time. Of course this was a great chance for Stu Hart to promote big matches between these massive muscle men in the future. Sure, these guys could not actually wrestle very well. However unlike the smaller guys in Stampede, they didn’t have to know all the wrestling holds and moves to be noticed, they just had to be in the ring beating the crap out of people. Because of their fame as strong men and their intimidating size, they automatically gained all the attention they needed to get a good days pay. lets watch the “Competition” unfold and of course because this is taking place in a Stampeded Wrestling ring, you can rest assured that things wont exactly go smoothly! Worth noting is the actions by Ted Arcidi later in the competition that, of course, sets up a big feud between 2 of Stampede Wrestlings strongest men to ever step into the ring.


    [youtube tIRPCtu5ioE]


  9. ThinkSoJoE’s Thoughts: Ride it ’til the wheels fall off


    Welcome once again to the show that never ends, I’m so glad you could attend, come inside, come inside!

    Yes folks, it is I, the patron saint of Bored Wrestling Fans around the world, ThinkSoJoE, back with another ThinkSoJoE’s thoughts.  If you’re wondering about the title of this week’s article, “Ride it ’til the wheels fall off,” which you’ll recognize as a line from R-Truth’s “What’s Up,” I actually literally did just that to my car this week.  Actually, I wasn’t in the car when it happened, and luckily the people who were borrowing my car at the time weren’t hurt.  A lesson for those of you who, like myself, don’t know a damned thing about cars – if you must use a donut spare, it goes on the rear wheels of a front wheel drive vehicle.  Nobody told me that, and three struts broke off of my car and the wheel fell off.

    Anywho, NXT Season 4 started up this week.  Nobody in the United States gives a crap because we don’t get it on television anymore, and I don’t know about any of you, but the web feed on WWE.com is extremely pixelated on my computer.  Rumor going into last week’s announcement of this season’s rookie/pro combinations was that Michael Cole was initially slated to be a pro, but was nixed at the last minute.  So here’s my take.  Rather than have Cole start the season off as an NXT pro, he gets RKO’d on RAW the night before the season premiere.  Cole will undoubtedly seek some kind of protection from future attacks, so have him interrupt an NXT broadcast (webcast?) and proclaim himself as a pro, have his rookie destroy one of the other rookies, and take their spot.  Cole mentors the guy, and in exchange, the rookie watches over Cole on RAW.  Sound good?

    Ahem.  CO-BRA, CO-BRA, CO-BRA!  New WWE Tag Team Champions this week in Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov, with the major assist to John Cena, who distracted Justin Gabriel just long enough to allow Santino’s Cobra to strike.

    Ah, John Cena.  Looks like he’ll be fired for all of four weeks – you know that The Nexus isn’t going anywhere and that without Barrett, there’s nobody fit to lead the group, in my humble opinion.  Look, factions don’t work well without their original leader, save for an HBK-less DX in the late 90s.  Nexus without Barrett would be like The 4 Horsemen without Ric Flair, the nWo without either Hogan or Nash at the helm, or the Straight Edge Society without CM Punk.  Besides, the t-shirts they just released last week feature Barrett’s picture right on them.  He ain’t going anywhere.

    I do love the Top Rope Nexus t-shirts that they were all wearing this week on RAW.  Too bad they cost $40.  BTW, if you’re looking for something to get me for Christmas, get me something for the benefit of those with flash photography.

    Hmm.  Edge got to pick the stipulation for his match with Kane at TLC and picked – wait for it… wait for it… – a TLC match!  You’re kidding!

    Jeff Hardy allegedly showed up in no condition to perform this past Sunday at TNA Final Resolution.  Yet, he still managed to go out and wrestle.  I didn’t see the match, but I’ve heard that Matt Morgan carried him through it.  Good thing for TNA and Jeff Hardy that Matt Morgan does have a pretty good wrestling mind.  Hardy was back in court earlier today, but I’ve heard no more info as of this time.

    Hey, here’s some interesting legal news.  The Tennessee Titans are planning to challenge WWE’s trademark of the word “Titantron.”  Here’s the problem with that.  WWE was using the word “Titantron,” and likely had the trademark, at least two years before the NFL franchise changed their name to the Titans.  The team adopted the name in 1999, nearly 11 years ago, and are just now challenging this trademark.  Good luck with that one.

    Hey, here’s a random thought – if Jeff Hardy is supposed to be in court, isn’t that something that would prevent him from leaving the country and going somewhere like, say, Abu Dhabi?  Ah well, I digress.

    I guess that’s it for now.  I’ll see you all again real soon!